Aceh, 65, 219, 302; war in, 221, 295, 299, 302, 307, 357
Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond, 275
Althusius, Johannes, 133–35
America, 245; Catholicism in, 269, 271, 278; culture of, 49, 240, 251, 254–55, 328; Dutch-American religion in, 166, 186, 375, 379–80; evangelical religion in, 86–90, 94, 100–101, 103, 142, 224, 286, 368, 380–81; and heliotropic myth, 200, 294; and politics, 10, 75–76, 217, 223, 255, 280, 368. See also AK: travel, in U.S.
Amsterdam, 5, 72, 97, 118, 127–28, 149, 156, 170, 253, 296; dock strike in, 309–10; the Doleantie and, 155–62; economy of, 65, 329–30; Kuyper’s family in, 3–4, 6, 17. See also AK: pastorates
Anabaptists, xiv, 7, 168, 354, 377
Anema, Anne, 349–50
Anglicanism: history and practices of, 38–39, 53–55, 172, 189. See also The Heir of Redclyffe; Keble, John; Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Antirevolutionary Party (ARP): and America, 261, 266–67; conflicts within, 162, 196, 218–19, 222–23, 231–34, 241; formal organization, 122, 125–26; mature functioning, 215, 217, 229, 322, 370–72; 1901 election/cabinet, 297, 301–2, 304, 307–8; 1905 election, 321–22; 1909 cabinet and controversy, 345–47, 350, 354–55; original platform, 136–38, 143, 148; and pluralism, 230–31; pre-organized phase, 73–77, 82–85, 89, 95, 220–21; and social question, 215, 221–24, 341; and World War I, 364–65. See also AK: politics
Anti-School-Law League (ASWV), 84–85, 115
April Movement, the, 13, 20, 68, 70
Arminianism, 9, 120, 181–82, 198, 263; in the Holiness movement, 90, 94, 100, 103, 106. See also Remonstrantism
ARP. See Antirevolutionary Party
Augustine, 200
Azusa St. revival, 337
Baltus, Herman, 51–52
Baltus, Pietje, 50–51
Baptism, AK’s conflicts over, 26, 55, 59–60. See also AK: theology; AK: works: Our Worship
Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, 357
Bauer, Anna (AK’s grandmother), 4, 6
Bavinck, Herman, 233, 236, 257, 322, 350, 364, 377–78
Beaufort, Willem Hendrik de, 304, 312
Beesd. See AK: pastorates
Belgium: and Catholicism, 14, 223; economy of, 11–12, 65, 222, 310, 312; history of, 8, 74, 367
Bergansius, Johannes Willem, 303
Bergh, Willem van den, 160
Bergson, Henri, 212, 252, 255, 289
Béza, Théodore, 78
Bilderdijk, William, 16, 74–75, 344–45
Bismarck, Otto von, 44, 67, 281, 367–68
Bodin, Jean, 133
Boesak, Alan, 382
Brighton, 87–88, 91–97, 100–103, 106–7. See also Holiness; AK: theology; AK: travel, in Europe/Mediterranean
Bronsveld, Andries Willem, 120–21
Brummelkamp, Anthony, Jr., 127–28
Bruntière, Ferdinand, 291
Bryan, William Jennings, 255, 269, 274
Burke, Edmund, 74–76, 137, 202, 341, 345
Burr, Aaron, Jr., 270
Bylandt tot Mariënweerdt, O. W. A., Count of, 43–44, 52
Calvin, John: AK’s perceptions of, 35–38, 46, 50, 58, 174, 184; and common grace, 193, 198, 209, 305; influence of, 3, 9; theology of, 50, 54, 141–42, 177, 187, 190. See also Calvinism; names of specific denominations
Calvinism: per AK, 79–80, 261–63; AK’s allegiance to, xviii, 20, 26, 42, 64, 71, 107, 255–58; in AK’s political theory, xvi–xviii, 78–81, 86, 130–33, 135–36, 138, 141; in AK’s theology, 103, 105–6, 119, 172–74, 179–81; in America, xviii, 49, 265, 272, 275; and art per AK, 240–44; and cultural formation, xii, xviii, 71, 195–97, 205–6, 208, 232, 240–41, 263, 278, 339, 380; in Dutch history, xiv, 4, 8–9, 19, 64, 74, 77, 197, 257, 382; socio-political connections of, xvii, 19, 51–52, 69–70, 225, 228, 234, 305, 321–22, 357; theology of, xviii, 15, 29–30, 59, 317. See also Calvin, John; AK: theology: Calvinism; names of individual denominations
Canons of Dort: polity, 153, 155, 161; theology, 16, 25, 120–21
Carnegie, Andrew, 245, 304, 310; work with AK, 369
Catholicism: in America, 269, 271, 278; and “April Movement,” 13–14; and Dutch educational policy, 68–70, 74, 77; in Dutch history, 5, 7–8, 12–13; and Dutch politics, 13–14, 20, 51, 83–84, 364, 372, 377
Cats, Jacob, 243
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 296
Chamberlain, Joseph, 270, 290, 293
Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Nederland (CGKN). See Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands
