Flat Memory Model 58
Segmented Memory Model 59
Modes of Operation 59
3.3 Real Mode 60
Case Study: MS-DOS 62
Isn't This a Waste of Time? Wliy Study Real Mode? 64
The Real-Mode Execution Environment 65
Real-Mode Interrupts 67
Segmentation and Program Control 70
Case Study: Dumping the IVT 72
Case Study: Logging Keystrokes with a TSR 73
Case Study: Hiding the TSR 78
Case Study: Patching the TREE.COM Command 82
Synopsis 86
3.4 Protected Mode 87
The Protected-Mode Execution Environment 87
Pro tec led-Mode Segmentation 90
Protected-Mode Paging 94
Paging with Address Extension 96
A Closer Look at the Tables 98
A Closer Look at the Control Registers 100
3.5 Implementing Memory Protection 102
Protection Through Segmentation... .... . 102
Limit Checks 103
Type Checks 103
Privilege Checks 103
Restricted Instruction Checks 105
Gate Descriptors 106
The Protected-Mode Interrupt Table 109
Protection Through Paging 110
Summary 112
Chapter 4 System Briefing * * * 115
4.1 Physical Memory under Windows 116
Land of the Lost (Memory) 118
How Windows Uses Physical Address Extension 118
Pages, Page Frames, and Page Frame Numbers 120
4.2 Segmentation and Paging under Windows 120