Chapter Fifteen

“Heavens, Nathan. What do you mean?”

“I noticed the discontentment the moment you met Catherine. She’s a beautiful—”

“I think there’s been a misunderstanding.” Rebecca’s gaze darted to Nathan, then back through the windshield. “A real biggie of a misunderstanding.”

“What…tell me what has happened?” He pulled into the parking lot below his unit and carried Rebecca’s luggage.

“Rebecca, are you ready to tell me?” Once inside, he dropped her bags beside the door and went to pour a bourbon.”

“Want one?”

“Yes, a double. What I’m going to say you won’t want to hear.”

Nathan handed her a drink and folded onto the sofa, opposite her.

“I think there’s been a big mistake. I’m putting it all together, I think.”

“Just bloody tell me!”

“Well…Ummm…I’ve met Catherine before. Not by name.”

He noticed his sister was shaking. “Hey, Beck. Come on. I’m not the big, bad wolf.”

“By the look on that face, Nathan, I’m not so sure.”

“I’m sorry, Rebecca. You know how much I love Catherine. She’s the woman of my dreams. No one, not one single woman, would or will ever take Catherine’s place. She’s a breed of her own. I’m going to marry her if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Catherine came around. It was the following day after I insisted on coming up and taking care of you. It was during the early hours of the morning. You were asleep, and I barely crawled out of bed to answer an annoying knock on the door. When I opened it, I thought she was the cleaner.”

Nathan laughed, startling Rebecca.

“What’s the matter?”

“I had the very same impression when I first met her. I called her a cleaner.”

“Well, I didn’t say cleaner, really. I stated you were sound asleep, and I suggested she ring later to make an appropriate time to come back and clean.”

“Hell.” He gulped his drink and shook his head letting out laughter.

“That’s not all. I had no idea she was your Catherine.”

“Don’t tell me. Overalls and a T-shirt teamed with a little cap, either blue or white.”

“Yes. Nevertheless. Nathan, I answered it in a little black number, and to another woman. Nathan, she thinks I’m your girlfriend, lover, or whatever, but she positively thinks you have someone else.”

Nathan closed his eyes. He steepled his fingers through his hair. “So, this explains everything that has been going on in Catherine’s mind. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I had no idea until I met her today. I was stunned. The poor woman seemed so lovely, and talk about stunning looks.”

“What did she say when you said to come back and clean?”

“She didn’t speak a word. She turned and walked away, and I didn’t give it another thought. I just closed the door. I even forgot to tell you. If you want, I can explain it to her. She doesn’t know I’m your sister. You introduced me as Rebecca.”

“I didn’t see any point in clarifying who you were. I thought they all knew. If I knew there was the slightest chance that Catherine thought I had another woman, then yes. I would have announced, highlighted it in bold lettering over the pavement. This is my sister. Oh, excuse me. This is my older sister.”

“Oh, stop that, Nathan.” She laughed. “So, what are you going to do?”

“First.” He picked up the telephone and tapped in some digits.

“I would like to send the biggest bunch of red roses to a very special lady. Say about twenty-four or more if you have them. Dress it up. Address, hmmm. Make that six dozen. One to Macquarie Airways, and the other Lighthouse Beach Road...number, hang on a minute.” He flipped through his wallet.

“Sorry, can’t find it. It’s Catherine Berg’s house. Thanks. That will be great. I want them personally delivered to her. If she isn’t there, send another bunch down to the Marina, the Cruise Cat. Hmmm, just put…fate happens. Thanks.” He gave them his card details and hung up. Rebecca smiled.

“Very impressive.”

“Now, I want you to come with me and pick out a big, fat engagement ring.”

“You are serious, aren’t you? Oh, Nathan. You’re very sweet. I will finally have a sister-in-law!”

“The problem is she may say ‘No.’” He gave that thought a long, hard overhaul. There is a possibility, but he wouldn’t give up. Not until he had her saying, “Yes.”

* * * *

Goddamn it, he cursed. Port Macquarie wasn’t that big of a place. She hadn’t been at home, Airways, or the Cruise Cat. He drove around, bewildered, for some hours, then returned to the unit somewhat exhausted and in a state.

“Well, how did it go?” Rebecca moved toward the door as he opened it.

