What great fortune that in this life your heart beats for
Truth. It doesn’t matter how much the mind tries to
disturb you. Ignore it. Just remind yourself, ‘This life is
for freedom.’ No matter how many times mind attacks,
‘You’re not good enough, not ready. You have not been
chosen.’ Don’t succumb to this serpent voice. You must
overcome it. Say, ‘I am here for freedom and I am free.’
Not that you are choosing to be free, you cannot avoid
being free. God cannot deny the request of the heart.
There are no dialogues in the universe.
It is all a monologue
—the one Self conversing with itself
in its favourite concept called ‘other’.
You are the undying.
Let what is die-able die and let the eternal be.
Beloved, I am still floating in the joy of your first kiss.
I am still living in the breath of my first glimpse of you,
O Formless One.
I never stamp anyone’s victory as being complete.
It’s over when it’s over, and not just when your mind
says it’s over. Don’t give up.
The ego-mind wants you to believe it is over
so it can regain its strength.
Now is your greatest fight.
You must have no compassion towards the unreal.
Strike it with the double-edged sword
of wisdom and devotion to the Real.
This is how you finish him: just stay as awareness.
Don’t deprive Grace of her role.
Just say Yes to the true
so that the world may not miss another opportunity
to witness the glory of God unfolding.
The mind is here to test you,
to try and create doubt in you,
to challenge your strength.
You must transcend every doubt about who you are.
Doubts about other things you can afford,
but doubts about yourself,
you must clarify until delusions end.
And mind is very much a part of this dynamic.
As soon as you are clear
you are not the psychological mind
but the immutable awareness,
mind begins to merge with you
as the single Being.