The Bonds of Social Capital
The More We Spend, the More We Have
Resonant relationships are like emotional vitamins, sustaining us through tough times and nourishing us daily.
—Daniel Goleman
Oh, the fun of arriving at a house and feeling the spark that tells you that you are going to have a good time.
—Mark Hampton
Happiness is perfume you can’t pour on others without getting a few drops for yourself.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our survival depends on the healing power of love, intimacy and relationships. As individuals. As communities. As a country. As a culture. Perhaps even as a species.
—Dean Ornish
It’s inevitable that our society will once again give higher priority to belonging and lower priority to belongings. The reason is simple: our current way of life often leaves us feeling used up, and lonely. On the way to becoming world-class, gold-medal consumers, many assumed that social connections were so basic they didn’t require much effort. After all, relationship challenges on TV usually resolve themselves in twenty-three minutes or less, and we expect the same in our own lives. We buy into a richly advertised paradigm that says products are socially advantageous—we smell sexier, or have that distinctive sparkle of
success. But the sparkle is fading from a lifestyle that consumes so much time and human energy—leaving fewer opportunities for genuine connection. Now we see that many of the products we work so hard to buy actually isolate us from other people—for example, the iPods, video games, and Visa-funded fantasy vacations that take us (temporarily) to other realities; houses so large we sometimes can’t find family members; and automobiles that carry us on solo journeys where we desperately dial numbers on our cell phones.
According to a study conducted by the National Science Foundation, summarized in American Sociological Review, one-fourth of Americans say they have no one they can discuss personal problems with—more than twice the number in the lonely hearts club in 1985. The typical American has lost one of his or her closest friends, it seems, since even the average number of confidants has fallen from about three to about two. Says Lynn Smith-Lovin, a Duke University sociologist who helped conduct the study, “The image of people on roofs after hurricane Katrina resonates with me, because those people did not know someone with a car … We’re not saying people are completely isolated. They may have 600 friends on (a popular networking Web site) and e-mail 25 people a day, but they are not discussing matters that are personally important.”1
Sociologists like Robert Putnam, author of the book Bowling Alone, believe a downward trend in the quality of social connections began in the 1960s, when TV became the national pastime, families began to split apart like billiard balls, and the shortest distance between two points was suddenly jammed with traffic. Putnam estimates that each additional ten minutes in commute time decreases civic involvement by 10 percent, partly because we’re too worn out to engage socially. His research indicates that Americans go on 60 percent fewer picnics now than we did in the 1960s, and that families eat dinner together 40 percent less than they did in 1965. Donations of blood have fallen in proportion to the drop in membership in clubs like Boy Scouts, church-related groups, labor unions, PTAs, and organizations like the League of Women Voters and Elks clubs.2
Although other connections are springing up—from Internet chat rooms to conventions of people who are all devoted to the same product or celebrity—Putnam makes a distinction between active involvement and token membership in social networks. For example, the American Association of Retired People (AARP) is a huge and expanding organization—second in size only to the Catholic Church. But what responsibilities and commitments are required of members, other than paying annual dues? We don’t form lasting friendships or feel a strong sense of belonging in groups like these. Still, Putnam believes that Americans have reinvigorated
their civic life before and can do it again. As entrées to active social involvement, he and his colleagues in the Saguaro Group make note of indicators like these:
Indicators of Social Capital
• How many of your neighbors’ first names do you know?
• How often do you attend parades or festivals?
• Do you volunteer at your kids’ school? Or help out senior citizens?
• Do you trust your local police?
• Do you know who your U.S. senators are?
• Do you attend religious services? Or go to the theater?
• Do you sign petitions? Or attend neighborhood meetings?
• Do you think the people running your community care about you?
• Can you make a difference?
• How often do you visit with friends or family?
Those who score high on these types of surveys are more likely to be what author Malcolm Gladwell calls “connectors.” In Gladwell’s book, The Tipping Point, Paul Revere is the classic connector: a man who personally knew most of the revolutionary leaders along his thirteen-mile, midnight ride through Boston neighborhoods in 1775. Because he was respected and trusted by his compatriots, he successfully rallied a rag-tag but resolute army that defeated the British at Concord the next day. (History tells us that the simultaneous ride of William Dawes, in another direction, was not as successful. Apparently, Dawes wasn’t as revered as Revere.)4 But we don’t have to be historical icons to take advantage of social connections. The wealth of social capital also becomes apparent when we share information about resource efficiency in our houses, about which computers are more reliable, or which friend of a friend is looking for a partner. Social capital is the “glue” that binds communities together, creating cultural norms, energetic networks, and reservoirs of trust.