Christian democracy: AK as pioneer of, xvi, 268, 306–7, 345, 370, 376–77; AK’s theory of, 229–31; in other lands, viii, 120–21, 164. See also Democracy
Christian Historical Union (CHU), 137, 233
Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC), 264–65, 278
Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands (Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Nederland, CGKN), 119, 127, 155, 168. See also Secession of 1834
Christian schools. See AK: educational endeavors; Antirevolutionary Party; “Groningen School”; Thorbecke, Johan Rudolph
Christian Social Congress (1891), 221, 223, 227–28, 232
City University of Amsterdam, 118
Cleveland, Grover, 245, 264, 269
Cobet, Carel Gabriel, 23, 38–39
Cocceius, Johannes, 9
Colijn, Hendrik: career, 346, 350, 357; as successor to AK, 370, 372, 374, 376–77
Constitution, Dutch: of 1813, 11; of 1848, 13, 20, 68–69, 76–78, 138, 253; revisions of 1887, 215–16, 229; revisions of 1917, 364. See also Thorbecke, Johan Rudolph; William II, King of the Netherlands
Conventicles: AK’s views on, 188–89, 198; history and practices of, 10, 18, 50
Cowper Temple, William, 90, 99
“Cultivation System,” Dutch East Indies, 12, 65
Da Costa, Isaac, 16, 18, 46, 74, 92, 140, 154
Darwin, Charles, 31, 142, 201, 244, 248, 294, 353; AK’s views on, 284–89
Democracy: AK’s advocacy of, xvi, 64, 73, 77, 82, 126, 257; and AK’s church reforms, 43, 51, 56, 59–60, 78, 154; and AK’s theology, xviii, 78, 132, 180, 208, 221, 241, 318; Dutch development of, 112, 117, 170, 216, 225, 234, 299–301, 306–7; issue in ARP split, 215, 232–34; opposition of AK’s mentors to, 74–75, 77; problems of, 128, 139, 242–43, 353, 355, 379. See also America: politics; Christian democracy
Determinism, 30, 240, 252, 289, 338
De Vries, Abraham, 36
De Vries, Matthias, 23–24, 35–36, 44
De Waal Malefijt, Jan Hendrik, 347
Diepenhorst, Pieter A., 350
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 207–8, 214, 246, 251
Doleantie, 150; character of, 167, 169, 187–88; context of, 154, 156–57, 172, 178, 266; legacy of, 168, 170–71, 183, 194–95, 215, 265; process of, 158, 161–62; warrant of, 163, 174. See also AK: theology: kingship of Christ in Doleantie; Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland
Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand, 112, 157, 161, 235, 309
Dooyeweerd, Herman, 378–79
Douwes Dekker, Eduard [pseud. Multatuli], 220
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 281–83
Dreyfus, Alfred, 280
Du Plessis-Mornay, Philippe, 78
Dutch East India Company, 6, 12
Dutch Reformed Church (Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk, NHK), 35, 46, 51, 77, 82, 154, 161; and education, 118–19; and “General Regulation” (Algemeen Reglement) of 1816, 13–14, 138, 152, 155; and Secession of 1834, 14; and William I, King of the Netherlands, 14, 138. See also AK: pastorates; Doleantie; Réveil, the
Dutch Republic (1579-1795): Calvinist memories of, 76, 133, 139; colonies of, see Aceh, East Indies, Surinam; history of, 5–11
Dutch welfare state, 301, 377, 381
DuToit, Stephanus Johannes, 165
Dwight, Timothy, 270–71
East Indies: Dutch policies in, 12, 65–66, 219–20, 302, 307–8, 367; and Indonesian independence, 219–20, 307–8. See also Aceh; AK: politics; Colijn, Hendrik; Idenburg, Alexander Willem Frederik; Kuyper, Herman; Kuyper, Jan Hendrik Frederik, “Freddy”
Emma, Queen of the Netherlands, 235
Enlightenment, the, 27, 33–34, 48, 74, 104, 265; and rationalism, 269, 273, 344
Epistemology, 31–32, 130, 207, 249. See also Worldview
Ethical policy. See AK: politics, policies on colonies
Ethical theology: AK’s arguments with, 57, 70, 82, 85, 104–5, 121, 129, 178–79, 196; school in Dutch Reformed Church, 45–46, 50, 52–53, 173
Evangelicals/ism: and AK’s American legacy, 279, 380–81; AK’s critique of, 58, 100–106, 119, 178–79; American, xx, 86–87, 142, 224, 248; and American politics, 255, 269–70; British, 90–93, 286, 291, 368; Dutch, 15–16, 18, 27, 74, 143
Fabius, Dammes Paulus Dirk, 228
Felix, J. W., 162
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 209
Franchise. See Suffrage, popular
Freemasonry, 265–66
