Jay Conrad Levinson, father of Guerrilla Marketing, is the author of Guerrilla Marketing, a popular marketing book published in 1984 that remains the best-selling marketing book with more than 21 million copies sold world-wide. The Guerrilla Marketing book series today consists of 58 books available in 62 languages. Jay coined the term, “Guerrilla Marketing” while he taught marketing at the extension division of the University of California in Berkeley, a teaching position he did for a decade. Today, Guerrilla Marketing principles frequently appear as recommended readings for many MBA marketing programs. Jay has contributed a number of articles on Guerrilla Marketing to business magazines such as the Entrepreneur and Inc., as well as for online columns as such America Online, Fortune Small Business, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and Netscape. Some notable marketing campaigns Jay collaborated on include the Jolly Green Giant and United’s Friendly’s Skies. As the Chairman of Guerrilla Marketing International, the marketing partner of Adobe and Apple, Jay is frequently invited to speak about Guerrilla Marketing at universities, professional organizations and corporations around the world. He has also sat on the Board of Leo Burnett Advertising, the Small Business Board of 3Com and Microsoft Small Business Council.

Kelvin Lim is an expert in human dynamics and motivation – he has been coaching, consulting, training and marketing since 1995. He is the first Guerrilla Marketing Certified Master Trainer in Singapore to be trained by Jay Conrad Levinson. He is also the principle consultant and CEO of Guerrilla Marketing Consulting, an organization that teaches organizations and businesses how to effectively apply Guerrilla Marketing principles. As a master certified coach, Kelvin’s coaching work has impacted the lives of more than 20,000 people. In addition, Kelvin is the founder of Executive Coach International, a leading coaching organization whose campaigns have been featured in Asia’s media – for instance, the publication of “Pick Me Up” - a collection of stories that was written and compiled into a book within 24 hours. Kelvin sits on the Board of Directors of New York City’s political and social arts organization, The Culture Project, as well as participates in humanitarian activities at the United Nations.