That night, while Robodog was asleep at the end of his mothers’ bed, he was awoken by a tap on the window. It was only when the dog pulled back the curtains that he knew who it was. Ratty.
Robodog opened the window.
“What do you want at this hour?” asked the dog. “It’s way past midnight!”
“Did it go all right with the two ladies?”
“Yes,” said the dog, beaming.
“I told you it would. I covered for you at the parade ground good and proper. Didn’t give the game away.”
“I was sure they would have heard me burrowing under the ground.”
“Not a peep!”
“So why are you here?”
Ratty smiled. “Well, I know I’m just a lowly rat, I mean, mouse…”
“You don’t need to pretend with me! I knew all along!”
“Rat, then!” said Ratty. “My secret’s out!”
The dog chuckled.
“Shush!” shushed the rat. “You’ll wake up the parents!”
“Oh yes!”
“Well, I know I’m just a lowly rat, but I rather liked all that police-dog nonsense.”
The dog smiled. “Me too!”
“I thought you’d say that, and I wondered…”
“Yes?” replied the dog eagerly.
“Well, I wondered if you fancied a little midnight police patrol now and again.”
“Yes! Now. And again tomorrow night. And the night after that. And the night after that.”
“YES!” replied the dog.
“Excellent! The streets of Bedlam need keeping safe!”
“By Robodog, the future of crime fighting!”
“And his trusty sidekick, Ratty the rat.”
“Hop on!” said the dog.
The rat grinned from dirty ear to dirty ear and leaped on to his best friend’s back.
“Let’s catch us some baddies!” said Ratty.
“I can’t think of anything better!” replied Robodog.
He rose off the floor, and then shot out of the window, faster than a speeding bullet.
They blazed across the inky black sky, the crime-riddled city of Bedlam laid out beneath them.
Adventure was calling.
Tonight, and forever.