
Advaita Non-dual, not two; this oneness is a fundamental quality of everything. Everything is a part of and made of one non-dual consciousness.

Advaitin A spiritual seeker of Truth whose nature is more inclined towards understanding through the wisdom pointings of Advaita.

Bhajan An Indian devotional practice, prayer and hymn to the divine.

Bhakta Beings whose search for Truth expresses through bhakti.

Bhakti The love felt by the spiritual seeker of Truth towards the Guru or God. The path of devotion. The spiritual attitude of service to the Guru or God which helps purify the mind.

Buddhi Sanskrit term for intellect.

Darshan Blessings by the presence and grace of the Guru or God. Darshan is usually given through sight, touch or by being in the presence of the Guru, physically or non-physically.

Guru An enlightened spiritual teacher or master; the dispeller of darkness and ego; one who helps you dive within and realise the true Self.

Heart Not the physical heart nor the emotional centre, but used as a synonym for the Supreme Self.

Mala A set of beads strung together which have spiritual significance in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. They are either worn as a garland around the neck or are used similarly to the rosary in the Christian tradition to keep count while reciting, chanting or mentally repeating a prayer, a mantra or the various names of God.

Maya The illusion or dream of duality in the phenomenal universe.

Papaji Sri HWL Poonja is a disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi. He left the earthly realm in 1997. Although considered an Advaita Master, he is not confined to any particular tradition. Papaji is Mooji’s Master.

Prasad Blessed food offering.

Ramana Maharshi A Sage widely known for the power of his Self-realisation as well as his devotion and union with the holy mountain of Arunachala in south India. He departed the physical realm in 1950. Sri Ramana recommends self-inquiry as an unsparing tool to erode the persistent habit of identifying with the ego. Mooji’s own Master, Papaji, is a direct disciple of Sri Ramana.

Sadhana Ego-transcending spiritual practice, such as meditation.

Samadhi In its highest meaning, this Sanskrit term refers to a state where mind is irretrievably merged in Self-awareness. Even though body consciousness, thoughts and life’s activities continue playing, they no longer cause confusion about one’s true nature.

Sangha A community of beings who, in following the call of the inner voice of Self-discovery, find themselves drawn towards a particular spiritual master who can guide them to realise the Truth.

Satguru A spiritual preceptor of the highest attainment, one who has realised the ultimate Truth. Also the inner Guru, one’s true Self, the impersonal, the Absolute.

Satori Sudden enlightenment and a state of consciousness attained by intuitive illumination.

Satsang Association with the highest Truth. Satsang also refers to meetings where seekers can ask questions and receive guidance from a teacher or master.

Vasanas Deep-rooted habitual tendencies that belong to and re-inforce a personal identity. They carry a strong emotional charge.

Zen Emphasises insight into Buddha nature and imparts that the potential to awaken is inherent in everyone. One awakens not by the study or through rites and ceremonies, but by breaking through the boundaries of mundane logical thought.