Chapter 5

“Tell me about the shifted cub that was seen in your bar.”

Josh blanked his face and glanced at the man who’d spoken. The guy on the opposite side of the bar stared at him with unblinking brown eyes—contacts probably. They looked too normal to belong to a shifter. Even those with ordinary-colored irises couldn’t hide what they were, at least not from those humans who knew what to look for.

Shifter eyes were multifaceted, similar to a gemstone. In the dim bar, they should’ve had an otherworldly glow. This guy’s plain orbs didn’t. The only reason Josh knew the man’s secret was the cat fangs the shifter had allowed to show when he’d ordered his drink.

The guy wasn’t from the area. That much Josh knew, but the shifter had to be a blood relation of Kade and Rafe. His rough-cut features were too similar to theirs. The knowledge didn’t ease Josh.

He leaned a hip against the corner of the bar. As much as he wanted to match the shifter’s focused glare, he had to blink—he was only human—but he refused to look away and acknowledge the newcomer as more dominant.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

One corner of the shifter’s mouth lifted. Another hint of fang showed. “Hasn’t your owner taught you any manners? When your better asks a question, you should give a truthful answer.”

The guy’s calm voice came off as if he was explaining the rules of life to a child. Hearing it only angered Josh. He matched the shifter’s cocky grin. “If I ever meet one, I will.”

A full smile spread over the man’s face. Instead of warming it, he looked colder, more of a predator than any of the other felines Josh had met. Old. That was the vibe Josh got from him. Too bad the added years hadn’t taught him manners.

“That answered one question for me, human. Now answer the other.”

“Unless you’re suffering from memory loss, you only asked one.” Josh leaned closer. “And hell will have to freeze over before I ever tell you anything.”

A rumble of laughter shook the shifter’s chest. He stretched his hand out to the side and wiggled his fingers. From the corner of his eye, Josh watched as two women started shoving each other to reach that extended hand.

“Don’t fight ladies. One at a time.”

A brunette with boobs swaying freely under her T-shirt slid her fingers along the guy’s palm. In one smooth move, he yanked her in front of him. With his gaze still on Josh, he kissed her before closing his eyes to eat at the woman’s mouth. Lust was a tactic Josh had witnessed other shifters use against each other when they refused to concede a dominance battle but didn’t want to fight.

The stranger tugged the woman onto his lap. He slipped his hand up her skirt. Josh sighed and turned away. He didn’t need to be reminded of sex.

He took two steps before the shifter’s voice trailed after him. “You walk away, I win.”

Josh pivoted, leveling a hard glare on the newcomer. “I’ve got better things to do then watch you make your way through my customers.”

The guy whispered something in the woman’s ear, smacked her on the behind, and watched her walk away. The crowd swallowed her. Wearing a look Josh would’ve labeled as respectful if it wasn’t for the condescending laugh trickling out of the shifter’s mouth, the guy faced Josh.

“I like you, human. It’s no wonder you’ve been claimed as a pet.”

Josh tensed, fists clenched at his sides. He took a step forward. The shifter’s raised hand stopped him from closing the distance between them.

“I’m sorry. I forget myself. The politically correct term is ‘beloved human’ and one I’ve always found amusing. Humans aren’t worthy of our love, let alone our protection.”

Josh leaned across the bar, fists clenched so he didn’t strangle the arrogant shifter. “You, cat, are ticking me off. Let’s get a couple of things straight. First, you need to lower your voice. I’m the only one here who knows what you are. No need to draw attention to your uniqueness or your stupidity. Second, I’m no one’s pet. And finally…” He paused, waiting until the guy raised a brow. “You have five minutes to finish your beer before I throw you out.”

Josh straightened, slid the bowl of pretzels the shifter’s way, and grinned. “Drink’s on the house.”

The shifter scooped a handful of the little twists and shoved them in his mouth. A long moment passed while he chewed, and they resumed their staring contest. In a blur of movement, the guy fisted Josh’s shirt and yanked him close.

