3.6 ifelse and ifelifelse Statements

The ifelse statement performs different suites, based on whether a condition is True or False. The pseudocode below displays 'Passed' if the student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60; otherwise, it displays 'Failed':

If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
        Display 'Passed'
        Display 'Failed'

In either case, the next pseudocode statement in sequence after the entire IfElse is “performed.” We indent both the If and Else suites, and by the same amount. Let’s create and initialize (that is, give a starting value to) the variable grade, then show and execute the Python ifelse statement for the preceding pseudocode:

In [1]: grade = 85

In [2]: if grade >= 60:
   ...:     print('Passed')
   ...: else:
   ...:     print('Failed')

The condition above is True, so the if suite displays 'Passed'. Note that when you press Enter after typing print('Passed'), IPython indents the next line four spaces. You must delete those four spaces so that the else: suite correctly aligns under the i in if.

The following code assigns 57 to the variable grade, then shows the ifelse statement again to demonstrate that only the else suite executes when the condition is False:

In [3]: grade = 57

In [4]: if grade >= 60:
   ...:     print('Passed')
   ...: else:
   ...:     print('Failed')

The up and down arrow keys navigate backwards and forwards through the current interactive session’s snippets. Pressing Enter re-executes the snippet that’s displayed. Let’s set grade to 99, press the up arrow key twice to recall the code from snippet [4], then press Enter to re-execute that code as snippet [6]. Every recalled snippet that you execute gets a new ID:

In [5]: grade = 99

In [6]: if grade >= 60:
   ...:     print('Passed')
   ...: else:
   ...:     print('Failed')

ifelse Statement Flowchart

The flowchart below shows the preceding ifelse statement’s flow of control:

An image shows a partial flow chart of an if else statement.

Conditional Expressions

Sometimes the suites in an ifelse statement assign different values to a variable, based on a condition, as in:

In [7]: grade = 87

In [8]: if grade >= 60:
   ...:     result = 'Passed'
   ...: else:
   ...:     result = 'Failed'

We can then print or evaluate that variable:

In [9]: result
Out[9]: 'Passed'

You can write statements like snippet [8] using a concise conditional expression:

In [10]: result = ('Passed' if grade >= 60 else 'Failed')

In [11]: result
Out[11]: 'Passed'

The parentheses are not required, but they make it clear that the statement assigns the conditional expression’s value to result. First, Python evaluates the condition grade >= 60:

  • If it’s True, snippet [10] assigns to result the value of the expression to the left of if, namely 'Passed'. The else part does not execute.

  • If it’s False, snippet [10] assigns to result the value of the expression to the right of else, namely 'Failed'.

In interactive mode, you also can evaluate the conditional expression directly, as in:

In [12]: 'Passed' if grade >= 60 else 'Failed'
Out[12]: 'Passed'

Multiple Statements in a Suite

The following code shows two statements in the else suite of an ifelse statement:

In [13]: grade = 49

In [14]: if grade >= 60:
    ...:     print('Passed')
    ...: else:
    ...:     print('Failed')
    ...:     print('You must take this course again')
You must take this course again

In this case, grade is less than 60, so both statements in the else’s suite execute. If you do not indent the second print, then it’s not in the else’s suite. So, that statement always executes, creating strange incorrect output:

In [15]: grade = 100

In [16]: if grade >= 60:
    ...: print('Passed')
    ...: else:
    ...: print('Failed')
    ...: print('You must take this course again')
You must take this course again

ifelifelse Statement

You can test for many cases using the if…elif…else statement. The following pseudocode displays “A” for grades greater than or equal to 90, “B” for grades in the range 80–89, “C” for grades 70–79, “D” for grades 60–69 and “F” for all other grades:

If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90
        Display “A”
Else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80
        Display “B”
Else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70
        Display “C”
Else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
        Display “D”
        Display “F”

Only the action for the first True condition executes. Let’s show and execute the Python code for the preceding pseudocode. The pseudocode Else If is written with the keyword elif. Snippet [18] displays C, because grade is 77:

In [17]: grade = 77

In [18]: if grade >= 90:
    ...: print('A')
    ...: elif grade >= 80:
    ...: print('B')
    ...: elif grade >= 70:
    ...: print('C')
    ...: elif grade >= 60:
    ...: print('D')
    ...: else:
    ...: print('F')

The first condition—grade >= 90—is False, so print('A') is skipped. The second condition—grade >= 80—also is False, so print('B') is skipped. The third condition—grade >= 70—is True, so print('C') executes. Then all the remaining code in the ifelifelse statement is skipped. An ifelifelse is faster than separate if statements, because condition testing stops as soon as a condition is True.

ifelifelse Statement Flowchart

The following flowchart shows the general flow through an ifelifelse statement. It shows that, after any suite executes, control immediately exits the statement. The words to the left are not part of the flowchart. We added them to show how the flowchart corresponds to the equivalent Python code.

An image titled control statements and program development shows a flowchart for an if else statement. It shows that after any suite executes, control immediately exits the statement.

else Is Optional

The else in the ifelifelse statement is optional. Including it enables you to handle values that do not satisfy any of the conditions. When an ifelif statement without an else tests a value that does not make any of its conditions True, the program does not execute any of the statement’s suites. The next statement in sequence after the ifelif statement executes. If you specify the else, you must place it after the last elif; otherwise, a SyntaxError occurs.

Logic Errors

The incorrectly indented code segment in snippet [16] is an example of a nonfatal logic error. The code executes, but it produces incorrect results. For a fatal logic error in a script, an exception occurs (such as a ZeroDivisionError from an attempt to divide by 0), so Python displays a traceback, then terminates the script. A fatal error in interactive mode terminates only the current snippet. Then IPython waits for your next input.

tick mark Self Check

  1. (True/False) A fatal logic error causes a script to produce incorrect results, then continue executing.
    Answer: False. A fatal logic error causes a script to terminate.

  2. (IPython Session) Show that a SyntaxError occurs if an ifelif statement specifies an else before the last elif.

In [1]: grade = 80

In [2]: if grade >= 90:
   ...:     print('A')
   ...: else:
   ...:     print('Not A or B')
   ...: elif grade >= 80:
  File "<ipython-input-2-033bcba40157>", line 5
    elif grade >= 80:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax