Chapter 2/ Overview of Anti-Forensics
Table 2.1 AF Strategies
Tactical Implementations
Data destruction
File scrubbing, file system attacks
Data concealment
In-band, out-of-band, and application layer concealment
Data transformation
Compression, encryption, code morphing, direct edits
Data fabrication
Introduce known files, string decoration, false audit trails
Data source elimination
Data contraception, custom module loaders
Recall that you want to buy time. As an attacker, your goal is to make the
process of forensic analysis so grueling that the investigator is more likely to
give up or perhaps be lured into prematurely reaching a false conclusion (one
that you've carefully staged for just this very reason) because it represents
a less painful, although logically viable, alternative. Put another way: Why
spend 20 years agonizing over a murder case when you can just as easily rule
it out as a suicide? This explains why certain intelligence agencies prefer to
eliminate enemies of the state by means of an "unfortunate accident."
To reiterate our objective in terms of five concepts:
■ You want to buy time by leaving as little useful evidence as possible {data
source elimination and data destruction).
■ The evidence you leave behind should be difficult to capture {data con¬
cealment) and even more difficult to understand {data transformation).
■ You can augment the effectiveness of this approach by planting misinfor¬
mation and luring the investigator into predetermined conclusions {data
Data Destruction
Data destruction helps to limit the amount of forcnsic evidcncc generated
by disposing of data securely after it is no longer needed or by sabotaging
data structures used by forensic tools. This could be as simple as wiping the
memory buffers used by a program or it could involve repeated overwriting
to turn a cluster of data on disk into a random series of bytes. In some cases,
data transformation can be used as a form of data destruction.
Rootkits often implement data destruction in terms of a dissolving hatch file.
One of the limitations of the Windows operating system is that an executing
process can't delete its corresponding binary on disk. But, one thing that an
executing process can do is create a script that does this job on its behalf.
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