“That scar on your face and the scent oozing from your pores is the only reason we’re talking and not fighting, human. My cats don’t like you. They want to make you bleed, and I can be persuaded to give them what they want if you don’t answer my questions.” He sat back and grabbed another scoop of pretzels with his free hand. “Now, tell me about the female cub that was seen in your bar.”

Josh stared at the hand still clenching his shirt until the shifter released him. “If you want to know about the shifters living here then go to them with your questions.” He smirked. “I don’t have any answers. I’m just the beloved human and am not privy to their inside issues.”

“My cousin would only lie to me, pulling the pride leader card, which is why I came here first.”

Josh got his answer to the shifter’s resemblance to Kade. The knowledge didn’t change anything. The newcomer was a jerk. Josh would treat him as such.

“Look, enough with the games. I’m not sure what you think you’ll learn from me, but I’m not sharing anything about the Alexanders or their friends with you.”

The guy studied him another long moment before the cocky grin returned. “And that answered another of my questions. Thank you. You just might save yourself from a beating yet.”

Josh bit back a growl. He planted his palms on the counter. “What’s that supposed to mean? I didn’t say anything.”

The shifter raised one finger. “You are an alpha, despite your unfortunate species limitations.” Another finger went up. “You’re protective of what’s yours and somehow my cousin and his friends have found their way in to your fold.” A third finger rose. “And finally, I must reluctantly admit that you’re worthy of Devin’s protection.”

The guy dropped his hand and leaned forward until only a few scant inches separated them. “The only question left is why I smell a lion’s scent on your clothes. Care to answer that one since you didn’t like the wording of the other one?”

Josh silently berated himself. He always showered and changed before tending the bar in case a stray shifter showed up, like the feline Royal in front of him. After the fight the previous night with Zeb, he was too aggravated to focus on the practicalities of being the guardian of a shifter. No excuse. Just because he’d been angry at the world, he had a responsibility to protect his family.

Josh opened his mouth and closed it without saying anything. The words got stuck in his throat with the glimpse of the woman who’d walked in to the bar. The mirror angled toward the front door gave him a perfect view of her before she stepped forward.


Josh took slow, controlled breaths in an attempt to tamp down his desire. Lust had a certain scent to it. Pheromones or something like that. The shifters always commented on how quickly he responded to Mira. He didn’t mind the teasing. It was no big secret he wanted her.

Mira’s rich laughter rang out. His heart pounded hard, anticipation building as he waited for the crowd to part. So much for not reacting to her.

“And that answers another question.” The shifter chuckled. “I hope you enjoyed your time in Mira’s bed. It won’t ever happen again.”

Josh turned his attention from the entryway to the guy sitting in front of him.

And stared.

Another rumble of laughter shook the shifter’s chest. “Oh yeah, I like you.”

“Wish I could say the same.”

A smile spread over the man’s face. “I think that’ll change. If you follow my rules, that is. I can take care of pets as well as Devin can.”

Josh chose to ignore the comment, not wanting to fight while Mira was close.

Besides, he’d learned the older the shifter, the less civilized they acted. “You know Mira?”

Sadness replaced the amusement. The shifter nodded, a single dip of his chin.


“Beautiful Mira.” Aron spread his arms wide. “Come to me. I’ve missed you.”

Mira approached the bar, and Josh fought the surge of jealousy tensing his muscles. Shifters indulged in physical contact any chance they got. Hugs, caresses, and kisses didn’t mean the same for them as it did for everyone else. He’d stood by and watched while many of the pride and pack members had held Mira in their arms. Never before had he wanted to hurt any of them. At the moment, however, he wanted Aron’s blood on his hands for even suggesting she touch him.

Josh fought the reaction, but no matter how hard he tried to push it away, his jealousy built with each step Mira took toward Aron. Josh clenched his jaw to stop his demand she come to him instead. He might want her, but he didn’t own her. She could hug whoever she wanted.

