“Dorian, wake up,” Mya whispered as she shook her husband. This was the third time this week he’d yelled out in his sleep.
Dorian twisted and turned, clenching the covers before the sound of Mya’s voice awakened him from his nightmare. He sat straight up in the bed, trembling, in a cold sweat.
“Baby are you alright?” She asked.
“I’m fine,” he replied but his visibly shaken appearance told otherwise.
“I told you my sister’s Dr. said he has an opening on Friday. Let’s at least stop in and see what he has to say,” she pleaded.
“No! I told you I’m ok,” he hissed as he jumped up and headed for the bathroom.
These damn dreams had to stop. He had gotten a total of about fifteen hours of sleep in the past four days.
He had finally found the strength to move on with his life since Fallyn’s death. She had been brutally murdered by Pebbles and he had the misfortune of having to view her body.
Even though he’d been warned before he entered the room, nothing could have prepared him for what he witnessed. Her flesh had been burned to the bone with acid and her face mangled like she had been thrown to a pack of wolves. Not only had Pebbles scalped her, she’d cut her lips completely off of her face. It had been six years since his phone rang with the news that would change his life forever.
Dorian wiped his face off with a cool rag before heading to the kitchen. Just as he was pouring himself a cold glass of lemonade Mya popped in the room to continue her rant.
“You didn’t have to get up,” he grunted.
“I'm not going back to bed until I talk some sense into you. You can't keep running from your problems. Something is bothering you and it’s not going to go away until you deal with it,” she replied.
Mya loved Dorian with all of her heart but one of the things that drove her nuts was his stubbornness.
“I'm not running from anything, I told you I'm just under a lot of stress.” It was 2:00 in the morning and here she was trying to argue about a damn dream.
“Dorian who do you think you're fooling? These nightmares have been recurring since we've been married, and who knows how long before that. And you refuse to do anything about them. You can't keep going on like this, they’re robbing you of your sleep, and you’re becoming crankier by the minute,” she responded.
I’m becoming crankier because your ass won’t leave me alone about the shit, he thought.
“Look Mya, if it will make you feel any better I'll go to the doctor on Friday. We can call him later today to set up an appointment.”
Dorian had no intentions of going to see anyone he just needed to get Mya out of his hair at the moment. He knew that if he didn’t at least pretend like he was going along with her idea she would never go back to bed.
“We’ll see,” she snapped. She'd heard it all before, but it wasn't worth arguing over in the middle of the night. Besides, she didn't want to wake their two year old baby girl, Aniyah.
Once Mya was gone Dorian sat alone at the kitchen table and stared into space. She was actually right; he did need to talk to someone, but what the hell was he going to say? That his ex-crush witnessed a murder and then tried to blackmail the murderer and got murked her damn self? Despite the fact that Fallyn had slipped him into the friend zone, he was crazy about her. It was bad enough finding out that the woman he loved wanted Adrian, but to see her get killed in the process of a dumb ass scheme was too much for him to handle.
He and Mya had been together four years, and married for three. Once he was cleared as a suspect in Fallyn’s murder. He immediately moved and changed his phone number. He could still hear the sound of Pebbles’ voice when she called him that night. The fact that she was yet to be captured, along with the horrible vision of Fallyn’s corpse etched into his memory cause him to lose sleep many nights. Unfortunately he hadn’t told Mya any of this. She had never even heard him speak of Fallyn or Pebbles and it was best he kept it that way.
This Little Piggy
Damn this food is delicious, I thought. It seemed like forever since I had a home cooked meal, especially one this good. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought my own momma cooked it. The plate consisted of smothered chicken and gravy, homemade mac and cheese, candied yams, turnip greens, and cornbread, complimented with an ice cold glass of fresh lemonade to wash it all down. Even little AJ was eating so fast that he almost choked. I chilled in the kitchen and chowed down on the delicious meal while the couple debated on whether or not they were going to let us stay.
“I say we help her out. You see the chile needs help, plus she got that baby with her. We can’t just let the streets have her.”
