Appendix: Marilyn's Illnesses
and Hospitalizations

1930s: tonsillectomy in childhood

Before 1946: lst and 2nd suicide attempts by gas and by sleeping pills

June 1946: trench mouth after extraction of wisdom teeth, Las Vegas General Hospital

June 1946: measles, Las Vegas General Hospital

late 1940s–1950s: twelve abortions

December 1950: two plastic surgeries on nose and jaw

December 1950: 3rd suicide attempt, after Johnny Hyde's death

Spring 1951: abortion (with Elia Kazan)

April 28, 1952: appendicitis, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles

1954: 1st bronchitis, Cedars of Lebanon, LA

November 6–12, 1954: lst endometriosis, Cedars of Lebanon, LA

April 1956: 2nd bronchitis, during shooting of Bus Stop, St. Vincent's, LA

August 19, 1956: 1st miscarriage (with Miller)

August 1957: ectopic pregnancy (with Miller), Doctor's Hospital, New York. 4th suicide attempt

Fall 1958: 5th suicide attempt. Taken to hospital by Paula Strasberg

December 17, 1958: 2nd miscarriage (with Miller), Polyclinic Hospital, NY. 6th suicide attempt

June 22–26, 1959: surgery on Fallopian tubes, Lenox Hill Hospital, NY

August 28–September 4, 1960: drug addiction and nervous breakdown during Misfits, Westside Hospital, LA

February 7–10, 1961: 7th suicide attempt and nervous breakdown after divorce from Miller, Payne-Whitney, NY; and February 11–March 5, 1961: Neurological Institute, Columbia University Presbyterian Medical Center, NY

May 1961: 2nd chronic endometriosis, Cedars of Lebanon, LA

June 28–July 11, 1961: gallbladder removed, Polyclinic Hospital, NY —In hospital five times in the last ten months

July 20, 1962: 3rd chronic endometriosis, Cedars of Lebanon, LA

August 5, 1962: commits suicide by overdose of barbiturates