18 October French troops cross the Spanish frontier.
30 November Junot occupies Lisbon.
23 March The French occupy Madrid.
2 May Uprising in Madrid.
14 July The French, under Bessières, defeat the Spaniards, under Cuesta and Blake, at Medina del Rio Seco.
22 July The French, under Dupont, surrender at Baylen.
1 August A British force, under Sir Arthur Wellesley, lands at Mondego Bay, Portugal.
17 August Wellesley defeats Delaborde at Roliça.
21 August Wellesley defeats Junot at Vimeiro.
30 August Convention of Cintra: Wellesley recalled to England.
30 October The French evacuate Portugal.
8 November Napoleon enters Spain with 200,000 men.
4 December Napoleon occupies Madrid.
December Moore advances from Salamanca.
21 December British cavalry victory at Sahagun.
16 January Moore killed at Battle of Corunna.
22 April Wellesley returns to Portugal.
12 May Wellesley crosses the Douro and captures Oporto.
28-29 July Wellesley defeats Joseph at Talavera.
4 September Wellesley is created Viscount Wellington.
10 July Massena takes Ciudad Rodrigo.
24 July Craufurd defeated by Ney on the Coa River.
27 September Wellington victorious over Massena at Busaco.
10 October Wellington enters the Lines of Torres Vedras.
14 October Massena discovers Lines and halts.
17 November Massena withdraws to Santarem.
5 March Graham victorious at Barrosa.
10 March Soult takes Badajoz.
3-5 May Wellington defeats Massena at Fuentes de Oñoro.
6 May Beresford begins first British siege of Badajoz.
11 May Brennier abandons Almeida to Wellington.
16 May Beresford defeats Soult at Albuera.
19 May -17 June Second British siege of Badajoz.
8 January Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo begins.
19 January Wellington takes Ciudad Rodrigo by storm.
6-7 April Wellington takes Badajoz by storm.
22 July Wellington defeats Marmont at Salamanca.
12 August Wellington enters Madrid.
19 September Wellington begins siege of Burgos.
22 October Wellington abandons siege of Burgos.
22 Oct.-19 Nov. Allied retreat to Portugal.
19 November Allied army arrives at Ciudad Rodrigo.
21 June Wellington defeats Joseph at Vitoria, created Field Marshal.
25 July Soult makes counterattack in the Pyrenees. Battles at Maya and Roncesvalles.
28-30 July Wellington defeats Soult at Sorauren.
31 August Graham takes San Sebastian by storm.
31 August Soult repulsed at San Marcial.
7 October Wellington crosses the Bidassoa into France.
25 October Pamplona surrenders.
10 November Wellington defeats Soult at the Battle of the Nivelle.
9-12 December Wellington defeats Soult at the Battle of the Nive.
13 December Soult repulsed by Hill at St Pierre.
27 February Wellington defeats Soult at Orthes.
6 April Napoleon abdicates.
10 April Wellington defeats Soult at Toulouse.
14 April French sortie from Bayonne.
17 April Soult surrenders.
27 April Bayonne surrenders.
30 April Treaty of Paris.
3 May Wellington created Duke.