Washington, August 30th, 1841.
My Dear Poe, — I have been indisposed for some time, which prevented my writing to you, as I had nothing to communicate, and the exercise of my pen was painful.
I wrote you that I saw Kennedy and that he expressed his willingness to aid you in any way in his power. Sure I have conversed with the President’s sons about you — they think the president will be able and willing to give you a situation, but they say, and I felt the truth of the remark before it was made, that at the present crisis when everything is “hurlyburly “ it would be of no avail to apply to him. He is much perplexed, as you may suppose amidst the conflicting parties, the anticipated cabinet break up, etc.
As soon as times get a little more quiet I will wait on the President myself and write you of the interview. Your cryptography makes quite a talk here. Hampton tells me he had quite a demand for your August number containing it. I send you enclosed a letter from my friend Frailey on the matter of his communication. The enclosed secret writing in figures is from Chief Clerk of the Treasury, a gentlemanly, clever fellow. It is totally unlike the cryptography you speak of, but he handed it to me, with the remark that you could not make the remotest guess of what it meant. Of that I am satisfied myself — for the idea is as foreign to the plan you discuss as can be. He requested me to send it to you, saying that it was impossible for you to surmise anything about it — and I send it to you satisfied of the truth of his remark. I fear I bore you on the subject-but really you have no idea of the talk it makes here.
I wish that you would send me by return mail the August and July numbers of your magazine. I am particularly anxious to have them forthwith. Don’t fail me in this point.
Poe, let me hear from you as soon as you get this, write me a long letter and tell me how literature flourishes in the brotherly city. My respects to your wife and mother.
Your friend,
F. W. Thomas.
This is Mr. Young’s — the chief clerk’s secret writing — of course as it has not the remotest analogy with your proposed cryptography — we do not expect you to decypher it — but can you surmise anything about it — that’s the point.
F. W. T.
Write me as soon as you get this and send me the Magazine — don’t fail me.
Poe, I have a song that has been set to a very pretty tune, by a gentleman here. I would like to have it published, and will give it to any music publisher who would undertake it. Can you manage it for me? My song of “absence” sold remarkably well — and I think this would sell as well. Will you make some inquiry with regard to the publishing it for me and oblige your friend
F. W. Thomas.
Edgar Allan Poe to Frederick W. Thomas — September 1, 1841
Philadelphia — Sep. 1. — 41.
My Dear Thomas,
Griswold left a note for me at the office, the other day, requesting me to furnish him with some memoranda of your life; and it will, of course, give me great pleasure to do so; but, upon sitting down to the task, I find that neither myself, nor Mr. Clemm, upon whom I mainly depend for information, can give all the necessary points with sufficient precision for G’s purpose. Just send me a line, therefore, answering the following queries, and I will put your responses into shape. Most of the points we know, but not with full certainty.
What is your father’s Christian name? Had your parents more children than yourself, Lewis, Frances, Susan, Martha, Isabella & Jackson? — if so, what were their names? When & where were you born? With whom did you study law? What was (exactly) the cause of your lameness? How did you first become known to the literary world? Who were your most intimate associates in Baltimore? When did you remove to Cincinnati? With what papers have you been occasionally connected — if with any? Besides answering these queries — give me a list of your writings published & unpublished — and some memoranda respecting your late lectures at Washington. Reply as soon as possible, as the volume is in press.
I understand that Dow has a paper in Alexandria — how does he get on with it?
I am still jogging on in the same old way, and will probably remain with Graham, even if I start the “Penn” in January. Our success (Graham’s I mean) is astonishing — we shall print 20,000 copies shortly. When he bought Burton out, the joint circulation was only 5000. I have had some excellent offers respecting the “Penn” and it is more than probable that it will go on.
How do you get on yourself? I have been expecting a letter from you.