3.3 Real Mode

16-bit executable is doing when it runs. You can use debug.exe to view the

state of the real-mode execution environment via the register command:

C:\>debug MyProgram.com

- 1

AX=0000 BX=0000

CX=0000 DX=

0000 SP=


BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000

DS=1779 ES=1779

SS=1779 CS =

1779 IP=



1779:0100 0000




The r command dumps Ihe contents of the registers follovi�ed by the current

instruction being pointed to by the IP register. The string "NV UP EI NG NZ NA

PO NC" represents 8 bits of the FLAGS register, excluding the TF. If the IF is

set, you'll see the EI (enable interrupts) characters in the flag string. Other¬

wise you'll see Di (disable interrupts).

Real-Mode Interrupts

In the most general sense, an interrupt \s some event that triggers the execu¬

tion of a special type of procedure called an interrupt service routine (ISR),

also knov�n as an interrupt handler. Each specific type of event is assigned

an integer value that associates each event type with the appropriate ISR. The

specific details of how interrupts are handled vary, depending on whether the

processor is in real mode or protected mode.

In real mode, the first kilobyte of memory (address OxOOOOO to 0x003FF) is

occupied by a special data structure called the interrupt vector table (IVT).

In protected mode, this structure is callcd the interrupt descriptor table (IDT),

but the basic purpose is the same. The IVT and IDT both map interrupts

to the ISRs that handle them. Specifically, they store a series of interrupt

descriptors (called interrupt vectors in real mode) that designate where to

locate the ISRs in memory.

In real mode, the IVT does this by storing the logical address of each ISR

sequentially (see Figure 3.7). At the bottom of memory (address OxOOOOO) is

the effective address of the first ISR followed by its segment selector. Note

that for both values, the low byte of the address comes first. This is the inter¬

rupt vector for interrupt type 0. The next four bytes of memory (0x00004 to

0x00007) store the interrupt vector for interrupt type 1, and so on. Because

each interrupt takes 4 bytes, the IVT can hold 256 vectors (designated by

values 0 to 255). When an interrupt occurs in real mode, the processor uses

the address stored in the corresponding interrupt vector to locate and execute

the necessary procedure.

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