I am grateful to Katie Terezakis of the Rochester Institute of Technology and Jonathan Pickle of the New School for Social Research for engaging with me in discussions about the book. My editorial assistant, Ethan Simon of Muhlenberg College, contributed a significant amount of work on the typing and editing of the text. His insightful contributions helped to make the completion of this text a reality. I would also like to thank John Ramsay, the Wilson Fund, and Muhlenberg College and Richard J. Bernstein and Carol Bernstein for their practical support of this project. I am very grateful for their generosity. Sonia Salas and John VanDerLippe of the Graduate Faculty Dean’s Office at the New School for Social Research kindly assisted my stay in New York. I would like to thank my family, Michelle Morgan and John Harrison Morgan III, and Jennifer and Tom Levkulic, as well as my twin sons, Benjamin and David, for their love and support.
As a student of the graduate course “The Concept of the Beautiful,” taught by Agnes Heller at the New School for Social Research, I have wanted to work with and write about this text for many years. Heller’s course, as well as Richard J. Bernstein’s seminar on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, also at the New School, created an entirely new realm of philosophic understanding for me to which I remain indebted. I am very grateful to Agnes Heller and Dick Bernstein for their teaching and mentoring over the years.