Kenneth’s feet pound the pavement. His head is pounding too with the effort of thought. Everything is a puzzle … a muzzle a wuzzle a fuzzle. There are so many pieces to the jigsaw now that Kenneth feels he is losing his battle. He is bewildered … beleaguered besieged bedazzled bedraggled. ‘Shut up!’ he shouts at the voice. ‘Shut up!’ He smacks himself in the head to quieten it. His brain is a crossword, a cryptic puzzle. But he has to find the clues as well as the answers. He has found many leaflets encouraging the Christmas conspiracy. Christmas in July Christmas will die Christmas in July will die … Kenneth shakes his head. It feels as if it is in a vice, his brain, his thoughts, his ability to reason is being squeezed into an unmanageable triangle where the voice shouts and jibbers … flibber-jibbers flibber-jibbers … from every corner. How will he ever solve the problem … the puzzle … the great con-nun-drum? How do you solve a problem like Maria? Maria? Mia? A prickle of recognition zig-zags around his brain. Mia. The little girl … the lost girl the dead girl … is an abbreviation of Maria. M—i a. There, the voice shouts, there! MIA. A clear connection. And somewhere and somehow Christmas in July is in there too. Take the letters take the letters snatch them out the letters M … I … A … How do you find a word that means M—ia? Kenneth sees it in his head. The letters M I A are all there living inside ChrIstMAs. She can be plucked from the word.

‘Mia!’ Kenneth shouts. ‘Mia!’ He pumps his fist to the sky. Plucked from the sky the sky from the sky in July … It’s July and Mia is missing. This is significant. Kenneth is sure. How do you solve a problem like M—ia? She’s a darling! She’s a demon! She’s a darling! She’s a demon! She’s a darling! She’s a demon! She is dead Is she dead? There is something else knocking on the window of Kenneth’s brain. Something someone somebody some body She is gentle! She is wild! She’s a riddle! She’s a child! She’s a headache! She’s an angel! She’s a girl! Amelia. Kenneth’s head nods. Yes … Yes … She’s in there, too. Mia is trapped inside Amelia … aMelIA … Mia. She’s a riddle! She’s a child! She’s a headache! She’s an angel an angel an angel. A Christmas angel? Kenneth cannot be certain but he has to go … has to go … to the source … the source. He opens the flyer … the poster … the clue … and storms off.