The Sword of Truth

The mind, the illusory person, doesn’t want to change. It is very afraid of change. It doesn’t mind praying for change in the world, but doesn’t want to change itself. The mind doesn’t mind playing at spirituality. It doesn’t mind meeting God, even meeting Him as an equal, but it doesn’t want to exchange itself for God. The psychological mind is the devil actually—but not totally, because it is mixed with the beingness. The mind wants to sell you a brand of spirituality which builds your ego, telling you, ‘Yes, let’s do these exercises of embracing each other and praying for the world,’ but these things do not challenge you.

When the time comes to be deeply challenged about your identity and who you are, all the fears and resistances come, and you start to feel like you are crumbling. Actually, you are not crumbling. Just the false skin is crumbling. And in the beginning, it’s not even crumbling, but just threatened. When the mind is threatened, it is going to fight to not crumble—and it’s a nasty player. It will bring up any doubt that it can find from wherever it can find it. It will look for your Achilles’ heel to try and puncture your resolve so that it can drive you again into the pit of personal identification, distraction and delusion.

I am here to encourage you. Don’t panic. Don’t be weak. Now is the time to be strong. You are stronger than you think, but you are strongest when you remember and draw upon the power of God. Grace is with you, but you must turn your face towards Grace and not towards your mind, for that is dis-grace. Know that everything is on your side, but you must fight for yourself. Don’t give up. If you give up, not even God can help you. Everything is here to encourage and support your victory. Come, come. Stand up. Why? Because to live, you must stand up! You are not a snake. If He wanted you to be a snake, He wouldn’t give you limbs. He would say, ‘Wriggle.’ But He gave you limbs—limbs of the Spirit—to stand up, because when you stand up in the power of God, you can fight anything. You can overcome the world.

I want to see that people reach deep into themselves, behind the facade of the person, and find the presence of God within. I want to see that people blow away these miserable states and live this life as the living Truth itself. You may think we are suffering from conflict, wars, famines and droughts. But no, we are suffering from ego! The ego is the atomic bomb that we drop on ourselves, in a way. Why do I say that? Because we are not helpless. As a person you are pretty much helpless, but you are powerful as Being. The change that really has to happen in the human kingdom is not a more advanced technological change, advancing in the outer things. We must be advanced in the inner world and rise above shallow, fleshly ambitions, to find again our original nature.

All this play is in the world—but the sword of Truth is also here. The whole thing, from start to finish, is illusion. ‘This life I’m living, my family, my attachments, my hopes for the future, trying to save the planet and what religion I am’ is all a big, big dream. Even myself standing here talking is in the dream—but I’m awake. When you are awake, it is very different. You don’t panic. You don’t run. You don’t hide under the bed or under a rock, because wherever you are, you know God is right here. This is not fantasy at all. Does fear come in this body? Yes, it comes, but it cannot proliferate. It cannot grow. Human feelings come in consciousness, but they are seen immediately and can never overtake. This is a very important thing.

Knowing the seeming power of delusion, I feel for all beings. My strength is that I know always that it is just an illusion. I have broken the mind, because I see whatever is appearing is just an illusion. It is all passing, you see, and nothing can stand up against the might of this seeing. Whatever it is, I know it is phenomenal. No matter what form it takes, it is phenomenal. When you come to the power of this conviction, you too are not going to be broken.