Our adventure begins on the morning of the passing-out parade. This was the big day when, after completing their training, the recruits finally found out whether they had graduated to be working police dogs.
It was a foggy morning. Cold, damp and dark like most mornings in Bedlam.
However, all the dogs had been groomed to perfection. Fur trimmed. Claws polished. Teeth cleaned. Paws wiped. Bottoms brushed.
Even the Lost Patrol looked presentable.
Scarper had had a bath.
Gristle had licked one of his paws.
And Plank had fallen into the lake.
So, after getting lost on the way to the parade ground not once, not twice, not thrice…
…BUT SEVEN TIMES, the Lost Patrol finally took their places alongside the other dogs for the passing-out parade.
“Now that we are all here,” began the chief pointedly, glaring at the three late arrivals, “we can finally begin.” The peak of the lady’s cap was just visible over the lectern. The chief may have been short, but she was fierce and always commanded attention.
“As you know, this city of Bedlam is home to some of the dastardliest criminals the world has ever known. Just last night, the city’s museum was emptied of all its treasures.”
The chief held up a copy of the Bedlam Bugle. The headline read…
There was a collective gasp from all the dogs.
“BeDLam needs dogs like you to be on the front line of policing like never before. Well done: you have all worked extremely hard in your training over the past year, and are about to finally become police dogs!” said the chief.
The dogs all barked their approval.
“This is not just a proud day for me – it is a proud day for all of you. This is the greatest day of any dog’s life. The day you finally become working members of the police force! To pass all your tests makes you the best of the best. You should all give yourselves a jolly good pat on the back!”
It was just a figure of speech. The chief didn’t mean they should actually pat themselves on the back. There was just one dog on the parade ground who could not understand that.
The dog raised her front paw. She tried to pat herself on the back, but it was a lot harder than she had imagined. Then Plank had a go with her back paw. Instantly, she lost her balance and toppled on top of Scarper.
Scarper fell on top of Gristle.
And Gristle thudded to the ground.
The beagle was knocked out cold.
“The time has come,” continued the chief proudly, “to come up one by one, in an orderly fashion, for me to shake your paw and welcome you to the Bedlam Police Force!”
So the dogs stepped forward and formed a line. Now all one hundred dogs were in formation, ready to meet the chief. The dogs were perfectly spaced out, like a row of dominoes waiting to topple.
What could possibly go wrong?
As it turned out… EVERYTHING!