Free University of Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam): AK’s legacy at, 374, 377–79; conflicts at, 195–96, 228, 235–36; and Doleantie, 159–62, 167; founding of, 118–25, 130; and GKN, 183, 191–92; legal warrant of degrees from, 302, 312–14; operations at, 127–28, 135, 149, 209, 350, 358; and South Africa, 164–65, 296. See also AK: educational endeavors
French occupation of the Netherlands (1795-1813), 5, 74, 157, 344
French Revolution, 79–80, 174, 224, 229–31, 353. See also AK: political thought; Antirevolutionary Party; Hamilton, Alexander; Jefferson, Thomas
Fruin, Robert Jacobus, 19, 82, 164
Gauguin, Paul, 212
Geelkerken, Johannes Gerhardus, 378
Geer van Jutphaas, Barthold Jacob Lintelo, Baron de, 233
Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (GKN). See Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
German historical school, 143–44, 146
German idealism: in AK’s later context, 213–14, 244; and AK’s thought, 53, 183, 205–6, 249, 305; in AK’s youth and mentors, 28, 31–32, 34
Gierke, Otto von, 134
Gilman, Daniel Coit, 274
Gladstone, William Ewart, 255, 281, 284, 290, 307, 367
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur Comte de, 328
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 33, 40, 305
Gomarus, Franciscus, 9
Groen van Prinsterer, Guillaume, 16, 62, 69–77, 158, 221, 348
Groen van Prinsterer-van der Hoop, Elisabeth Maria Magdalena, 120, 123
“Groningen School”/Groningen theology, 15–17, 27–29, 35–36
Gunning, Johannes Hermanus, 97, 99, 163
Haeckel, Ernst, 286–89, 294, 319
The Hague, 113, 157, 160, 304, 369, 371–72
Hague School, The, 242–44
Hamann, Johan Georg, 33
Hamilton, Alexander, 268, 270–74
Heemskerk, Theodorus: and AK’s legacy, 374, 376; allegiance to AK, 149, 233, 257; conflict with AK in 1901, 302–3; conflicts with AK after 1907, 345–51, 355–58
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: AK’s critique of, 32, 132, 244; AK’s use of, 31, 142, 187, 200, 334
Heidelberg Catechism, 99, 120, 152
The Heir of Redclyffe, 38–40, 43–44, 46, 53–54, 86, 94, 150. See also AK: personal life: religious conversions; Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 24, 27, 33, 201
Herzl, Theodore, 253
Hobsbawm, Eric J., 67, 73, 114
Holiness movement, 71, 90, 92–96, 98, 100, 102–3
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 117
Holmes, Sherlock, 281
Hotman, François, 78
House of Orange, 5–11, 16; and AK, 116, 138–39, 372
Houtzagers, Jan H., 160–61
Hovy, Willem: career, 123, 127–28, 159, 222; relationship with AK, 96–97, 111–12, 118, 123, 236
Huber, Jean Jacques/Jan Jacob (AK’s grandfather), 4–5, 9
Huxley, Thomas H., 289
Idenburg, Alexander Willem Frederik: career, 303–4, 307–9, 346–47, 350, 356–57, 367, 372; correspondence about AK, 355–56; relationship with AK, 303–4, 346–50, 357–60, 366, 371–75
Imperialism, 143, 195, 200, 220, 289, 326; American, 273, 280; British, 164, 270, 280, 290–91, 295, 307, 357, 367; Dutch, 12; German, 67, 116, 134. See also Aceh, East Indies, Surinam
Industrialization: AK’s critique of, 200, 215, 221–22, 224, 228, 335; historical development, 57, 65–66, 245, 290; in the Netherlands, 5, 10–11, 44, 65, 222, 299, 301; as social system, 67, 92, 95, 205, 208, 249
Islam, AK’s views of, 220, 308, 327–30, 332–35, 381
Israels, Jozef, 242
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 31
James, William, 205, 213–14, 246, 251–52, 289
Jameson, Leander Starr, 290–91
Judaism: AK’s views of, 330–32; in Amsterdam, 7; and Christian evangelization, 58, 61
Kantianism, 30–32, 201–2, 205, 214, 305, 313
Kappeyne van de Coppello, Joannes: career, 88, 115–17; relationship with AK, 88–89, 117, 162
Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel von, Bishop, 223
Keuchenius, Levinus Wilhelmus Christiaan: career, 218–21, 233, 237; relationship with AK, 158, 221, 235, 237–38
Koch, Jeroen, 234
Kohlbrügge, Herman Friedrich, 50, 62
Kruger, Paul, President of the Transvaal, 165
Kuyper, Abraham:
