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Abbey, Edward
Ackerman, Diane
advertising, taxing
and environmental protection
Affluenza (PBS program)
Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic (Wann et al.)
Age of Enlightenment
food mileage
industrial agriculture
water and
Algonquin Hotel (NYC)
Allen, Paul
Allen, Woody
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Altshuler, Michael
America on the Move program
American Association of Retired People (AARP)
American Journal of Medicine
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, The
American Sociological Review
Anatomy of Resources Wars, The (Renner)
Anderson, Sherry Ruth
Appleton High School
Armour, J. Ogden
Association of National Advertisers
Astaire, Fred
Atkins diet
Authentic Happiness (Seligman)
automobile dependency, remedies for
Autrey, Wesley
average-income household, rethinking priorities
Bateson, Gregory
Batman and Robin (film)
Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon
Bennett, William
Benyus, Janine
Berra, Yogi
Berry, Thomas
Berry, Wendell
Beyond the Limits (Meadows)
Bhutan, Gross National Happiness (GNH) and
Black, Bob
Boone, Daniel
Boulder (CO)
Green Points ordinance
Holiday neighborhood
Norwood-Quince neighborhood
Boulder Housing Partners
Bowling Alone (Putnam)
Bowling for Columbine (documentary)
BP, financial benefits of efficiency measures
Bradley, David
Brand, Stewart
Brown, Cindy
Brown, H. Jackson, Jr.
Brown, Lester
Buber, Martin
Buchwald, Art
Burn, Lucy
Business and Consciousness Conference
Buy Nothing Days
Cabell, James Branch
Campbell, Joseph
“do-no-harm” clauses
and health benefits
Carson, Rachel
Carter, Jimmy
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Charles II
Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work
economic growth of
per capita energy consumption
rain forest destruction in
Chiras, Dan
Clark, Sandy
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Club of Rome
cohousing communities
meeting human needs
Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves (Durrett/McCamant)
Cole, Rick
Colgan, Michael
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Diamond)
Common Sense (Paine)
compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL)
Congressional Budget Office
Consumer Reports
consumption. See affluenza; overconsumption
Contact (film)
Container Recycling Institute (CRI)
Costa Rican rain forest
Cosu, Alice
Cowley, Abraham
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
cultural creatives
lifestyles of
Cultural Creatives, The (Ray/Anderson)
cultural prosperity
cultural change
cultural-shifts, learning from
sustainable society, transition to
United States and Europe
United States, religion and
da Vinci, Leonardo
Daly, Herman
Daniel, Jonathan
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Jim
Davis, Jim and Beth
Dawes, William
de Graaf, John
Deci, Edward
Denver Business Journal
Denver Post
Descartes, René
Diamond, Jared
Dickinson, Emily
diet and erectile dysfunction
Diet for a Small Planet (Lappé)
“do-no-harm” clauses
corporate America and
Dominguez, Joe
Dowd, Maureen
Duany, Andrés
Duby, Georges
Dunham, David
Dunkin’ Donuts
DuPont, financial benefits of efficiency measures
Durning, Alan
Durrett, Chuck
Earth Days
Earth in Mind (Orr)
tax shifting
acceleration of
global economy
population explosion and
Edward, Duke of Windsor
Einstein, Albert
Ekins, Paul
Elgin, Duane
Ellison, Larry
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
energy, wind industry
energy consumption
hydrocarbon economy
in the United States
energy savings
auto-dependency, remedies for
compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL)
cutting energy consumption in half
fossil fuels
green design and efficiency
oil production
and transmission lines
Energy Bulletin Web
Energy Star appliances
English proverb
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (documentary)
environmental challenges
affluenza and
China syndrome, beyond the
ecological footprint
fossil fuels and
greenhouse gases, reducing
Kyoto Protocol
pollutants and
See also global warming
Environmental Defense
Environmental Science: Creating a Sustainable Future (Chiras)
Erectile Dysfunction Institute
Ertz, Susan
Escape from Affluenza (documentary)
Europe, energy consumption in
European Dream: How Europe’s Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream, The (Rifkin)
Evans, Blanche
Evergreen Cougars
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (TV)
Fahrenheit 9/11 (documentary)
Fair Labor Standards Act
Farst, Drew Gilpin
Fast Company magazine
Fast Food Nation (Schlosser)
Feldman, Sally
Ferguson, Marilyn
Fishman, Charles
flow, conditions that encourage and define
eating greener
and erectile dysfunction
getting what you need
human beings as herbivores
industrial agriculture
junk food
Mediterranean diet
food mileage
food processing industry
Forbes magazine
fossil fuels
auto-dependency, remedies for
and global warming
hydrocarbon economy
Kyoto Protocol and
origins of
Frankl, Victor
Franklin, Benjamin
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Richard
Frost, Robert
Fuller, Buckminster
Furguson, Marilyn
Galger, Gary
Garcia, Jerry
ten rules of thumb
Garfield (cartoon)
Garland, Judy
General Social Survey
Germany, per capita energy consumption
Gibbons, Edward
Gilbert, Peter
Gips, Terry
Gitlitz, Jenny
Gladwell, Malcolm
Glink, Ilyce
Global Living Project
global warming
fossil fuels and
greenhouse gases, reducing
Kyoto Protocol
polar bears and
religion and
God Who Looks Like Me, A (Reilly)
Going Local (Schuman)
Going Sane (Phillips)
Golden (CO)
Harmony Garden
Harmony Village
Goleman, Daniel
Gore, Al
Gottman, John
Govan, Tino Web site
Gravitz, Alisa
Great Work, The (Berry)
Green Belt Movement
Green Guerrillas
Green Points ordinance
greenhouse gases, reducing
Greenway, Robert
Griffin, Dawn
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) and
Gross National Happiness (GNH) and
Gussow, Joan
Hampton, Mark
changing our mind
flow, conditions that encourage and define
for the greater good
more than
Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (Layard)
Hardee’s Monster Thickburger
Harmony Village (Golden, CO)
Harmony Garden
Harris Interactive
Hawken, Paul
healing power, social connection and
Healing of America, The (Williamson)
benefits of
diet and
junk food and
prescription medications and
preventive pathways to
health benefits, corporate America and
herbivores, human beings as
High Price of Materialism, The (Kasser)
Hill, James O.
