75. Apricus
aprīcus ~a, ~um, a.
1. warmed by the sun
in a quiet, sunlit hospital ward reserved for overloaded riders, there is a silence broken only by the holoscreens playing the Supernova Cup.
“I-In a stunning turn of events, Synali von Hauteclare has gotten a helmet hit on Mirelle Ashadi-Hauteclare! If— Oh God, that thing is— Isn’t that thing the enemy, Gress?”
“What thing? Keep it together, Bero. We’re still on air. Ladies and gentlefolk, if the referees confirm it, Synali von Hauteclare will be advancing to the quarterfinals—”
The commotion blares over the rows of orderly beds with orderly riders sleeping orderly and still and well-groomed. There are curtains one can draw for privacy, for use, and monitors to keep track of vitals. The comatose only ever have one vital—a crawling, methodical beep that never changes.
Until one does.