To the After Hours Writing Group composed of Erin Eveland, R.A. Andrade, Shelly Towne, Lynn Parsons, Ted, and Matt Calabrese—for your insightful feedback and encouragement to keep writing, and to never give up!
To Max, for giving me the best writing advice anyone could have given – keep going back in the past.
To Aunt Carol, for the sleepless nights you spent critiquing my story like it was an Honour’s English assignment, and for being honest when my writing needed improvement.
To Ivette Perez—for assisting me with the phonetics of my spells
To Donna Lutkus–Phillips, for your assistance and endless patience of being my sound board, and putting up with me when I would do nothing, but obsessively ramble.
To my amazing editor Lisa McNeilley, for your insightful knowledge, feedback, and leadership to help bring my vision to life.
To Jacquie New, my multi-talented proof-reader. Thank you for being the perfectionist you are!
To BHC Press for being an awesome publisher, and creating my brand, front and inside covers, etc. You are the absolute best!
To the very talented Magical Alley for helping forge and bring to life Mierta’s wand, and creating the coolest wand stand to coordinate.
To British actor, Matt Smith, for inspiring the creation of Mierta McKinnon. Without him, this series would have never existed. Swoosh!