Mira rounded his side of the bar and shimmied in front of him. The jealousy faded, but a sense of possessiveness he had no right to experience replaced it. He couldn’t help feeling as if she’d chosen him, and that it gave him the right to keep her.

What was wrong with him? He released a shuddered sigh, pushing away the unsettling emotions, and slipped an arm around her waist.

With his lips pressed to her forehead, he inhaled her fragrance and let it seep into his lungs. “Mira.”

She surprised him by linking her hands around his neck. Standing on her tiptoes, she rubbed her cheek against his. Scent marking him. In public.

“What are you doing, kitten?”

Mira pressed the length of her body to his. “Greeting you.”

“Darling, I asked you to greet me.”

Mira faced Aron. “No, you were testing me to see what Josh means to me. Now you know.”

Mira and Aron studied each other, careful not to lock gazes. Josh had picked up on many of the little nuances of shifter body language over the past couple of months. Actually, that wasn’t quite the truth. He’d been a part of their culture since Jazz had come home with two babies in tow five years ago. He just hadn’t wanted to admit it.

“Why are you here, Aron? You’ve avoided me for centuries.”

Aron glanced between them before looking at Jazz who stood off to the side, quietly watching them.

Josh had been so focused on Mira he hadn’t noticed Jazz. Not good. Mistakes like that could cost a man his life. He turned his attention back to the biggest threat in the room.

Aron’s pinched brows spoke of his indecision—another similarity many shifters shared. When not in hunting mode, their expressions and body language offered excellent indicators of their mood.

“I heard of the Council’s order for you. I came to talk to Kade about it, but since you’re here, shall we discuss it instead?”

That wasn’t the only reason. Josh studied him. Why not mention his interest in Molly? Was it possible he was simply curious about the little girl? Mira tightened her grip around the waistband of Josh’s jeans, distracting him from his thoughts. With her knuckles brushing his spine, sparks whipped through him.

“The Council’s order is not something I want to talk about here.”

Aron smirked. “Don’t you want your pet to know he’ll be losing you?”

She slipped out of Josh’s arms and planted her palms on the bar separating them from Aron. “Do not call Josh by that derogatory term again. I will not warn you twice.”

Josh ground his teeth. No way. She would not protect him.

With his hands on her hips, he yanked her against his body and pressed his lips to her ear. “If Aron wants to fight, he can meet me in the field. I’m always up for a good match.” He focused on the shifter. “Fists only. No claws or teeth. Got to even things up. Otherwise, it’s not fun.”

Another big grin spread across Aron’s face. Full feline fangs showed as he bared his teeth. “You’re on. You pick the time. I’ll be there.”

“You plan on staying?” A hint of panic laced Mira’s words.

Aron openly perused her. Desire slid into his eyes as he mapped a path down her body. “Yes. I’ve been away from the pride too long. Two and a half centuries too long.”

Jazz stepped closer. “A visit my brother-in-law isn’t privy to. I know exactly what your slip of protocol means, mister, and I won’t stand for your snubbing of Kade’s authority here.”

“Aaahh, the newest member of the pride.” Aron stood and bowed. “Jasmine Alexander, mate to Rafe, welcome to the family. My life for yours.”

The greeting he’d heard every shifter make to Jazz was a literal vow. He’d learned that after asking several of them about it.

Aron bent his head and kissed Jazz’s cheek, breaking the tension.

“I see why my little cousin became enamored with you.” Aron lifted her chin, turned her face side to side, and nodded. “Yes. A very good choice indeed. You’re beautiful. I’m sure you look good on Rafe’s arm.”

Fire lit her eyes. Jazz opened her mouth to no doubt tell him off. Josh cleared his throat in an attempt to salvage the situation. “I’ll let Kade know you’re here. In the meantime, drinks are on the house.”

“No need. I’ve informed Rafe of our guest.” Jazz looked Aron up and down. “Kade is on his way over.”

Aron glanced at Josh. “Good. Then I can officially place my bid to court Mira.”