“I gathered she said ‘No’ by the look on that face.”

“I couldn’t find her anywhere.” His mind drifted to the day Catherine was swimming with the dolphins in that little yellow bikini. He slumped onto the sofa.

“Maybe she’s upset. Where does she go when she needs time out, time to think?”

“Rebecca, I’m a male. How would I know?” He ran his fingers through his hair.

“For heaven’s sake, every woman has a little place they frequent at times. They might have a favorite beach, park, or waterfall—somewhere where they can sort things out.”

“As I said, Becky. I don’t know.”

“What are you going to do, now?” Rebecca questioned, returning after she had changed into a pair of shorts and a light blue top.

“What can I do? She isn’t answering her mobile, and her answering machine at home has suddenly disappeared, so it seems.” His compulsion was driving him to borderline.

“This is not going to spoil tonight. Your friends and their partners have already arrived, and they are looking forward to catching up with you.”

“I’m not forgetting.” His solemn reply was vague as he walked out onto the balcony, gazing at the large expanse of ocean.

“You know, I should just ring her and explain the whole damn lot.”

“No, Rebecca. I have tried, and she is not answering.” His voice was deep and gloomy as he turned. “It may not be the reason; after all, she was so concerned that I would take over Airways. She guards that place with her life. If I cannot find her, what makes you think you can?”

Rebecca ignored his sneering remarks. “Well, I’m off to do some shopping. Do you need anything? Oh, when do you want me to go with you to check out a ring?”

“Sometime tomorrow, or I might go later today. I’m not sure. I’m not sure of anything lately. Make sure you’re just shopping. Thanks, Becky. I don’t need anything.”

In fact he did, and he couldn’t have her. He returned his gaze over the ocean. His jaw line squared. The one thing he wanted in his life, and no amount of money could buy it. He had to win Catherine over. It was driving his mind to a place he couldn’t handle.

“Where do you go, Catherine, when you’re afraid, when you’re lonely?” he said to no one. He yearned to be with her, to hold her in his arms.

* * * *

Conducting himself accordingly, Nathan arrived with Rebecca just as his friends from Sydney arrived. Introductions took some time as Wayne had a little brunette hanging onto his arm. Alan and his wife looked fit and healthy for their age and were beaming with delightful news of being new grandparents.

Matthew Reading was escorted by a lovely Philippine woman who seemed rather shy. They all made their way out onto the balcony overlooking the river. Nathan had continuing thoughts of Catherine and tried hard to dismiss them. They refused to leave.

After they had sat down, Nathan poured a round of white wine.

“Well, here’s to Nathan,” Rebecca announced, rising her long-stemmed wine glass to a toast.

“We sure miss you in Sydney. It’s not the same without you.”

“As I said, you survived well without me. It will continue.”

Nathan briefly glanced toward the corner where he and Catherine sat that night they went out to tea. He blinked a few times before recognition set in. It was Catherine. She was sitting a little further down from where they once sat. Her flawless complexion was almost bare, with only a few, fine straps of silver crossing one side of her shoulder.

Dragging his gaze away, he took a swig of wine. When Catherine glanced in his direction, his stomach clenched so hard, he felt sick. The pain of seeing her there with her new friend sickened him further. Another quick glance toward her table confirmed her man friend was more than friendly. He had dark hair and was wearing a blue suit. A flickering candle bathed the table in soft light. He had a hard time dealing with his reactions. Reactions and feelings he’d never felt before. His heart was breaking in two. Piece by piece, it was crumbling into shards of nothingness.

“Are you all right, Nathan?”

“Yeah, Becky. I have to be, right?”

Alan and Catherine stood up simultaneously and almost collided on their way to the restroom and bar.

“Catherine, don’t you look lovely.”

“Alan, long time no see.”

“Are you here with your boyfriend?”

Catherine laughed. “No, no. He’s a business investor. He’s here to buy my share of Airways.”

“Are you selling?”

“Yes, I need a change.”

“That’s strange. Nathan has never mentioned it.”

“He doesn’t know yet.”

“So, how are you and Nathan these days? Sorry it didn’t work out.”

“Nathan and I are just partners in Airways, Bob. He has a girlfriend, and I respect his wishes.”