When freely and wisely spent, social capital lowers crime rates, makes schools more productive, and helps economies function better. Contracts, leases, and schedules operate more smoothly. In socially abundant communities and nations, individuals don’t have to earn as much money to be comfortable, because quality of life is partly provided by the strength of
social bonds. For example, two farmers who share machinery with each other avoid having two combines on adjoining farms, credit union members and insurance carriers can share pools of financial capital, and jobseekers can find work more easily—substituting networking for possible bankruptcy. (More jobs are found by word of mouth than by reading the classifieds.)
As the aptly nicknamed baseball player Yogi Berra once said, tongue-in-cheek, “If you don’t go to your friend’s funeral, he won’t come to yours.” When social capital is squandered or remains unspent, the results can be dismal; the bonds and agreements that keep life humming along smoothly begin to unravel. Though we’re trained to think that individuality is our most valuable trait—that we need to be strong and smart enough to be successful in a cutthroat world—this money-bound mentality often severs authentic connections between people, leaving us feeling confused. We’re hard wired to rely on each other, yet we’re also supposed to compete with each other and make it on our own … .
Consideration and kindness are sometimes thought to be expendable—we just don’t have time for them. For example, this morning I had an appointment with a guy who wanted to look at my basement apartment, currently for rent. I kept up my end of the deal, making sure I was available to show him the space. But the potential renter was a no-show, disrupting my focus and energy as I kept listening for the doorbell to ring. When it becomes normal to break appointments—and relationships—without warning, daily life requires more effort. Part of the problem is the breakneck pace of our society. In a world of instant everything, we try to find instant intimacy—for example, we resort to “speed dating” and Internet intrigues that often go south by the second encounter. We think we can judge a person’s character overnight (often literally), but solid relationships take time to build.
When the disappointment of a broken promise is replicated a million times over, every day, the Golden Rule gets turned upside down: Do unto others as they did to you, man. Self-esteem plummets and aggression proliferates; relationships that could be richly rewarding become toxic and draining. Like a social plague, whole societies become infected with mistrust and insecurity. Stark evidence that social capital is being swept away in America is that one of every thirty-two people is now either in prison or on parole. (Certainly these are “clubs” whose memberships are more beneficial when they are small, and I believe that only the empathy and healing of social bonds can shrink them.)
Philosopher Martin Buber’s work distinguishes between two kinds of social connection—what he calls I-You relationships and I-It relationships, explained in his 1923 book Ich und Du (I and Thou). In the I-You relationship, an unwavering, holistic bond of trust exists between an individual and key aspects of his life, including other people, other living beings, and whatever that person perceives God to be. In Buber’s view, when we experience life from a perspective of I-You, we enter a sacred realm of authenticity and oneness. We make and keep commitments to “be there” without pretense or judgment, on a playing field of mutual caring, respect, and responsibility. In this way, we create the priceless relationships that make life worth living.5
On the other hand, in I-It relationships, people are misperceived as objects, valued only for what we can get from them. The ego is in the center, surrounded by things and people it tries to manipulate. Instead of being at one with the world, we become detached and isolated from it. If people or other living beings are no longer of use, we just throw them away. For example, when a huge school of fish is perceived as huge profits, it doesn’t matter if that particular species is an endangered species—the fish are just objects that exist for our benefit. We assume there are always more objects to exploit.
The analytic I-It approach to life makes us strangers in our own world, and is a primary reason why many feel a sense of emptiness. We strive to connect with a Higher Power we can sanctify rather than objectify—a being who won’t let us down, and to whom we are devoted. I believe we can and must bring sanctity to our everyday lives by creating I-You relationships, treating even the food we eat or a masterpiece painting with great respect, wonder, and connection, because the people who grew healthy food or created the painting “speak” through it. By changing the way we regard the world, the “me” in each of us becomes a much wider “we,” and we feel interconnected and complete. Even in a world filled with contradiction and superficiality, we find True North.