“You don’t know a damn thing about that woman Minnie. We barely getting by ourselves and here you want to take in two more mouths to feed,” her husband Willie complained.
Minnie pleaded with her husband to let me and AJ stay with them. I could overhear them talking in the next room and from the sounds of it the old man wasn’t buying it.
Willie and Minnie Henderson lived and worked on the farm that Willie’s family owned since the 1920’s, when black folks owned about 14 percent of the farmland in the United States. Since then segregationists, discrimination, poverty and debt accumulation had all of wiped out the existence of the black farmer.
The couple, both grandchildren of share croppers married in 1968 and chose to hold in to the land that held the legacy of his grandparent’s dream of being business owners. As of now the black farm owners owned about one percent of the framed land in the US and that number was dwindling swiftly. Even still the Hendersons pressed on with a way of life that many would find menial. Since all of their 8 children had left the land without even a thought of looking back except for rare visits, life had become quite lonely for the elderly couple, especially Ms. Minnie Aside from the neighbors and the few workers that had been around for years, it was just the two of them. Willie suspected that was why his wife was practically begging for him to reconsider me staying with them for a while.
I had held out for as long as I could in Florida but that Everglades shit had gotten old. Not only did my black ass stick out like a sore thumb; the humidity and the bugs were horrid. Not to mention the fact that they were combing the state like crazy looking for my ass after the run in I had with Persha. I lived from pillar to post for the next few years until I finally settled in Georgia.
When I ran into the Henderson’s I was actually outside of a general store in a rural area trying to hustle up on enough cash to get a hotel for AJ and I for a few days. That raggedy assed car of mine had long broke down and it now served as our home.
Hiding from the law had taken its toll on me. And having a child go along for the ride only increased the stress. Not only did I want better living conditions for my son and I, AJ was now six years old and beginning to ask more and more questions. I gathered books from the library and tried to homeschool him the best I could but the bottom line was I needed some stability in my life. The last thing a prissy bitch like me wanted was to live on a damn farm, but if I can make it in the damn swamp, I can make it anywhere. Plus if they didn’t take us in I didn’t know how much longer I could live in these streets.
“You must have forgotten that someone helped us out when we were young. Everybody falls on hard times Willie, you of all people should know that. Besides, I think she will be good company for me at the house.”
“I knew it! That’s what this is all about? You trying to make a friend?” Willie asked.
“No, it’s about doing what’s right and helping a woman with a child who can’t help herself.”
“Bullshit, that’s what they have shelters for. I’ll be dammed if I let a complete stranger up in here just because you want a buddy. I ain’t doing it Minnie so let’s just drop it,” the 73 year old protested.
Minnie knew that her husband was as crabby and set in his ways as they came, but she also knew that his bark was worse than his bite. It wasn’t going to kill them to extend a helping hand.
“They don’t have to stay in here with us. The shack in the back has plenty of room for the both of them. It’s only temporary until she gets on her feet. She said she was looking for work every day. And I know that baby boy can’t eat much.”
“Damn woman, you campaigning for her ass like she’s family,” he vented. “I guess she can stay,” he grunted reluctantly.
Yes! I thought this was just the break I needed. Thank God for Minnie and her kind heart. Cause Lawd knows that ole geezer wouldn’t have given me a second look.
“Now that’s the Willie I know,” Minnie grinned.
“Now don’t go getting ya’ hopes up,” he replied. “Like you said, it’s only temporary. I’ll fire up that steam heater in the shack and they will be plenty warm. She and the boy will have to work to earn their keep. She looks like a man, I hope she can work like one,” the old man chuckled.
Fuck you pappy! I know a bitch ain’t had her hormones in a while but my fine ass was far from looking like a man. I could already see from the jump our asses were going to clash.
“Hush yo’ mouth fo’ that chile hears you!” Minnie protested, “She’s right in the kitchen.”
“I don’t care if she does hear me; I’m serious as a damn heart attack. She looking like Michael Strahen ‘round ‘bout the shoulders, back wider than mine. Imma put her big ass on that plow and see what she can do.”