“Oh.”Alan looked confused. “I better get going. Have a good night.”

“You too, Alan.”

* * * *

Nathan noticed Catherine’s every move from the corner of his eye. Hell, that dress—which shimmered silver and black—was definitely way too sexy. He wasn’t accustomed to experiencing the pain of wanting something or someone so badly, then unable to have it.

Despite the conversation surrounding him, Nathan felt as if half of him had died. He avoided looking in Catherine’s direction for almost an hour, until his gaze met with hers across the room.

Catherine flicked her gaze toward the river, then began conversation with her male friend. Later in the night, everyone drank and was merry except Nathan, who toyed with his second glass of wine, only to stand and head for the bar.

It wasn’t just a straight line. He collided with Catherine as she was returning to her table.


Her voice quivered, matching her uneasy stance, and the way those gorgeous, big eyes of hers darted with uncertainty wrapped an even tighter love loop around his heart.

“I hope you are happy, Catherine. I see you have moved on.”

* * * *

“I’m sorry, Nathan. I’m truly sorry it didn’t work out.” She trembled. His presence so close strangled her heart, ripping at what foundation she’d tried to repair.

“Don’t overdo it, Catherine. I don’t want your pity.” His somber voice prompted her to slide a step backward.

“You what?” Her eyes clouded with tears. Behind them, his girlfriend approached quickly. Her long, silk, red dress, swirled with each hurried step she took. Catherine drew in an urgent breath.

“Have you two darlings sorted things out?”

“No, Becky. We haven’t.” With that statement, Nathan turned to rejoin his friends.

“Catherine, we have to talk?” Catherine eyes held resentment as she glared at the woman.

“I don’t think we have anything to talk about.” She wanted to run, to get away from this madness, but the woman’s hand reached for her arm and clasped hard around her wrist before she could move.

She whispered. “Not even if I tell you I’m Nathan’s sister, for God’s sake.”

The coolness of fully-charged goose bumps worked their way over Catherine’s entire body. The muscles in her neck tightened, and she swallowed a hardening lump as it moved slowly up her throat. Her body numbed, and her face grew paler by the moment.

“Come with me.” Rebecca demanded, still clutching to her arm as she led her to the lounge beside the bar and sat down.

Rebecca ordered two scotches, knowing something had to be done to jolt this woman out of shock.

“I’m sorry, Catherine. I’m Nathan’s older sister—the one and only sister. Don’t you think we look alike?”

“Rebecca, I’ve done something so horrid.” Tears slid down her cheeks. Her hands entwined in her lap, and she repeated the constant lacing and unlacing of her fingers.

“No, no sweetie. You haven’t. Anyone would have thought the same. That morning you arrived at the unit, I thought you were the cleaner. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I’m the one to blame.” Rebecca’s face was distraught.

“That’s okay. I think several people come to that conclusion. Especially when all I wear to Airways is overalls.” She tried to giggle, but it caught in her throat. “It’s too late, now. Much too late,” she whispered with alarm, her gaze running over the timber bar in front of her.

“No, it’s not too late.”

“I’m in the process of selling my share of Airways to the man I’m with. He’s not a date. He...” She closed her eyes.

“Come on, drink this. Then, let’s head to the lady’s room. Fix up that face of yours. We can work this out, somehow.”

Catherine opened her eyes and took the glass with a shaky hand. She sipped on her drink until they had finished, and Rebecca led the way to the restroom.

* * * *

Nathan glanced around and noticed both women were missing. Women have to visit the toilet in pairs these days. He wondered what they got up to in there. His concern grew stronger, knowing Rebecca, and he wondered what she was scheming.

Fifteen minutes later, he saw both women walk out smiling and chatting. Instead of Rebecca returning to their table, he watched with suspicion as she sat much too close to Catherine’s friend.

For crying out loud! Now his sister was hitting on Catherine’s date. He closed his eyes, feeling mortified, but snapped them opened only to notice they were standing and heading toward his table. He pretended not to notice until they were on the opposite side of the table. Then, he took a casual glance upwards.

“My friends have decided to join us.” Rebecca stated, winking at Nathan. Before Catherine could sit down, Rebecca had her friend, Phillip, sitting beside her. The only other chair available was the one beside Nathan.

