
A week went by, then two, followed by three until a whole month had passed. I thought that I would never see Walter again. Would I end up a stale maid? I shivered.

I dismissed the young children when I saw the mistress waiting to speak to me.

‘Walter has spoken to me again. He said he understood you needed time to consider his proposal. Would you like to meet him again in the library tomorrow afternoon?’

‘Yes Mistress. Yes.’

Relief soaked in like a shower in the fall. Sleep served me well that night and I looked better for it in the morn. I strode into the library with more confidence this time. It was stacked with more books than I had ever seen in my life. I was so worried about what I had to tell Walter last time here that I had noticed nothing. A ray of light illuminated a section of books, the gold lettering on the spines glittered. I turned my face to Walter.

‘Please sit down.’ His smile was soft.

He sat down opposite me and took both my hands in his.

‘I apologise that I have taken so long but I have been very busy.’

‘No apology is necessary.’

‘I asked for your hand in marriage some weeks back.’ His eyes met mine. He still held my hands.

Be done with what you will say. I can’t take the uncertainty any longer. Has Walter brought me here to tell me that his proposal is no longer offered?

He shifted in his seat and let go of my hands. He’s not going to marry me.

‘I have thought on what you told me at our last meeting, but my desire to marry you is unchanged. I think of you constantly. Your face is permanently engraved in my mind. May I have your hand in marriage?’

‘Yes, Walter.’ I felt his kiss on my cheek, not the ravished embrace of Robert.

‘We could have the wedding this spring.’

I imagined at once myself in a wedding dress, silk, lace and flowers, with this man beside me in the spring, a season of hope and new life so unlike the spring of last year.

We smiled at each other and left the library to see the mistress waiting for us. She saw us both looking happy.

‘It will be a spring wedding,’ said Walter.

‘I look forward to arranging it all,’ said the mistress.

I felt as if I was running through grass like I did as a six year old. Again I was to have a man. Unlike Robert’s hard pressed kisses, the kisses of Walter would be, I thought, like soft gossamer spider webs entangling me close to him and him close to me. Yes, Walter and Robert were two very different men. I could manage Walter — good, solid Walter. I was to be married, after all. I would have respect and status, my own house, my children. Walter would care for me and I would live in some style. How glad I was that I had left Salem. I had forged a new life here and was ready to grasp it with both hands.

And the wedding. We would have the wedding meal at the master’s table; many people would gather to gaze at me and rejoice with me. I would look glorious in my dress.