Chapter 4/ System Briefing

I truncated the output of this command for the sake of brevity. One thing

you'll notice is that all of the routine names begin with the prefix "Nt."

Hence, I will often refer to the Native API as Nt*(} calls, v�here I've used the

asterisk character as a wild-card symbol to represent the entire family of pos¬

sible calls.

Can user-mode code access all 401 of these Native API routines? To answer

this question, we can examine the functions exported by ntdl 1 .d11, the user-

mode front man for the operating system. Using the ever-handy dumpbin.

exe, wc find that ntdll .dll exports 1,981 routines. Of these, 407 roudnes

are of the form Nt*{), This is because there are extra Nt*{) routines exported

by ntdl 1 .dll that are implemented entirely in user space. One of these extra

routines, NtCurrentTeb(), is particularly noteworthy.

> uf ntdl1INtCurrentTeb


fnov eax,dword ptr fs; [OOOOOOlSh]


The disassembly of NtCurrentTEBC) is interesting because it demonstrates that

we can access thread execution blocks in our applications with nothing more

than raw assembly code. We'll use this fact again later on in the book.

Nt*() Versus Z\n*{) System Calls

Looking at the dump of exported functions from ntdll .dll, you'll see what

might appear to be duplicate entries.

NtAcceptConnectPort ZwAcceptCoTinectPort

NtAccessCheck ZwAccessCheck


NtAccessCheckByType ZwAccessCheckByType

With a few minor exceptions, each Nt*() function has a matching Zw*()

function. For example, NtCreateTokenO can be paired with ZwCreateToken{).

This might leave you scratching your head and wondering why there are two

versions of the same function.

As it turns out, from the standpoint of a user-mode program, there is no

difference. Both routines end up calling the same code. For example, take

NtCreateProcess0 and ZwCreateProcess(). Using CDB.exe, we can see that a

call to NtCreateProcess (} ends up calling the same code as a call to ZwCre¬

ateProcess {).