My Dear Poe, — More than a week ago I wrote you a long letter in which I stated that I had sent a communication to Graham and made the request of you, that as a fellow feloniously had taken my “monies” you would suggest to your friend to let me have a remittance as soon as possible.
As yet it has not come. I have been disappointed in receiving a remittance from St. Louis from an editor for whom I have been writing and I feel constrained to request, my dear friend, that you would jog Mr. Graham’s memory. Don’t fail me — for my Pocket is at a low ebb.
What with the failure of the banks and the death of General Harrison, which leaves the future operations of the present cabinet in the dark, I fear that it will be some time before publishing resumes its former busy existence. Dam Locofocoism — there was some little money to be made by books before that — but nowadays! Poe, go at the copyright law — Nicklin (I think is the name) has written a book upon the subject and that will give you all the necessary information.
Dow I wrote you was turned out. Well, he is getting along well as an agent for post-masters — or rather for those who wish to make contracts with the post office department. He seems cheerful and has quit drinking even hard cider. The Locofocos here seem to think or wish to think that President Tyler will go with them — or at least be half and half. How would you like to be an office holder here at $1500 per year payable monthly by Uncle Sam who, however slack he may be to his general creditors, pays his officials with due punctuality. How would you like it? You stroll to your office a little after nine in the morning leisurely, and you stroll from it a little after two in the afternoon homeward to dinner, and return no more that day. If during office hours you have anything to do it is an agreeable relaxation from the monstrous laziness of the day. You have on your desk everything in the writing line in apple-pie order, and if you choose to lucubrate in a literary way, why you can lucubrate.
Come on and apply for a clerkship, you can follow literature here as well as where you are, and think of the money to be made by it. “Think of that, Master Brooke,” as Sir John sayeth — write to me if you love me on the reception of this.
Jog Graham.
My tenderest regards to your mother and wife.
Your friend,
F. W. Thomas.
Edgar A. Poe Esqr. Philadelphia.