Chapter 13 Modifying Kernel Objects ...... . ......... . .....603
13.1 The Cost of Invisibility 603
Issue #1: The Steep Learning Curve 604
Issue #2: Concurrency 604
Issue #3: Portability and Pointer Arithmetic 605
Branding the Technique: DKOM 607
Objects? 607
13.2 Revisiting the EPROCESS Object 608
Acquiring an EPROCESS Pointer 608
Relevant Fields in EPROCESS 611
UniqueProcessId 611
Acti veProcess Li nks 611
Token ........ ... . . . 61 3
ImageFi 1 eName 613
13.3 The DRIVER SECTION Object 613
13.4 The Token Object . 615
Authorization on Windows 616
Locating the Token Object 619
Relevant Fields in the Token Object ... .. . 621
13.5 Hiding a Process 625
13.6 Hiding a Driver 630
13.7 Manipulating the Access Token 634
13.8 Using No-FU 637
13.9 Kernel-Mode Callbacks 640
13.10 Countermeasures 643
Cross-View Dctccdon . 643
High-Level Enumeration: CreateTool hel p32Snapshot() 644
High-Level Enumeration: PID Bruteforce 646
Lov�-Lcvel Enumeration: Processes 649
Low-Level Enumeration: Threads 651
Related Software 658
Field Checksums 659
13.11 Counter-Countermeasures 659
The Best Defense: Starve the Opposition 660
Commentary: Transcending the Two-Ring Model 661
The Last Line of Defense 662