A wealth of scientific evidence now supports what we’ve known in our hearts all along: Without strong social and spiritual connections, we wither. We need to elevate love and connection to a higher priority even if that means we make less money and spend less time worrying about it. Researchers say it’s a matter of life and death. Dr. Dean Ornish, author of Love and Survival, says, “Study after study has shown that people who feel lonely, depressed and isolated are three to seven times more likely to get sick and die prematurely than those who have a sense of love, connection, and community in their
lives.”6 One study looked at men and women who were about to have open-heart surgery. “The researchers asked two questions: ‘Do you draw strength from your religious faith?’ and, ‘Are you a member of a group of people who get together on a regular basis?’” Those who said no to both questions were dead within 6 months, compared to only 3 percent of those who said yes to both questions—a seven-fold difference in mortality.”7
Nadine Lightburn reads to her husband of fifty-eight years, John, who is legally blind but still very interested and active in world affairs. Credit: Jonathan Castner
After many years of hands-on medical work, Ornish concludes that the real epidemic is not just physical heart disease but also emotional and spiritual heart disease. Social support makes us feel valued and loved, feelings that enhance our health, but conversely, “Anything that promotes a sense of isolation can lead to illness and suffering.” The reasons why are tangible: for one thing, isolation increases the likelihood we’ll smoke, overeat, or fail to exercise. Furthermore, says Ornish, “Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms must penetrate through our immune, neuroendocrine and other defense systems, and these defenses are measurably enhanced by love and relationships.” Social connections also reduce stress, the universal Grim Reaper. For example, when you’re low on cash, one of the most stressful things going, it sure helps to have a friend throw you a lifeline. When you’re sick, maybe another friend will take care of your kids for a few days until you feel better. Ornish has observed an especially strong correlation between the love of parents and good health, in part because parental relationships have such a long span: nutrition before and after birth; coping (or not really coping) styles developed
when young—such as anxiety, anger, and optimism; spiritual values and practices; and parental support and love in one’s adult life.8
In a Harvard study in the 1950s, students were randomly chosen and asked to describe their relationship with their mother and father—whether “very close,” “warm and friendly,” “tolerant,” or “strained and cold.” Thirty-five years later, results were conclusive. All of the participants who rated both parents low in warmth and closeness had diseases in midlife (including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, duodenal ulcer, and alcoholism), whereas only 47 percent of those with warm, close parents had the target diseases.9
Our health is even boosted by the unconditional love of pets. In a study of heart attack victims who now had irregular heartbeats, six times as many people died if they didn’t have a pet. Many other studies show similar results. Says Dean Ornish, “If some new drug showed a six-fold decrease in deaths, you can be sure that just about every doctor in the country would be prescribing it. Yet when was the last time your doctor prescribed a pet or supportive friend for you?”10
Social emotions travel on chemical pathways in our bodies. Writes Daniel Goleman in Social Intelligence, “A hundred men and women wore devices that took readings of their blood pressure whenever they interacted with someone. When they were with family or enjoyable friends, their blood pressure fell; these interactions were pleasant and soothing.” On the other hand, in a group of British health-care workers who had two different supervisors on alternate days, the more controlling supervisor caused spikes in blood pressure, whereas the presence of the second, more empathetic supervisor did not.11
In Love and Survival, Dean Ornish cites other clinical evidence of social chemistry: A doctor at Stanford Medical School studied women with breast cancer who were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Each group received conventional medical care and, in addition, one group of women met together for ninety minutes once a week for a year, to express their feelings about their illness. “In the safe and supportive environment, they could discuss their fears about topics like being disfigured, dying, or being abandoned by their friends and spouse,” writes Ornish. The results were dramatic: The women who attended the weekly support group lived twice as long as the others. After five years, only those in the support group were still alive. 12
The chemistry of intimate relationships is more immediate. For example, an attractive woman “turns a man on,” literally, when she meets his gaze directly; his brain secretes the pleasure-inducing chemical dopamine. (If he looks but she doesn’t, there’s no chemical release.) If they later become intimate, her massaging hands relax him, lowering his blood pressure and releasing the antistress hormone oxytocin. His metabolism downshifts, reports Goleman, from the “ready-to-run mode that primes large muscles for running, to a restorative state in which nutrients are stored and the body recharges.”13
What would you give up to experience ongoing good chemistry like this at work, in the neighborhood, and at home? Would you give up stress, fear, and the need to control others? Of course you would, if you could. Would you cut back on the amount of work you do, the amount of time you spend acquiring and pampering possessions, and trade it for honest relationships? Maybe not, because you may be so wrapped up, so defined, by the so-called good life that you can’t find a way down. However, many believe that social engagement is worth far more than money can buy, and given the choice between “your money or your life,” you might just choose life and love. Whenever we’re lucky enough, and open enough, to have real wealth like this in our lives, I believe we should always choose to be lovers, not fighters. And I speak from experience, having been both.
