“RAY, DON’T COUNT on too much,” Jonathan warned.
Ray ignored him. Through the streaked windowpane, he could see the station house. The glow from the gas lamps gave it the look of another century. Quickly parking the car, Ray threw open the door and darted across the macadam into the station. From behind he could hear Jonathan puffing as he tried to keep pace.
The desk sergeant looked surprised. “Didn’t expect to see you here tonight, Mr. Eldredge. I’m sure sorry about the kids. . . .”
Ray nodded impatiently. “Where are they questioning Rob Legler?”
The sergeant looked alarmed. “You can’t have anything to do with that, Mr. Eldredge.”
“The hell I can’t,” Ray said evenly. “Go in and tell the Chief that I have to see him now.”
“It isn’t,” Jonathan replied quietly.
Footsteps hurried down the corridor. Chief Coffin rushed into the room. “What is it, Ray? Have you heard anything?”
Jonathan answered. “You have Rob Legler here?”
“I thought as much. That’s why we’re here.” In a low voice, Jonathan outlined his plan.
“Chief Coffin.” Her voice was hesitant. “Could I speak to you for just a minute?”
The Chief looked at her appraisingly. “Is it important?”
But Ellen didn’t trust the sergeant. When she and Pat had first come in, they had tried to tell him that they thought their little boy might know something about the Eldredge case. The sergeant had looked pained. “Lady, do you know how many calls we’ve had today? Since the wire services got hold of this, we’ve had nothing but calls. Some jerk from Tucson phoned to say he thought he saw the kids in a playground across the street from his apartment this morning. No way they could have gotten there, even in a supersonic plane. So just take a seat. The Chief’ll talk to you when he can.”
Pat said, “Ellen, I think we should go home. We’re only in the way here.”
“You won’t believe it,” Wiggins snapped. “On a night like this, my wife wants to report that somebody pilfered a can of baby powder from the store this morning.”
“Baby powder?” The sergeant’s voice ranged upward in astonishment.
Mrs. Wiggins looked more upset. “I don’t care how stupid it sounds. I want to see Chief Coffin.”
Fifty feet away in the office down the corridor, Rob Legler stared through narrowed, hostile eyes at Ray Eldredge. The guy had class, he decided. Nancy had certainly done a lot better this time. That Carl Harmon had been some creep. Fear knotted Rob’s stomach. The Eldredge kids hadn’t been found. If anything had happened to them, they might try to pin something on him. But nobody had seen him near the Eldredge house . . . nobody except that fat slob who’d been in the old station wagon. Suppose that guy had been a deliveryman or something and called the cops? Suppose he could identify Rob as being around the Eldredge house this morning? What excuse did he have for being there? No one would believe that he had sneaked into the country just to say hello to Nancy.
“We’ll see about that,” Rob muttered. But he knew Jonathan was right. Christ!
“But, of course, even the desertion charge isn’t nearly so serious as a murder charge. . . .”
“I never murdered anyone,” Rob snarled, jumping up from his chair.
“Sit down,” Chief Coffin ordered.
Ray stood up and leaned across the table until his eyes were on a level with Rob’s. “I’m going to lay it out for you,” he said evenly. “I think you’re a bastard. For two cents, I’d kill you myself. Your testimony almost put my wife in a gas chamber seven years ago, and right now you may know something that could save my children’s lives if it isn’t already too late. Now, listen, bum, and listen hard. My wife doesn’t believe that you could or would harm our children. I happen to respect that belief. But she saw you there this morning. So that means you’ve got to know something about what went on. Trying to stall and say you never got to our house won’t help. We’ll prove you were there. But if you level with us now, and we get our kids back, we won’t prosecute a kidnapping charge. And Mr. Knowles, who happens to be one of the top lawyers in the country, will be your lawyer, to get you off with as light a sentence as possible on the desertion charges. He has pull—plenty of it. . . . Now, which is it, punk? Do you take the deal?” The veins bulged out in Ray’s forehead. He moved forward until his eyes were inches away from Rob’s. “Because if you don’t . . . and if you know something . . . and if I find out that you could have helped us get our kids back and didn’t . . . I don’t care what jail they throw you in . . . I’ll get to you and I’ll kill you. Just remember that, you stinking bastard.”
“Ray.” Jonathan pulled him back forcibly.
He shrugged and looked at Jonathan. “You’ll defend me.”
“I don’t want any bum kidnapping rap.”
Rob leaned back. He avoided looking at Ray. “Okay,” he said. “This is how it started. My buddy up in Canada . . .”
“A frame-up that was your direct responsibility,” Ray said.
“How did you realize you missed it?”
“The other car?” Ray repeated. He jumped up. “What other car?”
The door of the interrogation room burst open. The sergeant hurried in. “Chief, I think it’s real important you talk to the Wigginses and that other couple. I think they have something real important to tell you.”