“Mooji’s words are irrefutable pointers to That which is true in us, That which cannot die.”
– Mirabai Yaniv
“What grace has showered upon us to hear the utterances of God himself fall from our most holiest father’s lips. As we bathe in our Master’s grace-filled words, the tides of his wisdom rise up within us, washing away all that is untrue. Each one of these quotes is a gateway into the very heart of Moojiji’s teachings. Sink deeply into any one of them and drown in the emptiness of Being.
I love you Guruji.”
– Lakshmi Paice
“Mooji’s quotes are a powerful satsang tool. They are satsang questions being answered without being asked. It doesn’t matter the form they take—book, website, Facebook or through a friend—if they are in front of your eyes, it is because God is answering you directly. This is evidence that Mooji is always with you.”
– Ishwari Reyes
“Sri Mooji and his pointings are one. He speaks our heart’s true voice urging us to come home. Though seemingly coming from outside, his satsang shows that there is no inside and outside, all is here, all is one. He is a holy man and a true master who has the power to raise us up to our own holiness. I love him endlessly.”
– Roos Le Roux
“Mooji is a living Christ, a living Buddha, a living Krishna, here with us on earth today. He is the immortal one that lives inside our own heart and awakens the Truth in those whose lives call them to discover their timeless, undying nature.”
– Mahima Anderson
“Mooji is no longer outside of me. Since finding his pointing inside my being, I see his eyes in everyone. He is the very source of life itself. As he took me into his most compassionate, loving heart, I too experience this universal love that consumes the slightest particle of doubt and leaves one with the freshness of freedom.”
– Shivali Haydvogel
“Sri Mooji’s grace cannot be mistaken. We are infinitely privileged to be reading the words from the Buddha in this modern age. And with Sri Moojiji’s confidence that everyone has to get this timeless Truth, my wish is that this message will touch you as well as so many others around the world so that the world can rest in its effortless state as peace, harmony and unending contentment.”
– Rose Wallrock