Chapter 3/ Hardware Briefing
The general-purpose registers (AX, BX, CX, and DX) can store numeric
operands or address values. They also have special purposes listed in
Table 3.2. The indexing registers (SI and DI) are also used to implement
indexed addressing, in addition to string and mathematical operations.
The FLAGS register is used to indicate the status of CPU or results of certain
operations. Of the 16 bits that make up the FLAGS register, only 9 are used.
For our purposes, there are just two bits in the FLAGS register that we're
really interested in: the trap flag (TF; bit 8) and the interrupt enable flag (IF;
bit 9).
If TF is set (i.e., equal to 1), the processor generates a single-step interrupt
after each instruction. Debuggers use this feature to single-step through a
program. It can also be used to check and see if a debugger is running.
If the IF is set, interrupts are acknowledged and acted on as they are received
(I'll cover interrupts later).
Windows still ships with a 16-bit machine code debugger, aptly named
debug.exe. It's a bare-bones tool that you can use in the field to see what a
Table 3,2 Real-Mode Registers
Stores the base address of the current executing code segment
Stores the base address of a segment containing giobal program data
Stores the base address of the stack segment
Stores the base address of a segment used to hold string data
Store the base address of other global data segments
Instruction pointer, the offset of the next instruction to execute
Stack pointer, the offset of the top-of-stack (TOS) byte
Used to build stack frames for function calls
Accumulator register, used for arithmetic
Base register, used as an index to address memory indirectly
Counter register, often a loop index
Data register, used for arithmetic with the AX register
Pointer to source offset address for string operations
Pointer to destination offset address for string operations
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