Daniel Goleman tells the joke about a couple that’s only had one fight in their entire marriage—and they’re still having it. In my younger days when I was (even) less mature and still had some frustrations to work out, a friend once good-heartedly referred to my not-yet-ex-wife and I as “the Bickersons,” because we couldn’t seem to balance the energy in our relationship, despite many wonderful moments in our early years. I’m confident that our kids came through okay, and hopeful they find relationships that are more enduring. For the past six years, I’ve felt, and returned, the love of a remarkable woman. It’s commonly said that attraction between the sexes boils down to sex objects and success objects. While this assessment does have some degree of anthropological truth, it tells only part of the story. Such relationships may well be I-It in nature, regarding people as objects. In my maturing years, I see that the most compelling features about a partner are kindness, independence, and humility—and Susan has them. To see her caring for a newborn grandson is to see how warm she is. In those moments when loving energy sparkles in her eyes, I melt.
I met her when she came to a party at our community house. Seeing her across the room, I said to myself, “I wish I could sit next to that good-looking woman—I wonder if she’s single.” As luck would have it, that very
seat was empty, and I dusted off my courtship skills. In an instinctual display of plumage, I gave her a copy of a book I’d recently coauthored, Affluenza, and invited her to tour the neighborhood garden and orchard where I spend so much time. The next day, I brought her an artfully arranged box of ripe tomatoes, basil, and cut flowers from the garden. From my perspective, my charm had won her over, though she gives much of the credit to the basil.
Of course, it helps that we each have our own nests, about half a block apart. The truth is, I may not know everything there is about being a slob, but I am an American male and that’s a start: An American male artist-type, who gardens with abandon, stares at computer screens for hours at a time waiting for the right words to self-assemble, has his share of opinions (maybe you’ve noticed?), and vacuums every three months whether it needs it or not. But maybe I have redeeming qualities. Let’s just say I’ve learned the value of cuddling, and of listening, and that I’ve taken a chance on opening up. Marital researcher John Gottman observes that happy, stable relationships have about five positive interactions for every negative one, and as I was outlining this chapter, Susan and I agreed that we meet that criterion pretty well. Life’s good.
The longest-running relationship I’ve experienced personally is the sixty-three-year love affair between my parents. Though my father passed on five years ago, my mother still wears the wedding ring he gave her three weeks before he shipped out for Europe, to take part in the Normandy invasion. They met at a sorority party and he was one among several other suitors until he climbed the fire escape of an antique building where she was in class and asked her to wear his fraternity pin. “He was a smoothie,” she recalls. “He was intelligent, interested in things, and had a good sense of humor.” What she really thought was “sharp” was when he and a few friends made and sold sandwiches to campus sorority girls, who weren’t allowed out after ten at night. They raised enough money to go to Cuba for spring break. “That’s when I realized he had a sense of adventure.”
So did she. After their quickly rearranged wedding, he left to “shake down” the ship on which he was second-in-command. She followed him by train to his port of departure, astonishing him by showing up to say goodbye. She recalls, “It was against the rules—no civilians were allowed, especially women, but I talked an officer into taking me out to the island, and I really caused quite a stir. They were all lined up for dinner, and some of those men were coming back from the war and hadn’t seen a woman in months. If I’d had two heads and three left feet, I would have looked good to them. But the important part was that I sent my love along with him.”
From those romantic beginnings onward, their marriage was rich in
mutual respect. I don’t remember a single shouting match between them, though my sister and I made up for that a few times. Dad steadily became successful in his career, but the emphasis was on frugality, family, and faith. “We didn’t need to spend a lot to be happy,” says Mom. One night, Dad came home when a Cub Scout meeting was still in progress. He showed interest in what we were doing and, as always, he paid attention to us as individuals. Says Mom, “The other den mother told me, ‘You’re lucky to have him for a husband.’ That’s the way I felt, too,” she says. “Wherever he went, he was there.”
Dad’s company sent him to Mexico City where they lived for ten years, immersed in learning and living a completely new culture. After retiring, they went on thirty or more Elder Hostel adventures—from theater tours in England to educational seminars on Indian reservations. “The one disagreement we had,” she recalls, “was about him giving up smoking. Although he didn’t smoke in front of me, he’d smoke when he was out playing golf.” One of my most poignant memories is how she took care of him in his last days, as lung cancer slowly ate away his life. She’d be up at four in the morning to give him his pain medicine, and they spent seven months in their Tucson home knowing their days together were coming to an end, and making the most of each day.