character: ambition, 21, 36, 38–40, 62, 87, 120, 170; anxiety, 38, 54, 86, 107, 283; church attendance, 22–23, 129; control, passion for political, 60, 132, 350, 355; control, passion for spiritual, 102–3, 147–48, 212, 243, 249, 251–52, 374; dreams, 98, 240, 262, 358, 375; ego, 21, 38–39, 167–68, 258, 356, 374; militancy, 49–50, 85–86, 120, 150, 221, 232–36, 264, 355, 374; mountain climbing, love of, 98, 107–8, 252; spiritual discontent/doubt, 22–23, 25–27, 29, 46, 49–50, 54, 251–52; thoughts on death, 53, 98–99, 158, 237–38, 281–84
educational endeavors: Dutch context, 66–67, 299, 301; Kuyper cabinet, 311–14; Mackay cabinet Education Act, 216–18; “Pacification” (1917), 347, 364, 371; Parliamentary advocacy, 1874–76, 95–96, 111–13; People’s Petition (1877), 115–17; response to Higher Education Bill (1876), 118–25; restitution proposal, 88; Utrecht convention (1869), 69–70. See also AK: politics; Free University; Liberalism, political
health: fatigue, 37–38, 61–62, 85–86, 95–98; nervous breakdowns, 21, 37, 64–65, 87–88, 97–98, 102–3, 215, 235–36, 246–47, 251–52, 318, 325; respiratory ailments, 85–86, 235, 325, 350–51, 370–73; rheumatism, 62, 85–86, 96; tic dolorous, 85–87
journalism: beginnings, 61, 83–86, 100; career in, xix, 88, 91, 112–14, 116, 125–27, 129, 150, 216, 250, 276, 291–93; party polemics, 82, 100, 229, 232, 234–35, 314–15, 317–18, 347; retirement from, 370, 372–73; 25th anniversary fête, 257–58
pastorates: at Amsterdam, 56, 58–63, 155, 175–76; at Beesd, 40, 42–54; Beesd legacy for AK, 58, 62, 65, 71, 173–74; and rejected calls, 111–12; sermons, 18, 43–45, 47, 52–54, 56–59, 87, 166, 173–77, 226; at Utrecht, 45, 52–59, 64; Utrecht legacy for AK, 68–71, 174–75
personal life: birth and early years, 3, 18–19; children, 44, 61–62, 86–87, 97, 99, 128–29, 158, 237–38, 358–60, 363, 370, 374–75; courtship and marriage, 24–26, 32, 35, 37–42; education, 19–40; final illness and death, 370–74; forebears, 3–5, 17–19; funeral, 374–76; mentors, 23–24, 28–31, 35–36, 44, 46–48, 50; religious conversions, 38–40, 45–50; siblings, 18, 37, 49–50, 54, 63
political thought: antirevolutionary inheritance, 72–76; Calvinism as a revolutionary tradition, 77–82; charisma and leadership, 255–56, 351–53; Christian democracy, 229–32; and divine ordinances, 136–37, 140–43; and economy, 223–28, 341–42, 371; and heading government, 305–7; and sphere sovereignty, 130–35
politics: in election of 1871, 61–62, 82–83; in election of 1873, 85–86; in election of 1875, 85, 87–88, 93, 95; in election of 1877, 99, 111, 113; in election of 1888, 196, 200, 216–17, 235; in election of 1891, 219, 228–29; in election of 1894, 232; in election of 1897, 233; in election of 1901, 297, 302, 315, 320; in election of 1905, 320–24, 345, 358; in election of 1909, 346–48, 354; in election of 1913, 347–48, 361, 366; in election of 1918, 371; enters politics, 61–62, 82–83, 85–86, 120; member of Parliament, 1874–77, 63, 86, 88–90, 95–97, 99; member of Parliament, 1893–1901, 229–33, 299–301; member of Parliament, 1908–12, 346–47; member of Upper House, 1912–20, 351, 373; organizer, xv, xviii, 64–65; organizing, early efforts, 20, 61, 68; organizing of ARP, 82–85, 112–16, 125, 127; organization and operation of ARP, 215, 217–18, 221, 233, 364–65; policies on colonies, 219–21, 307–9; policies on economics, 224–27, 371; policies on education, 144, 311–14; policies on family, 144–45, 340–41, 360–61; policies on the military, 146, 218–19. See also Antirevolutionary Party; Christian democracy; Democracy; Suffrage, popular
prime minister: cabinet formation, 302–4; colonial affairs, 307–9; educational reforms, 311–14; foreign affairs, 304; railroad strike, 309–11
theology: antithesis, 273, 323, 342–43, 348, 353; baptism, 50, 153, 169, 184, 189–92; “baptized nation,” 147, 154, 370; common grace, viii, 192, 194–95, 197–204, 207–12, 247; common grace and art, 240–41; common grace in AK’s later career, 338, 341, 363, 369–70; common grace, U.S. as land of, 261–62, 275, 277, 294; conversion, 58, 106, 179, 181, 184–85, 316 (see also AK: personal life: religious conversions); covenant, 178, 180–85, 191–92, 199; creation, viii–x, xviii, 179, 194, 209–10, 212, 247, 338; creation and common grace, 197, 199–200, 202; creation and ecclesiology, 163, 176, 184, 186; creation and evolution, 285, 288; creation and the Holy