
Chapter Ten


JULIE PULLED UP IN FRONT of the house and didn’t park in the driveway. Officer Miles pulled up behind us. He got out of the police car and walked up to my window.

“I don’t know whose car that is!” I was just about crying at this point. I was so concerned about Henry.

“Alright, let me....” Just as Officer Miles was explaining what he was going to do next, a person came out of my front door. I would recognize that big hair anywhere!

“Mother!” I shouted and leapt out of Julie’s car. I practically pummeled Officer Miles with the car door.

“Lisa, why are you here with the police? What is going on now, young lady?” Mother demanded, like coming out of my house and, evidently, driving a strange car didn’t warrant an explanation.

“This is your mother?” Officer Miles tried to confirm. I almost denied it, I was so irritated. It would have given me a deep sense of satisfaction to see them lead her away in handcuffs. Oh well, she is still my mother.

“Yes, this is my mother. Patsy, uh Patricia, Todd. Mom, this is Officer Miles.” I shrugged a little and stepped back while they shook hands like long-lost friends. My life....

“Lisa, why do you have a police officer with you? Now what has happened?” Mom was using her ‘mom’ voice to the max.

“No immediate cause for alarm, Ma’am,” Officer Miles began. “There was a minor break in at Fairview Music, and we decided it would be best for Lisa to stay with her friend.”

“I have a secured building!” Julie volunteered, before Mom could insist that I come to her house.

“Everything is alright, Mom. We’re just being extra cautious.” I said in my calmest voice.

“Are you sure?” Mom didn’t seem to believe us.

“Really, all’s good!“ Julie reassured her. “Come on, Lisa, let’s go get your toothbrush!” Julie directed me toward the house. As we went in, I saw mom talking to Officer Miles, then she got in the strange car – I didn’t even get the story on the car – and she left. There was a soft tap on the door.

“Knock, knock,” Officer Miles rapped on the door frame.

“Come on in!” Julie was saying from the downstairs. I was up in my bedroom, throwing some things in an old red duffle bag. I was ecstatic that Henry was sitting on the bed, watching me with a concern that I was leaving him. He was just fine and he needn’t have worried – he was absolutely coming with me! It had been an extremely long, nerve-wracking day!

I zipped the duffle bag and carried it downstairs with Henry hot on my heels. I set the duffle bag on the couch and hurried into the kitchen to get Henry’s food, leash, and harness. Henry was delighted to see that! I got him all harnessed and leashed up, picked up his “seat belt”, a bag of kibble and went back into the living room.

Julie and Officer Miles were happily chatting. A little too happily, in my opinion.

“I’m ready!” I declared. Julie and Officer Miles helped me gather my things. We loaded them into my car since I would need it in the morning. I went back and double-checked all the doors on the cottage to be sure that they were all locked. At last, with Henry buckled in on the front seat beside me, we left the cottage and headed to Julie’s condo.

Once Officer Miles saw we were there and parked, he waved and headed off. Julie and I got my duffle bag, laptop, chamber music festival folders, Henry and all of his related paraphernalia out of my car. We made it up to her condo in only one trip.

Julie’s condo was pretty, with many glass topped tables and white couches of a non-dog owner. She put my things in the guest room, while I stood in the living room and watched Henry sniff.

“I can take Henry to the store with me tomorrow,” I said, bracing for him to lift a leg on Julie’s white loveseat.

“No worries! If he needs to stay here tomorrow, I welcome the company.” Julie sat on the floor and Henry bounded over to her and crawled on her lap.

“Ok. Now what?” I sat down on one of her white couches.

“A glass of wine and a movie?” Julie smiled.

“Sounds wonderful!” I sat back on the over-stuffed pillows and sighed.

I didn’t set an alarm the next morning. One benefit to not opening the store till later was I was always awake in plenty of time. Garrett had texted me the night before and said he would open, since he had the new key from the locksmith that had fixed the back door. I had let Hailey know and was grateful I had such faithful employees.

Suddenly, Henry sat up. I took one sniff and knew immediately why he had gotten up so fast. The smell of bacon was in the air!

