Jackson, Tennessee,

July 2, 1843.

My Dear Sir, — I had seen, before I received your letter of the 20 ult, Mr. Clark’s announcement in the “Museum,” of his withdrawal from the Stylus project; — and even before then, from your long and protracted silence, and in the absence of all evidence, save this, had the belief that the devilish machinations of a certain clique in Philadelphia, had completely baulked your laudable designs. But 1 had not supposed that Morton C. Michael had joined in, with this minnow tribe of litterateurs, in their persecutions against you. I had supposed that between you, there existed an association, that was with him, as unselfish, as it was generous on your part. Your final triumph over this clique, will give me more pleasure than anything I wot of now.

I had solicited Mr. Simms to make in the Magnolia, a notice of your project, which he has done, I see, in the June number. In his private letters to me, he speaks in high praise of your Endowments as an artist.

I had collected the materials, for several Biographical notices of our Southern Writers, and was getting them up in good style, when I learned the fate of your project. I will keep them on hand for you, — and in the event of your ever needing them, I will have a pleasure in furnishing you with them. In a notice of Mrs. Hintz [sic] in the June number of the Magnolia, by my friend, the Honorable Alexander B. Meek, of Tuscaloosa, you will find that he has paid you a fine compliment. The idea of your getting up a Magazine was such a good one, and took so well, that I was greatly hurt on learning its abandonment.

I had caused to be noticed in various newspapers of the South and West, your project; and did see thro’ these sources, the high admiration in which my friends in those places, held your Endowments. Could you have once started, your success would have been complete. Have you not in your City, some, that thro’ a friendship which they feel not, are doing you much evil? I have had a letter quite lately, from one professing all friendship for you, in which some allusions are made to you in a manner greatly astonishing me.

W. Gilmore Simms writes me, that he will be in your city this summer. While there any attentions shewn him, will be reciprocated by me. Should you at any future time, get up your work, I will be as willing then, as I have always been, to extend to you, in its behalf, the entire weight of my influence.

Affectionately Yours,
Jno Tomlin.

Edgar A. Poe, Esq.