I was so happy when he said that we could stay that I let all the cracks about my back fly right out the window. My ass was tired of running and I had finally found a place I could call home.
A few months later
“Momma why we have to work on a farm”” AJ asked as he threw feed to the chickens surrounding his feet. The six year old was starting to look just like his daddy and asking a ton of questions.
“Because we have to work to live here,” I replied. “Remember I told you that when we moved in?”
“But I don’t want to live here,” he whined. “I wanna move back where we were. I want to play with my friends. And I’m just a kid, why do I have to work?”
“You wanna eat don’t you?” I didn’t mean to snap at him but he was working my last nerve with all these questions. Hell I didn’t want to be here anymore than he did.
“Yes ma’am....”
“Look baby, I know you are tired of moving around, so am I. But at the moment we can’t do any better. It’s either this or living out of the car. It’s only going to be for a short while. Things will get better, you’ll see.”
I was lying through my teeth. The truth was, I had no idea if things were going to get any better. I could only hope for the best. In the meantime I had to keep encouraging my son. He was smart as a whistle and I couldn’t just tell him anything.
“Why don’t you take a break lil’ fella?” Minnie announced from the screen door. “Go wash your hands, there’s some cookies and lemonade waiting in the family room for you.” She smiled at him as he shot past her to get cleaned up, she didn’t have to tell him twice.
“You spoiling him Ms. Minnie,” I announced.
“He’ll be alright. We still have a few hours till supper. Besides, I miss having a child around here to spoil. Now you come on in here with me and help me with dinner.”
“I’m on my way,” I laughed. Not only was I tired of these funky ass chickens plucking at my feet. This sun was killing me beaming down on my head. As much as I hate to admit it I kinda liked Ms. Minnie taking such good care of AJ. It kinda made up for the fact that he didn’t get to spend time with his real grandparents. She was like his second grandmother.
After I washed my hands she put me on bread duty. I had never kneaded dough a day in my life but according to Ms. Minnie every woman should know how to bake a basic loaf of bread for her family.
As I squished the gooey dough through my fingers I gazed out of the kitchen window across the lush green landscape and thought about how nice it was to finally be able to live in peace. Yeah, true enough we were living in a shack but the land was beautiful even though the work was hard.
“Hold on baby,” Ms. Minnie exclaimed. “You have to be gentle with the dough or you are going to make the bread tough.”
Now this was the type of shit that annoyed me. I was trying my best and she still had something to complain about.
“I'm sorry Ms. Minnie; I’m trying to be gentle.”
“I can’t tell, not the way you man handling that dough. And why are your hands so big?”
This bitch thinks just because she’s old she can say whatever crosses her mind.
I was all set to cuss her out but I had to go along to get along. I needed a place to lay my head so I had to chill for now.
The next few weeks were the worst. It seemed like the harder I toiled in the hot sun the more chores that old asshole Willie found for me to do. He had the nerve to have my sexy ass working a plow. I did everything from baling hay to slopping pigs. He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to work my ass like man. Well I had made up my mind; today I was taking a break. As usual Ms. Minnie had AJ at the main house letting him stuff his face. I was going to take this opportunity to sleep in and relax the rest of the day.
I had just dozed off when I heard knocking at the door. I looked out the peep hole. It was that damn Willie! I should have known when I didn’t show up for duty at the crack of dawn he would have something to say. This bastard might as well be running a boot camp.
“Yes Willie, what is it?” I know he could hear the attitude in my voice but I didn’t give a fuck. Hell I deserved a day off.
“Open the door, we need to talk!” he yelled as he continued to bang.
“I’m resting, what’s so important that it can’t wait?” I asked, flinging the door open.
“Resting, ain’t no time for rest when you live on a farm,” he fussed before inviting himself in. If it were one thing Willie couldn’t stand it was laziness.
“Willie I’m exhausted, I need to take the day off.”