* * * *

Embarrassment washed over Catherine as she anticipated the crash of emotions the very second she sat beside him.

She was wrong.

They crashed all right, but the explosion rocked her. He sat way to close, forcing her body to stoop to all that mushy substance a woman in love feels. The hint of his masculine aftershave didn’t help matters, either. She tried to avoid indulging in her response but found it useless.

Trying to make conversation was impossible. Her words jumped all over the place. She couldn’t think straight, couldn’t behave in a well-adjusted manner. What has he done to me, what is he doing to me? She closed her eyes. Her body in upheaval.

“Catherine, are you not well?” Phillip’s warm voice from across the table had Nathan’s sword almost drawing from his hip, ready for battle. His head jerked toward Catherine, noticing she had just opened her eyes.

“Yes. Thank you, Phillip. I was just trying to manage a swirl of nausea.” Her lips thinned, and she smiled before adding, “probably from too much wine.”

* * * *

Nathan had to control himself as he forced his gaze away. This man is eating her up. This is my woman, mate. He noticed Rebecca giving him a glare of protest, then she rolled her eyes upward.

“So, been swimming any more with your fellow dolphin friends?” Wayne asked.

“Not lately. I think they might miss me if I don’t get out there soon.”

“What, you swim with the dolphins?” Phillip questioned, his attention now directed at Catherine.

Nathan glared at Rebecca, then suddenly announced. “Catherine, you have not introduced us to your new boyfriend.” It wasn’t a question; it was a slow, dark demand.

Her fingers slipped from the wine glass, and she placed her hands in her lap and managed an awkward grin. “Sorry, I thought Rebecca took care of the introductions. Uh, everyone I would like you to meet Phillip Walsh. He’s…he’s going to purchase my share of Airways.”

“What?” Nathan turned toward Catherine, then back to Phillip as he stood to give him a handshake he would never forget.

“Pleased to meet you, Phillip.”

Nathan then turned back to Catherine. “What sort of scheme are you up to?” he murmured. Rejection loomed darkly in his eyes.

“I’m not up to any schemes, Nathan. I’m selling my share of Airways. That is something you have no control over.” She didn’t dare look at his eyes. She knew they would be smoldering with fire, ready to set someone alight, and she didn’t fancy being trapped in his flames.

“Phillip,” he called, his gaze reverting across the table.

“I happen to own the other half of Macquarie Airways, and Catherine’s half is not for sale. Not now or in the near future.”

Phillip jerked forward. “But, Catherine?”

“No, mate, there are no buts. Catherine is not selling. You see, this is a family business, if you don’t already know. It has been in the Berg name for three generations. It’s not for sale. As a matter of fact, Catherine has agreed to marry me.”

* * * *

Every fiber in Catherine’s body tightened. Marriage? He’s got to be kidding. She glanced at Rebecca, who seemed more surprised than she.

“Macquarie Airways is the Berg Enterprise. It will remain in the Berg name. When Catherine and I marry, it will continue in the Berg name.”

Nathan had taken the liberty and planned every step of the way.

“I think she needs some fresh air at the moment,” he remarked.

Nathan stood, but Catherine remained seated.

“Well, Catherine. You said fresh air is what you desired.” She felt his hand under her elbow, as he prompted her upward.

“Ummm, yes. We won’t be long.” Managing a weak smile, she followed. This is just great. He orders, and I waddle behind like some little duck. Bloody quack and double quack.

Once outside, Catherine caught up to him, and she squared her shoulders in front of him. Her body shook uncontrollably. “How dare you. How dare you announce something as preposterous as marriage?”

“I didn’t think it was such a bad idea.” His candid expression marked his seriousness.

“I want to sell Airways, Nathan.” She took a step backward, noticing the space between them had lessened.

“Really. Now, that’s not what I have found out over the last few months. You avoided selling to me. You stated it had to remain in the Berg name. For some unknown reason, you wanted to contest your father’s will. Your defenses were highly active. Catherine, are you sure you know what you want?”

She faltered, and her body swayed from side to side. She wasn’t going to let any emotion get in her way this time.

“I need to get away from the place.”

