1807 |
18 October |
French troops cross the Spanish frontier. |
30 November |
Junot occupies Lisbon. |
1808 |
23 March |
The French occupy Madrid. |
2 May |
Uprising in Madrid. |
14 July |
The French, under Bessières, defeat the Spaniards, under Cuesta and Blake, at Medina del Rio Seco. |
22 July |
The French, under Dupont, surrender at Baylen. |
1 August |
A British force, under Sir Arthur Wellesley, lands at Mondego Bay, Portugal. |
17 August |
Wellesley defeats Delaborde at Roliça. |
21 August |
Wellesley defeats Junot at Vimeiro. |
30 August |
Convention of Cintra: Wellesley recalled to England. |
30 October |
The French evacuate Portugal. |
8 November |
Napoleon enters Spain with 200,000 men. |
4 December |
Napoleon occupies Madrid. |
December |
Moore advances from Salamanca. |
21 December |
British cavalry victory at Sahagun. |
1809 |
16 January |
Moore killed at Battle of Corunna. |
22 April |
Wellesley returns to Portugal. |
12 May |
Wellesley crosses the Douro and captures Oporto. |
28-29 July |
Wellesley defeats Joseph at Talavera. |
4 September |
Wellesley is created Viscount Wellington. |
1810 |
10 July |
Massena takes Ciudad Rodrigo. |
24 July |
Craufurd defeated by Ney on the Coa River. |
27 September |
Wellington victorious over Massena at Busaco. |
10 October |
Wellington enters the Lines of Torres Vedras. |
14 October |
Massena discovers Lines and halts. |
17 November |
Massena withdraws to Santarem. |
1811 |
5 March |
Graham victorious at Barrosa. |
10 March |
Soult takes Badajoz. |
3-5 May |
Wellington defeats Massena at Fuentes de Oñoro. |
6 May |
Beresford begins first British siege of Badajoz. |
11 May |
Brennier abandons Almeida to Wellington. |
16 May |
Beresford defeats Soult at Albuera. |
19 May -17 June |
Second British siege of Badajoz. |
1812 |
8 January |
Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo begins. |
19 January |
Wellington takes Ciudad Rodrigo by storm. |
6-7 April |
Wellington takes Badajoz by storm. |
22 July |
Wellington defeats Marmont at Salamanca. |
12 August |
Wellington enters Madrid. |
19 September |
Wellington begins siege of Burgos. |
22 October |
Wellington abandons siege of Burgos. |
22 Oct.-19 Nov. |
Allied retreat to Portugal. |
19 November |
Allied army arrives at Ciudad Rodrigo. |
1813 |
21 June |
Wellington defeats Joseph at Vitoria, created Field Marshal. |
25 July |
Soult makes counterattack in the Pyrenees. Battles at Maya and Roncesvalles. |
28-30 July |
Wellington defeats Soult at Sorauren. |
31 August |
Graham takes San Sebastian by storm. |
31 August |
Soult repulsed at San Marcial. |
7 October |
Wellington crosses the Bidassoa into France. |
25 October |
Pamplona surrenders. |
10 November |
Wellington defeats Soult at the Battle of the Nivelle. |
9-12 December |
Wellington defeats Soult at the Battle of the Nive. |
13 December |
Soult repulsed by Hill at St Pierre. |
1814 |
27 February |
Wellington defeats Soult at Orthes. |
6 April |
Napoleon abdicates. |
10 April |
Wellington defeats Soult at Toulouse. |
14 April |
French sortie from Bayonne. |
17 April |
Soult surrenders. |
27 April |
Bayonne surrenders. |
30 April |
Treaty of Paris. |
3 May |
Wellington created Duke. |