My Dear Sir, — Yours of the 4th was this morning received, and I hasten to assure you that your apprehension of having forfeited my good-will, is entirely groundless. — It is surely a hard case, if a critic may not express his opinions, freely, and even severely, in this land of freedom. All that an author can expect, in such a case, is to explain, if he supposes there has been ought of misconception. This I ventured to do. — But to cherish vindictiveness, is quite another affair, & I assure you, forms no part of my creed. There is surely, enough of controversy abroad in our land, without its few literati lifting up the tomahawk, and scalping-knife against each other. Even if I had cherished some lingerings of resentment, which I by no means acknowledge, you would have entirely removed every such sombre shadow, by your favorable review of Mellen’s poems. — He is a man of genius, who I think, has not been fully appreciated in New-England, and I give you thanks, for rendering him, what I consider, a just reward.
— I send at your request, what I happen to have by me, — and as you will have it to be a peace offering, you can thus view it, though there is in reality, no truce to be made between us. Do not, however, assume a more lenient style with regard to me, in consequence of any little aid I may have afforded the “Messenger,” since no traffick in civilities is as valuable in my opinion as sincerity.
Yours, with respect, and in perfect good temper,
L. H. Sigourney.
If it would not be too much trouble, might I ask you to inquire of the bookseller, to whom Mr. White consigned my “Letters to Young Ladies,” if he meets with any difficulty in disposing of them? If so, we would be glad to have them returned, — as the Edition is expended, and there are demands for them here & in New-York, which we have not the means of satisfying, until another edition is issued. I would not burden you with this commission, if I knew the bookseller’s name.
L. H. Sigourney.