Obfuscating Application Code 395
Hindering Automation 398
Countering Runtime Composition Analysis 400
8.5 Conclusions 400
Chapter 9 Defeating Live Response . .405
Autonomy: The Coin of the Realm 406
Learning the Hard Way: DDefy 407
The Vendors Wise Up: Memoryze 411
9.1 Live Incident Response: The Basic Process 412
9.2 User-Mode Loaders (UMLs) 417
UMLs That Subvert the Existing APIs 417
The Argument Against Loader API Mods 418
The Windows PE File Format at 10,000 Feet 419
Relative Virtual Addresses 420
PE File Headers 421
The Import Data Section (.idata) 424
The Base Relocation Section (. rel oc) 427
Implementing a Stand-Alone UML 429
9.3 Minimizing Loader Footprint 434
Data Contraception: Ode to The Grugq 434
The Next Step: Loading via Exploit 435
9.4 The Argument Against Stand-Alone PE Loaders 435
Chapter 10 Building Shellcode in C 437
Why Shellcode Rootkits? 438
Does Size Matter ? 439
10.1 User-Mode Shellcode 440
Visual Studio Project Settings 441
Using Relative Addresses 443
Finding Kernel 32. dl 1: Journey into the TEB and PEB 446
Augmenting the Address Table 452
Parsing the kernel32,dll Export Table 453
Extracting the Shellcode 456
The Danger Room 460