This is a novel about fictional members of The Harvard Class of 1958. The author has included the Eliot family in the background for his story because that distinguished family has a long and proud relationship with Harvard University. But the fictional character of Andrew Eliot is not intended to portray or refer to any actual member of the Eliot family, whether living or dead. All of the main characters in this novel are creations of the author’s imagination. These characters illustrate some of the divergent directions taken by young men of this generation into the fields of politics, the arts, intellectual life, or in voyages of self-discovery. In tracing their years at Harvard, and thereafter until their 25th Reunion, the author portrays a number of events in which public figures from American political and artistic life appear. He has included portrayals of these public personalities as symbols of certain influences of the past twenty-five years. The reader should understand that the specific conversations and incidents involving these personalities are the author’s own creations.
A Bantam Book
Publishing History
Bantam hardcover edition / May 1985
Bantam paperback edition / February 1986
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1985 Ploys, Inc. for the United States and its dependencies. Canada and The Philippines.
Copyright © 1985 Dewsbury International, Inc. for the rest of the world.
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For information address: Bantam Books.
ISBN 0-553-27090-7
eBook ISBN: 978-0-8041-5321-8
Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada
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