Hindu proverb
Hinkley, Robert
historical dividends
Age of Enlightenment
minority rights
women’s rights
Hoffer, Eric
Holiday neighborhood (Boulder, CO)
Wild Sage Cohousing community
Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable, The (Chiras)
Homeowners Associations
cutting household energy in half
and energy
home energy savings, priorities
small houses, intrinsic values of
XL houses
Hope, Bob
human beings as herbivores
Ich und Du (Buber)
Illich, Ivan
Inconvenient Truth, An (Gore)
the Internet
media, redirecting
textbook censorship
what brains are for
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Ithaca (NY)
Jacobson, Michael
Japan, per capita energy consumption
Jefferson, Thomas
Jerome, Jerome K.
Johnson, Donny
Johnston, David
Journal of the American Medical Association
junk food
Kamenetzky, Mario
Kasser, Tim
Keller, Helen
Kellogg Company
Kemper, Van
Kennedy, John F.
Kentucy Fried Chicken
Keppler, Johannes
Keynes, John Maynard
Keys, Ancel
Kleinfield, N. R.
Kohn, Alfie
Korten, David
Kotkin, Joel
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
Kunstler, James
Kyoto Protocol
Ladies Home Journal
Lake Cedar Group
Lappé, Frances Moore
Larchmont (NY)
Last Child in the Woods (Louv)
Layard, Richard
Leach, Jim
Lebow, Victor
Leno, Jay
Leopold, Aldo
Lewis, Dora
Lightburn, Nadine and John
Lincoln, Abraham
Little House on a Small Planet (Soloman)
Living Machine neighborhoods (Boulder, CO)
Lohre, Julie
Lohre, Lisi (daughter)
Lohre, Phil
Lorber, Dr. Daniel
Louv, Richard
Love and Survival (Ornish)
Lovins, Amory
Maathai, Wangari
McCamant, Katie
McCrindle, Brian
McLuhan, Marshall
Mander, Jerry
Manz, Friedrich
March of the Penguins (documentary)
Maslow, Abraham
Mason, Jackie
Mayer, Jean
Max-Neff, Manfred
nine fundamental needs
Meadows, Donella
Monster Thickburger
water and
media, redirecting
Mediterranean diet
Merkel, Jim
Mickey’s Packing Plant
Miller, Bode
Milton, Katherine
minority rights
Minority Report (film)
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Michael
Mother Teresa
top priorities of Americans
documentary films
Michael Moore’s films
sound levels
Nader, Ralph
National Association of Evangelicals
National Recycling Coalition
National Science Foundation
children and
value of
Nature Conservancy
nature-deficit disorder, reducing
in education
in government
in medicine
in personal activities
average American lifetime, excessive material needs of
better ways to satisfy
efficiency and sufficiency
efficiently using
getting what you need
Max-Neff’s nine fundamental needs
meeting precisely
wants and
cohousing communities
cultural assets
Holiday neighborhood
Homeowners Associations
“Living Machines,”
most enlightened towns
Norwood-Quince neighborhood (Boulder, CO)
physical assets
Nemkova, Petra
Gross National Product (GDP) of
New York Times
Newton, Isaac
Norman, Don
Not So Big House, The (Susanka)
Obama, Barack
Ode magazine
Oneto, Elaine
Oneto, Robert
Onion newspaper
organic foods
Organic Life, The (Gussow)
Organic Valley Family of Farms
Ornish, Dean
Orr, David
Ostram, Carol
auto-dependency, remedies for
and global warming
hydrocarbon economy
origins of
oil production
average-income household, rethinking priorities
consumer debt
cutting losses
renewable resources
supply and demand
television and
Owens, Buck
Paid Leave Law of 2004 (California)
Paine, Thomas
Pasteur, Louis
Patrick, Tom
Paul, Alice
Pelosi, Nancy
Penkala, Michael
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Petrovich, Eric and Margo
Pew Global Attitudes Projects
Pew Research Center
Philadelphia Inquirer
Phillips, Adam
Pierce, Linda Breen
Pink, Daniel
Planck, Nina
playful work, purposeful play
Pollack, Channing
Pollan, Michael
Portland (OR)
average-income household, rethinking priorities
high-income households
prescription medications
Putnam, Robert
Radical Simplicity (Merkel)
Radner, Gilda
Rara Avis biological reserve (Costa Rica)
Ray, Paul
Real-life Economics (ed: Max-Neff/Ekins)
Reawakening Spirit at Work
Reddick, Jim
Reilly, Patricia Lynn
religion, United States and
Renner, Michael
average American lifetime, excessive material needs of
efficiency and sufficiency
efficiently using
getting full value
getting what you need
Max-Neff’s nine fundamental needs
meeting needs precisely
needs, better ways to satisfy
wants and needs
See also energy savings
Revere, Paul
Ricardo, David
Rice, Condoleeza
Rifkin, Jeremy
Rippeto, Teri
Roberts, William C.