Spirit, 104–5; creation and politics, 141–42, 146–47, 225, 362–63; cultural engagement, 81, 130, 171–72, 177, 183, 186, 191–96, 242; “cultural mandate,” 194, 199; ecclesiology, 173, 184–92; ecclesiology, “church as mother,” 169, 177, 180; ecclesiology, high church, 53–55, 172, 174–75, 188; ecclesiology, visible/“invisible” church, 53, 174, 176, 184–85 (see also Organic/ism); election, doctrine of, 30, 35, 58–59, 78, 105–6, 153, 169, 179–84, 191–92, 294; election and common grace, 198–99; election and ecclesiology, 175–77, 184; election and politics, xviii, 78, 132, 180, 208, 241; eschatology/“end times”/millenarianism, 74, 98, 248, 337, 368–69; the fall into sin, 105–6, 167, 192, 338, 341; the fall and common grace, 198–99; the fall and epistemology, 209–12, 214; the fall and politics, 141, 152; Holy Spirit and ecclesiology, 151, 166, 168, 176–77, 184; Holy Spirit, early concepts, 30, 43, 45, 55; Holy Spirit, mature concepts, 103–7, 178–79; Holy Spirit, in meditations, 316, 323; incarnation, in AK’s theology, 49, 52–53, 57–59, 173–76; justification, 93, 106, 189, 192; kingship of Christ, 53; kingship of Christ and the church, 173, 175, 177, 179; kingship of Christ in Doleantie, 151–54, 161, 164; kingship of Christ in Pro Rege, 321, 335, 338–43, 363; liturgy, AK’s teachings on, 55, 60, 74, 169, 187–89, 192, 241; Lord’s Supper, 26, 39, 60, 169, 175, 236; Lord’s Supper, AK’s theology of, 189–90; particular grace, 178–80, 198–99, 202–4, 267, 338, 341; predestination, 30, 181–82, 263; predestination, infralapsarianism, 169, 192; predestination, supralapsarianism, 30, 105, 169; redemption, cosmic, 105, 167, 174, 176, 317; redemption, as palingenesis, 210–11; redemption, personal, 105, 181, 210; redemption, social/collective/corporate, 180, 185, 362; regeneration, viii, 105–6, 153, 163, 179, 185, 189, 192; resurrection, 47, 57, 282; salvation, and God’s sovereignty, 58, 105, 185, 197, 318; salvation, personal, 53, 105, 173, 189, 202; salvation, universal, 178–79, 185; sanctification, 93, 106, 189. See also AK: works: Our Worship
travel, in Europe/Mediterranean: Belgium, 235, 302, 354; Brighton, 87–93; France, 81, 83, 235, 237, 325, 351; Germany, 37, 45, 64, 252, 322–23, 350, 356, 371–72; Italy, 83, 97, 325; London, 45, 61, 98, 164, 275, 304; Mediterranean tour (1905-6, Romania, Russia, Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Greece, Sicily, Tunisia, Algeria, Portugal, Spain), 325–35; Switzerland, 62, 97–98, 281 (see also Kuyper-Schaay, Johanna: death)
travel, in U.S. (1898), 263–79; Chicago, 267–68, 272; Eastern states, 272–75; Iowa, 266–67; Michigan, 264–66, 268–69, 273; Stone Lectures at Princeton, 261–64. See also America
works: à Lasco project, 36–37, 40, 42, 44–45, 52, 71; Around the Old-World Sea (Om de Oude Wereldzee), 326–35; Asleep in Jesus, 281–84; “Blurring of the Boundaries,” 244–45, 249–50; “Calvinism, the Source and Stronghold of Our Constitutional Liberties,” 77–82, 248; “Christianity and the Social Question,” 223–26, 230; Common Grace, 197–98, 241, 247, 294, 333, 341, 371; Confidentie (Confidentially), 60, 62, 86, 177–78; The Doctrine of the Covenants, 178, 180–82, 190; Dogmatics, 170; Dogmatics assembled by students, 215; Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology, 170–71, 207, 215; “Evolution,” 284–87, 296; “Iron and Clay,” 162–64, 167; Lectures on Calvinism, 207, 262–64, 278; Manual Labor, 224–26; “Maranatha,” 219, 229–32; “Modernism, a Fata Morgana,” 47–49, 56, 62, 86, 245; “Not the Liberty Tree but the Cross,” 229–30; Ons Program, 114, 136–48, 178, 182, 230, 305, 335, 341; Ons Program, updated 1916-17 as Antirevolutionaire Staatkunde, 365, 370–71; “Our Instinctive Life,” 252, 255, 351–53; Our Worship, 187–90; Particular Grace, 178–80, 198–99; “Perfectionism,” 100–102; Pro Rege, 335–43, 362–63, 365, 369; “Rooted and Grounded,” 176–77, 181; “Sphere Sovereignty,” 130–36, 138, 145; Stone Lectures (see Lectures on Calvinism); To Be Near Unto God (Nabij God te zijn), 314–19, 323–25; Tractate on the Reformation of the Churches, 151–53; “Uniformity, the Curse of Modern Life,” 71–74, 86, 147, 201, 250–52, 351; Van de Voleinding (On the Consummation), 368–70; “The Vocation of Hollanders in America,” 267–68; “Wat Nu?,” 371; “What Must We Do?,” 51–52; The Work of the Holy Spirit, 103–7, 173, 178–79
