
I. A Manual for Worship, 1:1—7:38

A. Instructions for the Israelites, 1:1—6: 7

B. Instructions for the Priests, 6: 8—7:38

II. Consecration of the Priests, 8:1—10 : 20

A. Moses Consecrates Aaron and His Sons, 8:1-36

B. Aaron Assumes the Priestly Office, 9:1-24

C. A Case of Sacrilege, 10:1-20

III. Laws Concerning Uncleanness, 11:1—15:33

A. Uncleanness from Animals, 11:1-47

B. Uncleanness from Childbirth, 12:1-8

C. Uncleanness from Leprosy, 13:1—14: 57

D. Uncleanness from Issues, 15:1-33

IV. The Day of Atonement, 16:1-34

A. Aaron's Preparation, 16:1-19

B. The Scapegoat, 16:20-34

C. Some Conclusions V. Holiness in Daily Living, 17:1—20:27

A. Killing Domestic Animals, 17:1-16

B. Social Regulations, 18:1—20:27

VI. Holiness of the Priest, 21:1—22:33

VII. Holy Days and Festivals, 23:1-44

A. The Sabbath, 23:1-3

B. The Passover, 23:4-8

C. The Offerings of Firstfruits, 23:9-14

D. The Feast of Weeks, 23:15-22

E. The Holy Days of the Seventh Month, 23:23-44

VIII. Holy Oil, Holy Bread, and the Holy Name, 24:1-23

A. The Holy Oil, 24:1-4

B. The Holy Bread, 24:5-9

C. The Holy Name, 24:10-23

IX. Holy Years, 25:1-55

A. The Sabbatical Year, 25:1-7

B. The Jubilee, 25:8-55

X. Final Words of Promise and Warning, 26:1-46

A. Idolatry, Sabbaths, and the Sanctuary, 26:1-2

B. Promise, 26: 3-13

C. Warning, 26:14-46

XI. An Appendix: On Vows and Tithes, 27:1-34