His calculated gaze unnerved her. “I’ll rephrase that. Don’t you mean get away from me?” His words barbed with annoyance. “As for your new boyfriend, well, he doesn’t look your type.”

“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s going to buy Airways. That’s all. I put an advertisement over the internet, and he responded from Queensland, almost straight away. Then, he flew down. I don’t know him that well.”

“He’s very interested in you, Catherine. Take it from a man.”

“I’m not the slightest bit interested him. Did you hear me?”

“Well, that’s settled then. I take this overrides you contesting your father’s will.” For a second, she didn’t know what to do, what to say.

“I…” she shook her head. “I…well…there is no need, now. I’m selling.”

“Just like that?”

“Oh, all right. No, I’m not contesting the will. Do you really think I thought I had a chance? My father’s mind was superb.”

“So, you thought a little deception would go a long way.”

“Oh, stop it, Nathan. Just stop it.” She clenched her hands into tight balls by her side.

“I have reason to believe you thought Rebecca was my girlfriend. Catherine, she is my damn sister. I thought you knew that when you met her.”

“No one told me, and there’s no resemblance whatsoever. Nathan, she’s explained the mistake that morning I went to your unit.”

“I didn’t realize. I thought you didn’t turn up. Rebecca never mentioned anyone calling that day. I’m sorry. I realize what you must have thought.”

“You always wanted to buy my share of Airways. Why, Nathan?”

“I wanted to at first. It was my number one priority when I first arrived. I also wanted to see you, again. As I became more acquainted with you, Catherine, I wanted to be around you. I fell in love with you all over again. I’ve always loved you, always held a special place in my heart for you. As for selling…it’s not an option.”

Her mouth formed a circle, and she felt heat gushing through her veins. “Do you realize I can do anything I like with Airways, my share? You have no hold over it, over me.”

“Precisely, but I have rights as well.” His voice was dark and slow.

“You mentioned selling your share to someone else,” she slammed.

“Yes, Catherine. I then realized if I did sell my share to you or someone else, it would have taken me further away from you. I wanted to keep it, because I wanted you as well. Is that a sin? I didn’t want to lose you, not again. That’s one of the reasons I have kept Airways.” His gaze drifted over her. “As for my project at Deep River, I wanted the place, and I found I had to keep occupied. Not being able to be near you or help you was unbearable. At least Deep River helped me to keep some sanity.”

She gazed at him with weak astonishment. She loved him more and more each day. She blurted. “I found a letter addressed to me.”


“When I was cleaning out Dad’s office, it was sitting in a bottom drawer. He knew all along about us. I’ll let you read it. It was very surprising.”

“Come with me.” He grabbed her by the hand and prompted her to follow by tugging her toward the edge of the wharf as he went. The natural light of the moon shone full and bright, cascading a splendid luminosity as it reflected over them.

“Catherine, I have something very important to say to you.” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a tiny, gold box.

Catherine took hold of a nervous swallow. Goose bumps charged over her flesh.

“Say you’ll marry me, be my wife?”

Disbelief shattered her as happy tears trickled from her eyes.

He spoke with sincerity as he flipped opened the lid, revealing a large, brilliant diamond. Its reflection sprung up at her. It would tantalize any woman’s dream.

Endeavoring to blink away the tears, she tried to examine the ring as Nathan drew it from the box.

“Well, I think I need an answer here. On the other hand, are you going to make me wait in agony? Catherine, I happen to love you. I have loved you since I set eyes on you in the hangar. I loved you when I was nineteen.” The silence was killing him. “I won’t give up until you say ‘Yes’. I will never give up, Catherine. After all, you’re my heroine. You saved my life.” He smiled one of those smiles that had her heart tapping with excitement.

“Yes.” It was a small squeak, barely audible as it rose from her quivering lips.

“I think that was a ‘Yes.’” His eyes lit up, and he moved closer, reaching for her hand to place the ring on her finger.

“I thought I had lost you forever, honey,” he murmured.

Emotions collided when his warm lips took hers; slowly, with expertise and much love, he coaxed her body closer.

“Now, will you consider accepting my wedding gift?” he whispered from under the kiss.

She gazed at the sparkle on her finger and smiled. “I’ll think about it. Oh, one more thing. I’d like a long engagement.”

