15 Hawn State Park: White Oaks Trail

Winding through a mixed hardwood forest, the White Oaks Trail features mature white oaks and lofty shortleaf pines, as well as unusual outcroppings of Lamotte sandstone.

Distance: 4.1-mile lollipop

Approximate hiking time: 2 to 3 hours

Difficulty: Moderate due to length

Best season: Year-round

Park hours: Open Mar 15–Nov 15, 7:30 a.m.–9 p.m.; Nov 15–Mar 14, 7:30 to sunset

Other trail users: None

Canine compatibility: Leashed dogs permitted

Fees and permits: None

Maps: USGS Coffman Quad; trail maps available at the visitor center

Trail contacts: Hawn State Park, 12096 Park Dr., Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670; (573) 883-3603; www.mostateparks.com/hawn.htm

Special considerations: Ticks and chiggers are abundant from early summer through mid-fall.

Finding the trailhead: From St. Louis take I-55 South to exit 150. Turn right onto MO 32 and drive toward the town of Farmington. After 11 miles, turn left onto MO 144 and drive south for 3 miles to the Hawn State Park entrance. At the park entrance, turn right into the White Oaks Trail parking area. GPS: N37 49.997 / W90 14.415

The Hike

Containing some of the most scenic views in the state, Hawn State Park offers a wonderfully diverse natural landscape with canyon-rimmed valleys, clear sand-bottom streams, and mixed oak-pine forests. Large stands of mature shortleaf pine, Missouri’s only native pine species, are one of the park’s many highlights that can be easily enjoyed from the White Oaks Trail. Another natural jewel of this hike is the Lamotte sandstone. This ancient coarse-grained sandstone has the ability to hold groundwater and produces a variety of distinctive flowers and plants.

From the parking area, locate the trailhead register and information kiosk. Follow the obvious and well-marked White Oaks Trail west as it gradually descends through a shortleaf pine forest before crossing a small, shallow creek. Shortly after you cross this creek, Connector Trail 1 branches to the left (southeast). This trail, marked with a yellow arrow, takes you to the Whispering Pines Trail. Continue straight (west) to stay on the White Oaks Trail as it crosses another shallow creek and heads up a mellow ridge through a mixed-hardwood forest and Lamotte sandstone outcroppings.

After 1.1 miles, Connector Trail 2 branches to the left (southeast); keep right. Follow the sign pointing toward the White Oaks Trail and cross another shallow creek. Soon come to a sign that reads WHITE OAKS TRAIL LOOP 1.8 MILES with an arrow pointing to the right. Follow this loop trail north then west as it follows the sandy drainage, where wildlife tracks are easily visible.

Complete the loop portion of the hike at 2.9 miles. Turn right and backtrack to the trailhead.


Miles and Directions

0.0Leave the parking area and begin hiking west on the White Oaks Trail.

0.2Connector Trail 1 branches to the left (southeast); continue straight on the White Oaks Trail.

1.1Connector Trail 2 branches to the left (southeast); follow the signs pointing toward the White Oaks Trail.

1.2Reach the beginning of the White Oaks Trail loop and bear right (northwest).

2.9Come to the end of the White Oaks Trail loop; turn right (east) and retrace your steps to the trailhead.

4.1Return to the trailhead.