“Love says, ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says, ‘I am
nothing.’ Between the two, my life flows.”
I look up at the grapevine outside the kitchen door and notice a solitary sparkling drop of rainwater on a vine leaf, shimmering, glistening like crystal, reflecting the early rays of the morning sun. This one drop glistens back to me … I am that drop.
I see many drops, all reflecting the morning sun, silently whispering their only purpose: to be here and nourish the vine leaf with its moisture, with its juice, and to reflect the source of all life, the Sun Itself. Why? Not because it wants to, or it has to or it desires to, but simply because that’s its nature. It simply can’t help but reflect the Sun’s light; it’s in its nature to do so.
What is in our nature that is as simple, clear and uncomplicated as this drop of rain simply reflecting the Sun’s rays? The answer cannot be worked out in the mind; it’s not something we have to manifest because it’s already manifested, wide awake as our true nature.
Simply look up/out/in and see what is shining gloriously, reflecting out, effortlessly, into the world.
This needs no work, requires no preparation, just the willingness to see through all our ideas about what it could be. It sits out in the open waiting to be seen. It’s in its nature to be seen as part of the reflecting it does naturally as a constant outpouring. Simply see it and joy will be the outcome.
Maybe you picked up this book because you thought it could give you something you don’t already have, that it could fill a lack, that it might help you get enlightened. By now, however, my hope is that you have realized that there is nothing this book or any book can give you regarding the truth of your being. What you seek you already are. The seeker you believe yourself to be is a concept, an assumption, and it has nothing to do with what you truly are.
To expose the ego’s bag of tricks, to finally end the greatest deception of all time, to simply pull the pin on it all and watch the house of cards come tumbling down at your feet requires courage and the willingness to really want to see the truth.
As the cards continue to fall, I invite you to meet head-on the irresistible temptation to start building again, to once again create a “someone” to be. Muster the courage to resist this temptation.
Where does one find this courage? It won’t be found in the “me” that is trying to rebuild itself. You must look to the clear, ever-present beingness that simply watches it all. Keep coming back to this.
Allow for the no-gap between “what is” and “what you are” to simply be. Don’t try to be it, don’t try to get to it; don’t try to do anything at all. You already are it; so don’t be tempted to make it a thing or to make it yours.
Simply allow for the infinite awareness, the only constant, to reveal itself as forever here. Simply see This, from This, as This.
There is no question of whether or not you already are this awareness. Instead, the question is, do you recognize it?
While we all have unlimited opportunities to recognize this, we consistently miss the moment. If you seem to be missing it right now, simply keep looking and it will open up for you.
Even if you are still holding onto your concepts, still searching, you are and will always be that. Who you truly are is simply expressing itself as “the seeker that is searching for something”.
All that exists is awareness, and you are that, freedom, liberation itself.
No words can ever come close to your own direct encounter with the magnificence of your own being. Words can only point to it.
If the pointers in this book have, even for an instant, allowed for self-recognition to awaken or, in some small way, a recognition or realization has stirred clarity – then this book has done its job.
Now it is up to you. Let the joy of your own presence lead the way from here to here … forever here.
In my offering lies your offering. As we each awaken into the awareness that we already are, we meet the world. And in this meeting, truth continues to manifest for the simple joy of itself and the simple love of itself.
Honour this, love this, be this.
This is all.