“Come on, boy!” I pulled on my robe and slippers and headed out of the guest room. Julie was busy in the kitchen, clearly fixing a big breakfast.

“It smells amazing!” I sat on one barstool at her kitchen island.

“Thank you! I never make breakfast for just me, so I thought I would enjoy having guests and really cook!” Julie smiled. Julie handed me her pass key for the front door. I took it and realized that while she was happy to have Henry here, she didn’t think I should waste any time taking him outside this morning. I smiled back.

“Be right back. Let’s go, Henry.” And Henry and I headed out the door.

Breakfast was wonderful! I was amazed that Julie had all the stuff on hand to create such a feast! I only had some yogurt and maybe some peanut butter at my house. On a good day, I may have some bread available to put the peanut butter on. Usually, I just ate it off a spoon. To my credit, thought, I had the phone number to the most fantastic pizza place memorized.

“Should we get to those files?” Julie emptied her mug of coffee. She had made me a dreamy hazelnut chai. I mean, really, who keeps this stuff on hand?

“I suppose we should. Really surprised I haven’t heard from Detective Winn this morning.” I took my plates over and put them in the dishwasher.

“It’s still early. Give it time. Now go get dressed, so we can get to work!” Julie gave me a gentle shove toward the guest room, and I went and got dressed.

After taking Henry out another time, Julie and I sat down with the registration files and began noting all the names beginning with D. About two hours in, I called the store. Garrett and Hailey reassured me that everything was fine and to stay put and keep working. I thanked them and continued with my list.

By the time hour three had clicked by, Julie and I got to the end of the pile. We had made categories for students, parents, orchestra teachers and private teachers. Who knew there were so many music educators named Dan and David? In my mind, it was the orchestra teachers and private teachers that we needed to be concerned about. Some random high school viola student, whose mother was named Darla, seemed like a long shot as a potential victim.

As Julie and I compiled and compared our lists, we got down to eleven names of just the teachers. Quite a few of the teachers both taught school orchestra and private lessons. I got on the computer and made a quick spreadsheet of the eleven people, then emailed it over to Detective Winn. I did not know what Detective Winn would do next, but I had done as requested.

Julie said she had some work to get down for her business and went over to her desk. I sent out some happy emails to our professional performers to reassure them that all was ok and that it was going to be a great festival! Just as I had finished my first draft of said email, my phone rang.

“Hi Mom.” I pushed save and closed my computer. I wanted to avoid accidentally sending it, which is something I had been known to do.

“Hi dear. A few of the girls are coming over for dinner tonight, just a fun potluck. You know, eat, play some Bunco...” Mom began. It didn’t take a genius to know where this was heading.

“So, how many are you missing for your Bunco tables?” I have had this conversation with Mom before.

“Uh, two dear. It’s just perfect excuse to get you and Julie out of that apartment, and you can bring Henry!” Mom was not lacking in enthusiasm.

“It’s a condo, Mom, which is actually really nice. Let me ask Julie, and I’ll get back to you. What time is this happening?” While time with Mom and her pals was not usually my cup of tea, Bunco was a blast, and I could really use the diversion. Plus, Henry would have fun with Delilah. Or at least I wanted to think he would. Who knew? He’s a dog, after all.

“Talk to Julie and let me know. You know how we look forward to our Bunco nights!”

“I do and I will. Bye Mom.” I hung up the phone. I looked across the room at Julie. She was already turned around and look at me.

“Bunco night?” Julie smirked.

“Yes. Would you mind? I could really use the distraction and...”

“Sure. Text her back and tell her we’ll be there. Ask what we need to bring for food.” Julie turned back around and started typing on her computer. I let mom know that Julie, Henry, and I would attend her Bunco party. She asked if Julie could bring her mini quiches. Julie said sure. What kind of food warehouse was Julie hiding in her kitchen?

I went back to my email to the festival performers. After two more revisions, I was pleased with the wording. Great! I would get this sent off, hop in the shower, and it would be time to go to Mom’s.

I reached for my email list for the addresses of the performers. My blood ran cold when I realized that the second violinist of the Cantabile Trio was Donald Owens. Donald. With a D.