Kuyper, Abraham (AK’s grandfather), 3–5
Kuyper, Abraham, Jr. (AK’s son), 61, 358
Kuyper, Catharina Maria Eunice, “Cato,” “Too” (AK’s daughter), 99, 358–60, 363
Kuyper, Dirk (AK’s great-grandfather), 4, 6
Kuyper, Guillaume (AK’s son), 128, 358
Kuyper, Henriëtte Sophia Susanna, “Harry” (AK’s daughter), 61, 87, 325, 370; career of, 358–59, 373; character of, 358–60; and creation of father’s legacy, 374–75
Kuyper, Herman (AK’s brother), 18, 49–50, 54, 63, 221
Kuyper, Herman Huber (AK’s son), 44, 127, 158, 161, 358, 369, 374, 381
Kuyper, Jan Frederik (AK’s father), 3–4; career, 17–19, 158; relationship with AK, 20, 24, 54, 158
Kuyper, Jan Hendrik Frederik, “Freddy” (AK’s son), 44, 158, 165, 358–59
Kuyper, Jeanette Jacqueline (AK’s sister), 18, 158
Kuyper, Johanna Hendrika (AK’s daughter), 358, 370–71; and creation of father’s legacy, 374–75
Kuyper, Levinus Willem Christiaan, “Willy” (AK’s son), 158, 237–38, 281
Kuyper-Huber, Henriëtte (AK’s mother), 3, 17–18
Kuyper-Schaay, Johanna, “Jo” (AK’s wife): background, 24; character, 359–60; children, 44, 61–62, 97, 158, 237; courtship, 24–27, 35; death, 281–84, 359; and Heir of Redclyffe, 37–40, 54; ill health, 61–62, 99; marriage, 40–41
Labor Act of 1889, 218, 222, 224
Lahmann, Heinrich, 350–51, 354, 371
Lamennais, Félicité Robert de, 75, 77
Lasco, Johannes à (Jan Laski): life, 35, 45, 135; theology, 35, 38, 56, 173–74, 187. See also AK: works
Lears, Jackson, 251–52
Leiden, 17–19, 54; AK’s education in, see AK: personal life
Liberalism, political: development in South Africa, 290; development in the Netherlands, 65–67, 75, 82, 84–85, 117, 274, 297–307; and Dutch colonial policy, 307; and economics, 73, 114, 225, 298–301; and education, 68–69, 111, 218, 299, 301, 304, 311–14; political liberalism and religion, 111, 115, 314; and suffrage, 216, 228–33, 253, 300. See also Liberals (Dutch political party); Progressive Liberals; Thorbecke, Johan Rudolph
Liberalism, theological: in America, 166, 261, 277; history in the Netherlands, 28; teachings of, 81, 121–22, 142. See also AK: works: “Modernism, a Fata Morgana”
Liberals (Dutch political party), 95, 111–13, 136, 219, 221, 233, 252–54, 257, 297–98, 321–22, 345–46, 364, 366
Lindeboom, Lucas, 127
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 269–71
Lohman, Alexander F. Savornin de. See Savornin Lohman, Alexander F. de, Squire
Louis XIV, King of France, 5, 367
Luther, Martin, 3, 124; AK’s use of, 119, 151, 155, 265, 305
Mach, Ernst, 206–7
Machen, J. Gresham, 49
Mackay, Aeneas, Baron, 216–17, 302; cabinet of, 216–19
Marx, Karl, 156, 227, 248, 288, 309, 311; AK’s views of, 306–7, 311
Mary Stuart, Princess of Orange, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 5
Materialism, philosophical: AK’s critique of, 220, 227, 287–89; early fears of, 47, 64
Matthison, Friedrich von, 33, 35
Maurice, Prince of Orange, 7–9
McKinley, William, 268–69, 273, 280
Melvil, Robert, Baron van Lynden, 304
Mendel, Gregor, 294
Merle d’Aubigné, Jean-Henri, 16, 74
Michels, Robert, 353
Modernism, cultural, 195, 240, 242–44, 251n, 253, 350. See also Modernity
Modernism, theological: AK’s relations with, 42–43, 51–54, 59–60, 90, 152–54, 178, 332; Dutch school, 28–31, 45–47, 121–22, 170, 173, 245–46, 251n. See also AK: works: “Modernism, a Fata Morgana”; Scholten, Joannes Henricus
Modernity/“modernization,” 251n; as perceived threat, 150, 245–46, 250–51, 276, 284, 290, 331, 335–36, 351–52; as social process, 65–66, 199–200, 245–46, 252–53, 333–34, 342; stages of in Dutch history, xii–xiii, 111, 118, 229, 253–54, 300, 303, 321. See also AK: works: “Our Instinctive Life,” “Uniformity, the Curse of Modern Life”
Mondriaan, Piet, Jr., 85, 126, 244
Monism, 29, 206, 213, 249, 287; Monist League, 288
Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 5, 11, 14, 74–75, 366–68
Naturalism, philosophical: AK’s fear of, 47–48, 70, 205–6; as school of thought, 28, 135, 214, 245, 336
