Jackson, Tennessee,
Decr — 1st 1841.
I have Mr. Poe in my possession a communication from “Boz”, in its nature so perfectly unique — and in its construction so full of the most beautiful thoughts, that I can scarcely get my own consent for any other to see a sparkle of the rich gem in which it is embedded. He sent it to me as a token of his remembrance — and gratefully did I receive it — and most sacredly have I preserved it.
As he is about visiting this country, I have concluded to suffer some of his own bright thoughts that have never yet seen the light of a garish day, to meet him on its thresh-hold. In permitting other eyes than my own to se it, I have yielded an unwilling consent to duty, and but justice to the author, which under ordinary circumstances would not have been done. This Original Communication will be sent to you in time for publication in the February issue of “Graham’s Magazine.” If you see “Boz”, while he is in America, give him my thanks for his notice of his distant countryman.
And receive yourself, for the notice you have taken of me in your last Magazine, the Earnest prayer of an honest heart for your happiness.
Ever yours,
Jno. Tomlin
Edgar A Poe, Esq.