Chapter 3/ Hardware Briefing
To test our program, I loaded two TSRs named $$TSR1.C0M and $$TSR2.C0M.
Then I ran the mem.exe with the debug switch to verify that they were loaded.
C:\>merr /d
091c 34,704 (34K)
1196 128 (OK)
119f 1,296 (IK)
llfl 8,192 (8K)
13f2 1,296 (IK)
1444 8,192 (8K)
1645 1,296 (IK)
1697 55,008 (54K)
2406 507,776 (496K)
data area
envi ronment
envi ronment
envi ronment
Next, I executed the HideTSR program and then ran mem.exe again, observing
that the TSRs had been replaced by nondescript (empty) entries.
C:\>mem /d
091c 34,704 (34K) DOSX program
1196 128 (OK) DOSX data area
119f 9,504 (9K)
13f2 9,504 (9K)
1645 1,296 (IK) MEM environment
1697 55,008 (54K) MEM program
2406 507,776 (496K) free
Case Study: Patching the TREE.COM Command
Another way to modify an application is to intercept program control by
injecdng a jump statement that transfers control to a special section of code
that we've grafted onto the executable. This sort of modification can be done
by patching the application's file on disk or by altering the program at runĀ¬
time while it resides in memory. In this case, we'll focus on the former tacdc
(though the latter tactic is more effective because it's much harder to detect).
We'll begin by taking a package from the FreeDOS distribution that impleĀ¬
ments the tree command. The tree command graphically displays the contents
82 I Part I