Chapter 4/ System Briefing
view the DEP status of each process. This column can be set to one of three
possible values (see Table 4,9).
Table 4.9 DEP Process Status
DEP (permanent)
DEP is enabled because the module is a system binary
DEP is enabled due to the current policy or because the application
opted in
DEP is disabled due to the current policy or because the application
opted out
There has been a significant amount of work done toward bypassing DEP
protection. After years of cat-and-mouse between Microsoft and the attack-
crs, people continue to successfully crack DEP. For example, at the 2010
Pwn20wn contest, a researcher from the Netherlands named Peter Vreugden-
hil bypassed DEP and ASLR on Windows 7 in an attack that targeted Internet
Explorer 8.0.�
Address Space Layout Randomization
In past versions of Windows, the memory manager would try to load binaries
at the same location in the linear address space each time that they were load¬
ed. The /BASE linker option supports this behavior by allowing the developer
to specify a preferred base address for a DLL or executable. This preferred
linear address is stored in the header of the binary.
If a preferred base address is not specified, the default load address for
an .EXE application is 0x400000, and the default load address for a DLL is
0x10000000. If memory is not available at the default or preferred linear ad¬
dress, the system will relocate the binary to some other region. The /FIXED
linker option can be used to prevent relocation. In particular, if the memory
manager cannot load the binary at its preferred base address, it issues an error
message and refuses to load the program.
This behavior made life easier for shell coders by ensuring that certain mod¬
ules of code would always reside at a fixed address and could be referenced
in exploit code using raw numeric literals,
2. http://vreugdeiihilresearch.iil/Pwn20wn-2010-Windows7-InternetExplorer8.pdf.