The Windows Boot Loader ] 78
Initializing the Executive 181
The Session Manager 182
Wininit.exe 1 84
Winlogon.exe 184
Boot Process Recap 185
4.8 Design Decisions 186
Hiding in a Crowd: Type 0 188
Active Concealment: Type I and Type II 188
Jumping Out of Bounds: Type III 190
The Road Ahead 191
Chapter 5 Tools of the Trade ........ .. . . ... . 193
5.1 Development Tools 193
Diagnostic Tools 194
Disk-Imaging Tools 195
For Faster Relief: Virtual Machines 196
Tool Roundup 197
5.2 Debuggers 198
Configuring CDB.exe 201
Symbol Files 201
Windows Symbols 202
Invoking CDB.exe 203
Controlling CDB.exe 204
Useful Debugger Commands 205
Examine Symbols Command (x) 206
List Loaded Modules (Im and !Imi) 207
Display Type Command (dt) 209
Unassemble Command (u) 209
Display Commands (d*) 210
Registers Command (r) 212
5.3 The KD. exe Kernel Debiigger 212
Different Ways to Use a Kernel Debugger 212
Physical Host-Target Configuration 215
Preparing the Hardware 215
Preparing the Software 218
Launching a Kernel-Debugging Session 219