Natural sciences, AK’s views toward, 196, 202–4, 207–11, 213–14, 239–40, 341. See also Darwin, Charles
Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk (NHK). See Dutch Reformed Church
Neo-Calvinism, 296, 343, 377, 380
Neo-Kantianism, 214
The Netherlands, Kingdom of (1813-present): economy, 4–6, 12, 65–67, 111, 221–23, 225, 370, 376–77; history, 4–6, 65–67, 298–301, 376–77; social conditions, 12–13, 67–68, 77, 88, 111–12, 115, 128, 234, 247, 364. See also AK: politics; Constitution, Dutch; Dutch Republic
Newman, John Cardinal, 53–54
Nicholas I, Pope, 35
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 299
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 98, 252; AK’s response to, 32, 244–45, 289
Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van, 9, 85
Ons Program, 114, 136–48, 178, 182, 230, 305, 335, 341; updated 1916-17 as Antirevolutionaire Staatkunde, 365, 370–71
Opzoomer, Cornelis W., 28, 264
Organic/ism, in AK: epistemology, 209–13, 313; in mentors, 24, 76; as mindset, 72–73, 183–84, 247–48, 283, 288, 332; ontology, 209–13, 248–49, 285, 290; political thought, 305, 351, 361; social thought, 133–34, 143, 146, 227, 339, 342; theology, 104–5, 321, 339. See also AK: theology: ecclesiology, visible/“invisible” church
Organizer/organization: as AK’s vocation, xv, xviii, 64–65, 112, 129; AK’s observations of Brighton meetings, 91, 101; of Boer assistance, 164–65; of Doleantie, 150–56, 164, 168; in Dutch Reformed Church, 42, 60; of Free University, 118–20, 122–23. See also AK: politics
Orr, James, 207
“Our Instinctive Life,” 252, 255, 351–53
Pantheism, 34, 197, 213, 244–45, 249–50, 288, 335
Parliament, Dutch, 6–7, 13, 82, 89, 114, 138–39, 301, 305, 364–65. See also AK: politics
Patrimonium, 128, 149, 222–23, 228
Patriot Movement, Dutch, 10
Paul, 106, 124, 180, 255–56, 282, 316, 351
Perfectionism, Christian. See Holiness movement
Pierson, Allard, 46–47, 58, 62
Pierson, Nicolaas Gerard, 300–301, 305
Pietism, Dutch, 50, 153, 189, 198, 316; and “Later” (also “Further”) Reformation, 9
Pillarization (verzuiling), 255, 343, 377, 381
Pius IX, 68
Poesiat, Bart, 149
Presbyterians, 79, 90, 188–89, 207; in America, xviii, 261, 263, 269–70, 272–73, 278
Progress, ideas of: AK’s, 143–44, 147, 163, 200, 254, 265, 341, 368; among AK’s contemporaries, 123, 147, 205, 210; among AK’s forebears, 28, 56, 67–68, 74, 76; in late 19th century, 239, 246, 249, 251, 253, 287, 293, 299
Progressive Liberals, 68, 112, 115, 117, 157. See also Kappeyne van de Coppello, Joannes
Protestant Church in the Netherlands (Protestantse Kerk in Nederland, PKN), 378
Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN). See Protestant Church in the Netherlands
Puritans: in America, 79–81, 272; in England, 9, 79–81, 189
Railroad strike (1903), Dutch, 309–11
Ranke, Leopold von, 44
Rational supernaturalism, 27, 29, 32
Realism, philosophical, 28–29, 31, 34, 210, 214
Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, GKN), 170, 191–92, 196, 378–79. See also Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands; Doleantie
Reformed Church in America (RCA), 264–66, 276
Remonstrantism, 129, 367. See also Arminianism
Réveil, the: AK and Réveil politics, 82, 132, 312; AK and Réveil theology, 57, 119–20, 153–54, 195–96, 291; character and teachings of, 15–17, 27, 46, 69; history in the Netherlands, 20, 46, 61, 70, 127, 343
Rhodes, Cecil, 290
Robespierre, Maximilien François Marie Isidore Joseph de, 232
Romanticism: in AK, xix, 3, 19, 72; in AK’s epistemology, 205, 209; in AK’s social thought, 183, 201, 381; in AK’s spiritual crisis, 98, 107; influence on AK, 24, 33–34, 40, 143, 174; in Réveil, 15–16, 27–28, 74, 320
Ronkel, Philip S. van, 162
Roosevelt, Theodore, 255, 284, 299
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 38
Rothe, Richard, 187
Savornin Lohman, Alexander F. de, Squire: conflicts with AK, 221, 229, 232–38, 297, 300, 302, 346, 350; work with AK, 97, 121, 149, 158, 311
Schaay, Johanna. See Kuyper-Schaay, Johanna
Schelling, Friedrich, 31–32, 183–84, 244
Schilder, Klaas, 378
Schiller, Friedrich, 25, 33–35
Schimmelpenninck van der Oye van Hoevlaken, J. E. N., Baron, 233
