Dear Reader

This story fell out between July 8 – 17, 2020, and I couldn’t believe how fast I had to write. As someone who doesn’t plot the books per se, I needed to know how Eric and Lily were going to get together, as they were so different and yet suited for each other. Do you agree? Did Lily make up for her past? I’m sure we all have something in our past we’d like to stay buried and forget about, but not all small towns are ready to let it go.

Coming up next in the series is Cedar’s story – and figuring out what is going on between her and Mitch and this mystery woman and child. It too fell out of me and I’m looking forward to you reading it. Following that is Amber’s story – someone you’ll meet more of in Cedar’s book. After that, the whole gang reunites for Christmas a year later, so you’ll get a chance to see what they’ve all been up to, and meet Lily’s big sister, Mona.

Be sure to join my mailing list for all the updates and buy links and get all the free gifts I give away! I promise not to spam you (they come every two weeks) and I keep things brief with lots of freebies (including a scavenger hunt in the words). Your time is valuable, and I appreciate how you’ve spent time reading my story (thank you for that!).

As an author, it makes my day when a reader or blogger shares their thoughts and gives me feedback on the characters they’ve invested their time in. When readers fall in love with a character, it’s encouraging to write more. So, if you don’t mind, share with me what you liked, what you loved, or even what you hated. I’d love to hear from you via email, my website, or a review on your favourite retailer site. It doesn’t have to be long, even just as simple as “Couldn’t put it down”, or “Loved the characters” works. Reviews and ratings help me gain visibility, and as I’m sure you can tell from my books, reviews are tough to come by. If you have the time for an extra review, here’s my author page on Goodreads .

Thank you so much for spending time with me.


H.M. Shander