3 This Book's Structure
and countertactics as they emerged in the field. Specifically, this book is
organized into four parts:
■ Part I; Foundations
■ Part II: Postmortem
■ Part III: Live Response
■ Part IV: Summation
Once we've gotten the foundations out of the way I'm going to start by
looking at the process of postmortem analysis, which is where anti-forensic
techniques originally focused their attention. Then the book will branch out
into more recent techniques that strive to undermine a live response.
Part I: Foundations
Part I lays the groundwork for everything that follows. I begin by offering a
synopsis of the current state of affairs in computer security and how anti-
forcnsics fits into this picturc. Then I present an overview of the investiga¬
tive process and the strategies that anti-forensic technology uses to subvert
this process. Part I establishes a core framework, leaving specific tactics and
implementation details for later chapters.
Part II: Postmortem
The second part of the book covers the analysis of secondary storage (e.g.,
disk analysis, volume analysis, file system analysis, and analysis of an un¬
known binary). These tools arc extremely effective against an adversary who
has modified existing files or left artifacts of his own behind. Even in this day
and age, a solid postmortem examination can yield useful information.
Attackers have responded by going memory resident and relying on multi¬
stage droppers. Hence, another area that I explore in Part II is the idea of the
Userland Exec, the development of a mechanism that receives executable
code over a network connection and doesn't rely on the native OS loader.
Part III: Live Response
The quandary of live response is that the investigator is operating in the same
environment that he or she is investigating. This means that a knowledge¬
able intruder can interfere with the process of data collection and can feed