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 27, 174, 184, 336
Scholte, Hendrik P., 266
Scholten, Joannes Henricus: relationship with AK, 28–29, 31, 35, 38, 50, 121–22; as theologian, 28–31, 45–48, 129
Schorske, Carl, 252–53
Secession of 1834, 14, 265, 369. See also Christian Reformed Church in North America; Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands
Separation of church and state, 13, 55, 137–38, 305
Shakespeare, William, 25, 33, 37, 54–55
Smith, Hannah Whitall, 91–95, 97, 100, 106
Smith, Robert Pearsall, 90–97, 100–101
Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 291
Social Democrats, 225, 306, 322, 346, 366
Socialism: history of, 76, 288, 327; in the Netherlands, 157–58, 235, 257, 344–45, 354, 377. See also Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand; Marx, Karl; Socialists (Dutch political party)
Socialists (Dutch political party), 112, 157, 235, 305–10, 314, 321–22, 361; program and proposals, 112, 222–23, 305–10, 314, 321, 361
Socianism. See Unitarianism
Sorel, Georges, 252, 255, 351, 353
South Africa: and immigration, 127; and South African War, 280, 289–92, 294–96, 367; Transvaal, 164–65, 273, 290–91, 295
Spanish-American War, 265
Spencer, Herbert, 213, 248–49, 286–89
Sphere sovereignty, theory of: later use, 379–82; as political theory, 130–43, 145–48, 329; as social theory, 143–45, 228, 245, 247, 351. See also AK: works
Spiritualism/theosophy, 244, 281–82, 337, 358
Stahl, Friedrich Julius, 75, 137
States-General. See Parliament, Dutch
Steffens, Nicholas, 166, 266, 276, 278
Stoecker, Adolf, 330
Stoker, Hendrik G., 296
Suffrage, popular: agitation for, 112, 157, 222–23, 227–29, 360–61; history in the Netherlands, 77, 196, 216, 300; laws prescribing, 216, 232–34, 364, 372; women’s, 247, 299, 360–61
Surinam, 303, 346. See also Idenburg, Alexander
Switzerland, 46, 98. See also AK: travel, in Europe/Mediterranean
Tak van Poortvliet, Johannes Pieter Roetert, 229, 300
Talma, Aritius Sybrandus, 346–47, 350, 356–57
Tecklenburg, Joannes Josephus Ignatius Harte van, 303
Thelwall, Algernon Sydney, 17–18
Thomas à Kempis, 9
Thorbecke, Johan Rudolph: AK’s views of, 20, 138, 218, 313; career, 12–13, 20, 28, 89, 218, 313
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 75
Tönnies, Ferdinand, 214
Toorenenbergen, J. J. van, 120–21
Troelstra, Pieter Jelles: career, 309–11, 321, 372; relationship with AK, 311, 317–18, 321–22, 354–55
Unitarianism, 9, 26, 116, 263, 269–71
United Provinces. See Dutch Republic
Utrecht, 70. See also AK: pastorates
Van der Hoogt, Cornelis W., 273–74
Van Gogh, Vincent, 242
Van Houten, Samuel, 229, 233, 300–301
Vatican Council, First, 176
Vollenhoven, Dirk Hendrik Theodoor, 378–79
Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. See Free University of Amsterdam
Walzer, Michael, 81
Warfield, Benjamin B., 263–64, 360
Weber, Max: compared to AK, 58, 214, 225, 251, 255, 351; as social theorist, 81, 205, 213–14, 225
Weismann, August, 286
Westhoff, A. J., 162
West Indies Company, Dutch, 18, 128
Westmeijer, Mathilde, 354–55
Wijk, Titus Anthony Jacob van Asch van, Squire, 233
Wilde, Oscar, 117
Wilders, Geert, 381
Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands: career, 138, 303, 314, 317; relationship with AK, 302, 322, 346
William I, King of the Netherlands: career, 11–12, 20; religious policies, 14, 138, 155
William I, Prince of Orange, the Silent, 273
William II, King of the Netherlands, 12–13, 138; religious policies, 16
William II, Prince of Orange, 7–8
William III, King of the Netherlands, 116, 138, 216, 221
William III, Prince of Orange, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 5, 10
William V, Prince of Orange, 10
Wilson, Woodrow, 255, 269, 274, 284, 368
Wintgens, Willem, 89
Worldview: AK’s use of, 32, 50, 247–48, 263, 278; concept in AK’s time, 122, 204–8, 213–14, 245, 253, 287–88; epistemology of, 194–95, 197, 204–10, 341; in Islam, 332; as warrant for Free University, 130, 135, 306, 313–14
World War I, 278, 298, 367–70; Dutch neutrality in, 364
World War II, 301
Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 38, 40, 53. See also The Heir of Redclyffe
Zola, Emile, 280