Ākāsha Space or ether; region of pure consciousness.

Alingam Without marks.

Amrita Nectar of immortality.

Ānanda Sensual pleasure; transcendent bliss; spiritual ecstasy.

Ardhanārīshvara Androgynous.

Argha Vagina.

Avyakta Nonmanifestation.

Bāna Arrow.

Bhāskara Luminous.

Bhukti Pleasure.

Bīja Seed; semen; primary cause.

Bindu Point limit, where all living beings unite.

Chandra Moon.

Chit Consciousness.

Dharma Cosmic order.

Guha Mysterious.

Hinkāra Invocation of the god.

Kāma Eros.

Kirti Glory.

Kumāra Adolescent.

Lāngala Spade.

Linga-dhara Phallus-bearer.

Lingam, linga Phallus.

Mahā Transcendent.

Mahat Universal consciousness, the "great principle."

Maithuna Copulation; union of Shiva and Shakti.

Mukha Face.

Mukti Liberation.

Nāda Vibration, sound.

Nandi Joyous; the bull.

Nidhana Closing hymn.

Nirālamba Independent divinity.

Nirvikāra Beyond change.

Pāsha The bond, the snare.

Pashu Livestock.

Pati Master.

Pitriyāna Ancestral destiny.

Prakāsha Power of realization or expression.

Prakriti Nature; creative energy; female principle.

Prāna Breath.

Prastāva Vedic hymn of praise.

Prathamajā First born.

Pratihāra Chorus.

Purusha Cosmic man.

Sailaja Standing stone.

Sāmkhya Cosmology.

Sat Existence.

Satī Fidelity.

Shālagrāma Pebbles with a phallic significance.

Shankara That which gives bliss.

Shisna-deva God-phallus.

Shūdra Artisan caste.

Skanda Jet of sperm.

Soma Elixir, ambrosia.

Sthānu Column.

Udgītha Vedic hymn of glory.

Upastha Penis.

Urdhva-linga He of the erect penis.

Vimarsha Power of conception.

Viparīta Inverted position for copulation.

Vīrya Virile essence.

Yajña Kunda, hearth.

Yoni Womb.