Before he died, he took her to the bank, the car mechanic, and other places she’d need to know about. “This is how you pump gas,” he told her. “This is how I’ve been watering the lemon tree.” I was lucky to be at their house the week before he died. Although he and I had gone back and forth about the environment for years, he conceded that global warming was a reality, symbolically giving value to all my environmental efforts and convictions. “Write something good,” he told me, putting his now-frail hand on my shoulder.
“He’s the fullest, wealthiest man I’ve ever known,” says my friend Patricia (you met her in the “Personal Growth” chapter), referring to a remarkable man she’s known since her early days in an orphanage for girls. “Some of the priests at the orphanage seemed lonely but Father Reynolds (I’ll call him that) was different. His life mission was to have a positive affect on girls who were having problems at the orphanage. Initially it was the ones who were giving the nuns fits—probably free spirits, like wild ponies, who needed a mentor to help them survive,” she continues. “The nuns would rule with an iron fist out of necessity, but Father Reynolds helped steer
them through the choppy waters. He had a little money he inherited from his parents when they died, and if one of his girls got into a tough place or needed a little spending money at college, he’d be there for them, like an anchor. He learned to speak Spanish, and when one of his girls got pregnant, he escorted her to Mexico so she could make peace with her parents.
“When I visited him recently at the retirement home where he now lives, I saw how his life mission had come into full blossom: on one whole wall of his little apartment—the centerpiece of his home—were dozens of pictures, radiating out from a central picture like spokes on a wheel. They were pictures of the fifty girls whose lives he’s enriched. ‘This is Angelina,’ he told me, ‘she was a tough little girl when I first met her, but now she’s happily married, as you can see, living in Virginia.’ He went through quite a few of the photographs, and I could see how appropriate the title ‘father’ was for him. He didn’t have biological children, but he had fifty children-of-the-heart who continue to enrich his life—he gets calls from one or another of them every few days, inviting him to attend the graduation ceremony of their granddaughter, at their expense—or to ask his advice about what to get a master’s degree in, or just to say hello. Three of his girls actually live in the same town that he lives in.” Patricia concludes, “He chose a path of integrity that makes his retirement years so abundant—all these connections with people that are so significant in his life.”
Stories like these remind us that everywhere we look, compassionate people are lending support and making connections—that’s what we do best, really. I was up at 5:30 A.M. this past summer when my next-door neighbor Phil Lohre raced across the front lawn and directed an ambulance to the front of his house. I didn’t want to be a nosy neighbor but I did want to be available if my friends needed help, so I stood on my front porch as the crew rolled Phil’s wife, Julie, out on a gurney. I found out later that day that she’d had a seizure and had a tumor in the front of her brain.
The first thing that occurred to her is that she had to write her three children a letter with her best life lessons, love, and wisdom—just in case. The kids—who I’ve watched grow from beans to beanstalks—were at summer camp a thousand miles away, but Julie and Phil decided to fly them home the next afternoon. “We realized that we aren’t separate from them,” she says. “They were important to our decision-making process.” As the Lohres began their intensive research on the science of Julie’s condition, Phil was her first strong pillar of support. Julie is a nurse-practitioner and is very well versed in health science, but the details of the various treatment options were extremely complex. Phil’s note-taking and sharp intellect helped the pair equip themselves with the right information. For example, they opted not to have a separate biopsy done since the tumor would have
to come out in any case, whether it was benign or malignant. They flew to New York for a second opinion, and kept their wits about them as they gathered information. “Without Phil’s support, I would have felt overwhelmed,” says Julie.
Neighbors began cooking meals for the Lohres, old friends brought perennials to plant in Julie’s garden, and Julie began to shift into a different mind-set. “I started to look at life’s priorities in a totally different way,” she says. “While I waited for a few weeks to have the surgery, I wanted laughter and music in my life, and I wanted to avoid labeling. Yes, I had a brain tumor, but that shouldn’t prevent me from still feeling good …” She began to slow down and reassess where her time and efforts were going. Her son, Will, asked if she’d play pool with him. “Normally that would be something that would go on my to-do list—‘spend quality time with Will’—but that afternoon, I STOPPED and played pool with him. We had a great time! I found out how good he was, who had taught him to play, and how they sometimes cheated, just a little. When we slow down and look at things differently, we see there’s an underlying rhythm and vividness to everything.” She gets out a card that her daughter Lisi had made for her: “Wherever you are and whatever you do, we will be there with you.”