“Now listen here young lady, we had an agreement. You stay here you work to earn your keep. If you can’t keep up your end of the bargain then you might need to start looking for somewhere to go.”
I could already see where this conversation was headed. Pops wasn’t trying to hear shit about me lying around today. I needed to come up with another plan and fast.
All of a sudden it hit me! This muthafucka was old as dirt but he was still a man none the less. I’ll just do what I do best; charm him with my feminine wiles. True enough I wasn’t the dime I used to be but it shouldn’t take much to light a fire in grandpa’s pants. Instead of responding I opened my robe and let my lovely lady lumps do the talking.
This outta get his blood pumping, I know Ms. Minnie ain’t stack up like this anymore.
“Willie, please can I stay home and relax today? I’m so tired,” I cooed as I let my breast fall free from my nightie. “And I was hoping you would keep me company.” I batted my eyes at him and blew him a kiss. There wasn’t a man alive that stood a chance when I turned on the sex appeal. Before he knew it I had walked up on him and squeezed his little flaccid dick.
“Blech!” Willie turned his head to the side and dry heaved.
“Woman if you don’t close up that damn robe... you done made me throw up in my mouth,” he ranted in disgust. “And what you grabbing down there for? You ain’t gon’ come up with nothing but dust.”
What an asshole! Now I know damn well my fine ass ain’t turning men off like this. He just wants to be a jerk and reject my advances.
“I know I haven’t been keeping myself up lately but you just don’t know what I’ve been through,” I cried.
I couldn’t believe that I had let this fool reduce me to tears.
“I’m sorry I hurt ya’ feelings but you caught an old nigga off guard. My shit don’t even get hard any more but if it did, it wouldn’t be for you, that’s for damn sure. And what’s goin’ on with that Adam’s apple? You sure you really a woman?” he asked suspiciously. He squinted his eyes and pushed his glasses up on his nose as he moved in closer to examine my neck I smacked his hand away as he made an attempt to touch my throat.
“Yes I’m a woman! How dare you. Your ass is just so old you wouldn’t know beauty if it slapped you in the face. When was the last time you’ve seen tits this supple and firm? And all you can worry about is my neck?”
Willie moved his glace from my throat down to my chest.
“Lawd you got more chest hair than me.” He replied shaking his head in disbelief.
“Fuck you Willie! Just forget it!” I yelled as a wrapped my robe back around my body.
“Look I apologize for making you cry. Imma cut you some slack and let you take the rest of the day off but I expect you to report for duty bright and early.”
Thank God! That’s all I wanted in the first damn place.
“Thanks Willie, I really appreciate that,” I replied as I wiped my nose and eyes.
“It’s alright, but don’t try to pull a stunt like this again.”
“I won’t... oh and Willie, can we keep this as our little secret?” I asked.
“Don’t worry I won’t say nuthin,” he chuckled. “Ms. Minnie done been known to whoop a bitch’s ass over her man. Don’t let the gray hair fool you.”
The next day I showed up at the barn bright and early just as Willie expected. I was all set to find out my tasks for the day when he walked up with a pair of what looked like tall rain boots in his hand.
I wonder who he thinks is about to wear those?
“Top of the morning to ya! Imma need for you to put these on,” he announced, handing me the boots.
“What are they for?” I asked as I took them from him. I already had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.
“They’re to protect your feet. We shoveling shit today,” he announced as he beckoned towards the horses stable.
“Uhmm excuse me?” This old man was talking like a damn fool if he thought I was going anywhere near shit with a shovel.
“You heard right, we have to get this manure moved onto the truck so it can go out this afternoon for fertilizer. We got a busy day today. After you’re done with shit duty you can help clean out the pig’s pen. And imma need you to make haste. I don’t have time to stand over you and baby sit, I gotta get the rest of these heffas ready for the slaughter house, you understand?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes sir I understand,” I replied.
I understand that this is my last day working like a damn slave. The fact that he could even prompt his mouth to ask me handle shit was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’m grabbing AJ and we getting the fuck off of this damn plantation!