I’m very excited to introduce you to what I believe is, by far, the most comprehensive, authentic and eye-catching book on bishoujo—an incredibly popular genre of manga. Bishoujo is a Japanese term that means beautiful women. Knowing how to draw beautiful women is an essential skill for every aspiring mangaka (manga artist). The bishoujo genre encompasses a wide range of character types and subgenres, from uniformed schoolgirls to the immensely popular Magical Girl subgenre, and from heroic fighter pilots of the Sci-Fi genre to fairies, martial arts masters, undercover agents, the Urban Chic subgenre, and much, much more.

Have you ever had difficulty drawing dazzling women? Most artists have. Drawing the beautiful eyes, the gentle contours of the face and figure, the hair, the lips, all of it can either make or break a drawing. This book is the definitive resource on how to draw beautiful women. As you flip through the pages, you’ll see the widest possible assortment of bishoujo characters in a variety of styles. As an aspiring artist, you should have exposure to the entire spectrum of styles so that your work remains exciting and current.

This book is comprehensive like no other. To start, it breaks down—into clear and easy-to-follow instructions—exactly how to draw the eyes so that they glisten and beam with expression. Eyelashes, eyebrows, pupils, and irises are all explained and illustrated in such detail that nothing will remain a mystery to you. Then follows the section devoted to drawing the mouth in various positions and expressions. Moving on, you’ll learn how to draw the attractive female head in every conceivable angle, which will give you confidence as an artist and allow you to create your own characters in any position, in any scene. All of the latest and most appealing hairstyles are shown, as are facial expressions, emotions, the body, posture, body language, action poses, character types, costumes, and hands and feet.

Did I leave out anything? I don’t think so. But there’s more! A section on glamour, which shows you the secret to turning ordinary females into sparkling beauties. You’ll learn how to draw two characters together in a scene so that you won’t have to draw scenes with only one figure anymore. And as a bonus, there’s a fabulous section on the fighting women of the famous Magical Girl subgenre. It’s a dazzling section sure to inspire you to put pencil to paper.

Not only will this book show you how to draw manga, but it will also improve your drawing skills in general. You’ll be learning the solid art principles used by top professional manga illustrators. So, whether you’re a big-time manga fan or you draw American-style comic book art, you’ll get valuable drawing instruction.