As a precaution, after the tumor was removed, Julie was scheduled for thirty-one low-dose radiation treatments over a six-week period—a huge effort, especially since she couldn’t drive. Twenty different people offered to drive her to the hospital and wait for her—at least a two-hour commitment. “The support I got from people was awesome!” she says. “I felt like I was being carried by the positive energy people gave me.” She made each trip to the hospital into a productive healing session. For example, when I took her, our discussion was about visualization. She wanted to clearly and decisively instruct her immune system what to do with all uninvited cells in her body, and we talked about sending them to a virtual compost pile. Julie’s prognosis is excellent, and no doubt all the intentional thoughts and support have played a key role.
I lived in a rural mountain town for twenty years and rarely interacted with my neighbors, who were scattered throughout the valley in cabins. But when a blizzard hit, our vehicles would get stuck in snowdrifts, and we relied on each other to dig them out. Sometimes the power also went out, and in each little house, families were sitting around woodstoves telling stories the way humans always have. In our little cabin, we always had piles of firewood
cut and split, and we’d get out the candles and pop popcorn on the stove. By the end of the storm, we became a closer family in a more supportive community. It felt great.
The question is, why did it take blizzards and power outages to strengthen natural bonds between people? In many of America’s neighborhoods, we’ve become strangers on our own streets. What can we do to bring those streets back to life? The process of reinventing a neighborhood might begin when you walk out your front door and just say hello to someone you’ve seen before, but never met. After preliminary conversation, the topic of neighborhood security comes up, and maybe you comment how valuable it would be to compile a list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of everyone on the block. “That way, if someone gets hurt or just needs help moving a dresser, he can call one of us,” you say. Your neighbor, whose name is Shawn, agrees, adding, “Maybe we could set up a neighborhood e-mail listserv, to provide a forum for news and opinion, and a digital bulletin board for babysitting exchanges, discussion groups, and carpooling …”
Coincidentally, while the two of you are talking about homeland security at the neighborhood scale, another neighbor—Marion—comes by with her own idea for getting neighbors together—a community picnic in her large backyard. She prepares a homemade flier and takes it door to door to forty-four houses on the block, explaining to those who are home that her intention is to help create a friendlier, livelier neighborhood. All but a few neighbors seem interested, and many of them show up at the barbecue, which includes musical talent from the neighborhood, humorous name tags, and locally grown food.
The next day you notice neighbors knocking on each other’s doors, following up on conversations, dropping off recipes, and arranging help with lawn watering or pet-sitting while people are on vacation. In the months that follow, a discussion group, book club, a few carpools, and a food co-op form. Matt, a sociology professor, uses the new e-mail listserv to suggest a work-share program enabling neighbors to trade skills like dry walling and landscaping, to save money and continue building community. Sarah, the young woman with the German shepherd, joins him to help coordinate the project, and she also spearheads a community cleanup of the vacant lot at the end of the street. While they pick up McDonald’s wrappers and newspapers, she has an idea: Maybe the absentee owner of the lot would let them have a community garden there. After all, the lot’s been vacant for the last fifteen years, and he would get a tax deduction for it.
These first few neighborhood-building efforts result in a new way of thinking about your neighborhood. You begin to think outside the boxes of your houses to envision a more productive and useful community. With a
handful of successes behind you, you organize a meeting at the elementary school one evening, to talk about visions for the neighborhood. This is an important step because it formalizes neighbors’ intentions to cocreate a place that is supportive and strives to be sustainable. You stand up and report, “Since our first community picnic, I’ve watched less TV, saved time and money by carpooling with Frank, and helped remodel Jerry’s garage, where he will park an old pickup truck that’s available for any of us to borrow. Aren’t these the kind of things that good neighborhoods should be about?” One young adult, Liz, decides to return to the neighborhood to live near her family and friends. The elderly widow, Nancy, rents her the apartment that her late husband created by remodeling the garage into a cottage. So, now Nancy can afford to stay in the neighborhood—and Liz can, too.
Neighbors at Tierra Nueva Cohousing Community in Oceano, California, had a party to celebrate the resilience and social wealth of their neighborhood. Credit: Magdy Farahat
Gradually, your neighborhood gets a well-deserved reputation for being a great place to live. Crime is almost nonexistent, property values go up, and turnover goes down. At a barbecue near the community garden one evening, Marion comments, “It’s funny—when we focus just on ourselves, the world shrinks and our problems seem huge. But when we learn to focus on other people, the world expands and our own problems seem smaller. As our world expands, so does our capacity to care.”