“What? How long is long?”

“Well, a few years.”

“Catherine, are you aware that I need you with me night and day? I worry about you, wondering what you’re doing, where you are, and if you’re safe? I ache for you so much, honey, it’s killing me. Now, you don’t want me to die before we marry, do you?”

She let out a giggle. “No, but I would like to live in sin for a while.”

“Phew, that’s fine with me. I thought you were going to make me lie awake all night, every night, and force me to dream and wonder for the next three years.”

“I love you. I have always loved you, from the very first time Dad introduced us.”

“You what? As far back as that?”

“Oh, yes. I used to dream you were my white knight in shining armor. The one I could never have. At that age, I thought of you as a much older man.” She smiled at him. “I was thirteen, and you were sixteen. After I turned sixteen, after that were always in my heart.”

“I can assure you this knight has the shiniest of armor out of all those other rusty suits. With you as my wife, my suit...I mean, my love will never rust.”

She let out a giggle. “Are you sure?”

Tilting her head, she gazed into his eyes and smiled. Her lips quivered as his mouth came over hers, stirring a desire she didn’t have to control ever again—a desire she didn’t want to control. When his lips departed, she rested her head on his firm chest.

“Mrs. Catherine Alexander, shall we announce our engagement?”

She closed her eyes, drew in a deep breath, and snapped them opened. “This marriage won’t be made in heaven. It will be made on earth.”

“That’s for sure. Marriages that germinate on solid ground are the everlasting ones.” He shot her a sexy wink, took her hand, and walked along the wharf.

“Oh, by the way. Thank you for the magnificent flowers…that is if you’re ‘fate happens”.”

“What do you mean if I’m ‘fate happens’? Yes, Catherine. I’m fate, my darling. Your fate…I’m pleased you liked them…who did you think sent them?”

“Oh, I have many admirers,” she teased.

He grinned and tugged her hand, pulling her closer.

About the Author:


Suzanne writes Australian Stories where hearts collide in Love, Romance, and Suspense. Stories as unique and diverse as the land she lives in.

Suzanne was born in rural Australia, on the edge of the outback. From there she travelled and lived in many cities, and coastal towns of New South Wales. Now she resides in a small seaside, country town on the Mid-North coast, of New South Wales, the East coast of Australia.

You can find Suzanne at:

Other Books by Suzanne Brandyn:

Heat in the Outback

Eyes of a Stranger (May 2012)

Also by Suzanne Brandyn:


Heat in the Outback

by Suzanne Brandyn

eBook ISBN: 9781615721016

Print ISBN: 9781615721023

Contemporary Romance

Short Novel of 52,000 words

The soaring temperature in the Outback is not the only heat Sarah Munro faces when she returns home for her father’s funeral. She wants to settle his affairs, sell the family’s homestead, Munro Cattle Station, and return to Sydney, and her fiancé, as quickly as possible. Sarah doesn’t want anyone to find out what she’d done in the past. She wants to close this chapter of her life for good. Then there will never be a reason to return to this dusty one horse town. She is wrong!

Ethan Wade, her first love is at the homestead. Ethan claims he owns half of Munro Station. Sarah wants him out! As they try to settle their differences, a raging attraction ignites.

Will Sarah and Ethan find each other again as their past explodes before them?

Also from Eternal Press:


Doubting Thomas

by Stephanie Taylor

eBook ISBN: 9781615721573

Print ISBN: 9781615721580

Contemporary Romance

Short Novel of 59,213 words

He doesn’t remember...but she does.

For five years, Thomas has lived without a past. A motorcycle accident left him with scars, permanent amnesia and a lot of anger. But the scars aren’t all on the outside. He knows one day he’ll need to figure out who he used to be, but for now, he’s content in his misery and denial. If his family doesn’t care to find him, the feeling is mutual—until the love of a tender-hearted, sassy redhead changes his mind. Alyssa Morgan vowed to locate her missing husband and has followed every clue, every lead, every hunch, hoping to find him and the reason for his disappearance. But fate has something else in store for her and puts in her path an aloof man who has her husband’s voice and the disfigured face of a stranger.

Torn between his past and their future, can they put their doubts aside and let love in?