University. Septemr 21rst 1826
Dear Sir,
The whole college has been put in great consternation by the prospect of an examination — There is to be a general one on the first of December, which will occupy the time of the students till the fifteenth — the time for breaking up —
It has not yet been determined whether there will be any diplomas, or doctor’s degrees given — but I should hardly think there will be any such thing, as this is only the second year of the institution & in other colleges three and four years are required in order to take a degree — that is, that time is supposed to be necessary — altho they sometimes confer them before — if the applicants are qualified —
Tho’ it will hardly be fair to examine those who have only been here one session, with those who have been here two — and some of whom have come from other colleges — still I suppose I shall have to stand my examination with the rest —
I have been studying a great deal in order to be prepared, and dare say I shall come off as well as the rest of them, that is — if I don’t get frightened — Perhaps you will have some business up here about that time, and then you can judge for yourself —
They have nearly finished the Rotunda — The pillars of the Portico are completed and it greatly improves the appearance of the whole — The books are removed into the library — and we have a very fine collection(.)
We have had a great many fights up here lately — The faculty expelled Wickliffe last night for general bad conduct — but more especially for biting one of the student’s arms with whom he was fighting — I saw the whole affair — it took place before my door — Wickliffe was much the strongest but not content with that — after getting the other completely in his power, he began to bite — I saw the arm afterwards — and it was really a serious matter — It was bitten from the shoulder to the elbow — and it is likely that pieces of flesh as large as my hand will be obliged to be cut out — He is from Kentucky — the same one that was in suspension when you were up here some time ago — Give my love to Ma and Miss Nancy — I remain,
Your’s affectionatly (sic)
Edgar A Poe