Robin, Vicki
Roger and Me (documentary)
Rogers, Will
Romano, Mary
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Rosenthal, Lore
Rowe, Jonathan
Russell, Bertrand
Russia, per capita energy consumption
Ryan, Desmond
Ryan, John
Ryan, Richard
Sahtouris, Elisabet
Salazar, Ken
Saloman, Shay
Samuelson, Robert J.
Sarandon, Susan
Save Salt Spring Society
Schlosser, Eric
Schoenthaler, Stephen
Schor, Juliet
Schuman, Michael
Secretan, Lance
Seeger, Pete
Segal, Jerome
Seligman, Martin
sex, getting what you need
Shafer, Jay
Sicko (documentary)
Siegel, David and Jacqueline
Silent Spring (Carson)
Simpsons, The (TV)
sleep, getting what you need
sleeping pills
Smith, Adam
Smith-Lovin, Lynn
Snyder, Gary
social capitol
chemistry of
healing power of
indicators of
and the neighborhood
Social Intelligence (Goleman)
Sony Playstation3, violence and
Spurlock, Morgan
Stuff: the Secret Lives of Everyday Things (Durning/Ryan)
Super Size Me (Spurlock)
Superbia! 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods (Wann/Chiras)
Susan (David Wann’s partner)
Susanka, Sarah
Swedish proverb
T-shirts, story of
Takács string quartet
Takayuki Ikkaku
Take Back Your Time (organization)
policy agenda
Take Back Your Time Days
Take Back Your Time (ed: de Graaf)
and overconsumption
taxing advertising
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Terkel, Studs
textbook censorship
Things That Make Us Smart (Norman)
Thoreau, Henry David
Tierra Nueva Cohousing Community
time, measuring
time affluence
as natural resource
and quality
taking back work time
where time goes
Time magazine
Tipping Point, The (Gladwell)
Tomlin, Lily
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data
Toynbee, Arnold
trans fatty acids, restricting
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company
Turner, Ted
Twain, Mark
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
U.S. Center for Nutritional Policy
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Web site
U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
United States
and Europe
per capita energy consumption
population growth
religion and
USA Today
and erectile dysfunction Web site
Visscher, Marco
Wackernagel, Mathis
and Chinese imports
and compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL)
efficiency measures, financial benefits of
Wall Street Journal
Walljasper, Jay
Walther, Geraldine
Wann, Colin (son)
Wann, David
as author
and cohousing communities
Denver Business Journal and
energy use
favorite possession
and gardening
Golden (CO)
Harmony Village (Golden, CO)
health strategy
Holiday neighborhood (Boulder, CO)
and Larchmont (NY)
“letter to Mom,”
lost in the woods
and neighbors
television viewing habits
trip to Costa Rican rain forest
trip to New Zealand
Wann, Julie (ex-wife)
Wann, Libby (daughter)
Wann, Susan (sister)
Washington, George
Washington Post
“Wasted Work, Wasted Time” (Rowe)
and agriculture
bottled water
getting what you need
and meat production
scarcity of
Watson, Nora
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith)
Weeber, Bill (Mongo)
Weil, Andrew
Welsh, Joan
White, E. B.
Whole New Mind, A (Pink)
Whole Foods
Wild Sage Cohousing community (Holiday neighborhood)
Williamson, Marianne
Wilson, E. O.
Wilson, Woodrow
wind industry
Winged Migration (documentary)
Wolff, John
women’s rights
Wong, Hoy
Words Made Flesh (Reilly)
work and play
good work
leisure equipment
puzzle and paradox
playful work, purposeful play
Working (Terkel)
World Health Organization
Worswick, Matt
Wright, Susse
XL (extra-large) houses
Yale School of Medicine
Yankelovich Partners
Yes! Magazine
Your Money or Your Life (Robin/Dominguez)
Zanowick, Marie and Steve
Zen of Gardening, The (Wann)