4,6 The Native API
kd> dds KeServiceDescriptorTable L4
8l9398c0 8187a890 ntIKiServiceTable
S19398C4 00000000
819398C8 00000191
819398CC 8187aebO nt! Ki AirgumentTabl 6
The first 32 bytes of the KeServi ceDescri ptorTabl eShadow Structure includes
two SSTs. The first SST is just a duplicate of the one in KeServi ceDescri p-
torTable. The second SST describes the SSDT for the USER and GDI
routines implemented by the Win32k.sys kernel-mode driver. These are all the
functions that take care of the Windows GUI. There are quite of few of these
routines, 772 to be exact, but we will be focusing most of our attention on the
Native API.
kd> dds KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow L8
81939900 8187a890 nt!KIServlceTable
81939904 00000000
81939908 00000191
8193990c 8187aeb0 nt!KiArgumentTable
81939910 9124b000 win32k!W32pServiceTable
81939914 00000000
81939918 00000339
8193991c 9124bf20 wir32k!W32pArgumentTable
Microsoft doesn't seem to appreciate it when you broach the subject of service descriptor
tables on their MSDN Forums. Just for grins, here's a response that one of the employees at
Microsoft gave to someone who had a question about KeServi ceDescri ptorTabl e.
"KeServiceDescriptorTable is not documented and whatyou are trying todoisa
really bad idea, better ask the people who provided you with the definition of KeService¬
Enumerating the Native API
Now that we know where the Native API SSDT is located and how big it is,
dumping it to the console is a piece of cake.
kd> dps KiServiceTable L191
8187a890 819c5891 nt!NtAcceptConnectPort
8187a894 818a5bff nt!NtAccessCheck
8187a898 819dd579 nt!NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
Part! I 163