3.5 Implementing Memory Protection
the code segment descriptor to specify a handling routine for the interrupt/
trap in linear address space. So, although they live in the IDT, both the
interrupt-gate and trap-gate descriptors end up using entries in the GDT to
specify code segments.
The only real difference between interrupt-gate descriptors and trap-gate
descriptors lies in how the processor manipulates the IF in the EFLAGS register.
Specifically, when an interrupt handling routine is accessed using an interĀ¬
rupt-gate descriptor, the processor clears the IF. Trap gates, in contrast, do not
require the IF to be altered.
With regard to privilege-level checks for interrupt and trap handling routines,
the CPL of the program invoking the handling routine must be less than or
equal to the DPL of the interrupt or trap gate. This condition only holds when
the handling routine is invoked by software (e.g., the INT instruction). In
addition, as with call gates, the DPL of the segment descriptor pointing to the
handling routine's code segment must be less than or equal to the CPL.
The Protected-Mode Interrupt Table
In real mode, the location of interrupt handlers was stored in the interrupt
vector table (IVT), an array of 256 far pointers (16-bit segment and offset
pairs) that populated the very bottom 1,024 bytes of memory. In protected
mode, the IVT is supplanted by the interrupt descriptor table (IDT). The
IDT stores an array of 64-bit gate descriptors. These gate descriptors may be
interrupt-gate descriptors, trap-gate descriptors, and task-gate descriptors (we
won't cover task-gate descriptors).
Unlike the IVT, the IDT may reside anywhere in linear address space. The
32-bit base address of the IDT is stored in the 48-bit IDTR register (in bits 16
through 47). The size limit of the IDT, in bytes, is stored in the lower word of
the IDTR register (bits 0 through 15). The LIDT instrucdon can be used to set
the value in the IDTR register, and the SIDT instruction can be used to read the
value in the IDTR register.
The size limit might not be what you think it is. It's actually a byte offset
from the base address of the IDT to the last entry in the table, such that an
IDT with N entries will have its size limit set to (8(N-1)). If a vector beyond
the size limit is referenced, the processor generates a general-protection
(#GP) exception.
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