Chapter 15 Going Out-of-Band ..... .......... .. . . .... .725
Ways to Jump Out-of-Band 726
15.1 Additional Processor Modes 726
System Management Mode 727
Rogue Hypervisors 732
White Hat Countermeasures 736
Rogue Hypervisors Versus SMM Rootkits 737
15.2 Firmware 738
Mobo BIOS 738
ACPI Components 741
Expansion ROM 742
UEFI Firmware 744
15.3 Lights-Out Management Facilities ..... 745
15.4 Less Obvious Alternatives 745
Onboard Flash Storage 746
Circuit-Level Tomfoolery . 746
15.5 Conclusions 748
Chapter 16 The Tao of Rootkits 753
The Dancing Wu Li Masters 753
When a Postmortem Isn't Enough 755
The Battlefield Shifts Again 757
16.1 Core Stratagems 757
Respect Your Opponent 758
Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique 758
Resist the Urge to Smash and Grab 759
Study Your Target 760
16.2 Identifying Hidden Doors 760
On Dealing with Proprietary Systems 761
Staking Out the Kernel 761
Kingpin: Hardware Is the New Software 762
Leverage Existing Research 762
16.3 Architectural Precepts . 763
Load First, Load Deep 763
Strive for Autonomy 764
Butler Lampson: Separate Mechanism from Policy 764